Perfect strangers

Chloe - Dean V. Shaun

Chloe's POV.

Since he had been discharged, and with his parents out of town, he was aloud to stay with me. I was given a chance to help him, to care for him, to watch him in to shower... hey I am just a girl after all. At night I'd read him things or go over all the bad stuff he did. He would just look at me all confused and innocent. He was a changed man.

Nothing was like I had planned it, now that Dean was back, Shaun and I had become distant. I knew Shaun didn't like Dean, hell I didn't like Dean, but this wasn't High school Dean this was my Dean. His warm smile, and cute laugh. I was falling so far in love with him I felt like I was flying when ever he was around I just hovered of the ground. But it was far from perfect with out Shaun. I missed him, I needed him to be okay with everything and to be my best friend again. I had to get him to see that Dean was different.

* * *


"Hey Shaun." I said welcoming inside. He slipped in and looked around.

"Hey..." he mumbled. "What is it Chloe, I have to get back to the band soon."

"Right to the point, okay then. Shaun stop being a dick."

"What, me? I'm not the one all googly eyed over some tool like Dean, I don't care if he doesn't remember. He's still the same guy." He roared at me, turning back for the door.

"Oh thats bullshit!" I screamed after him. The door slammed after him, I could hear him still yelling jumbled words outside.

Why did he have to be like that, why couldn't things go my way for once. I tried to think of what people would do in the books, in the movies if something like this was happening. Then it hit me. Go after him. I grabbed my coat and dashed out the door only to find Shaun on top of Dean, both smacked up against the rose bush near the path. Shaun's fist pounding into his face, blood coming from his nose, what was wrong with him.

"What are you doing?" I screamed grabbing Shaun by th collar and tearing him away from Dean. "Get out of here, now!"

"He's not different... Chloe, he's not" He growled lunging forward toward Dean. "He's sick, some thing's wrong with him."

"No Shaun, its you. There's something wrong with you. Just get out of here, leave us alone."

"But Chloe...."

"No Shaun... just go."

He marched off down the street, Dean sat up and rested his bloody face against my leg. He was in pain, he needed to see the doctor again.