Perfect strangers

Rhys - The Question

Rhys POV.

"So are you going to ask him?" Tara said pushing me threw the door into the band room.

"He wont he's scared, *clucking noise*, he's chicken." Chad laughed opening a bag of chips.

"I'm scared, have you asked Tara yet?" I said loud enough for her to here.

"Wait, what?" Tara asked poking her head back into the room.

"Well no, but, ahh fuck it. Tara do you want to?" Chad said pulling his hood over his eyes. "Do you?"

"I guess," she replied, a little joy leaking out into her voice, Chad's face lit up and a huge grin spread over his face. "But only if Rhy's asks Shaun so we can go together."

Chads face dropped a little then sparked back up. "So what your saying is yes, but a double?"

"Exactly." Tara called out from the kitchen.

"Aww, man now you got to ask him. You don't want me to be, like, sad. Do you?"

"It wouldn't phase me." I joked. "Alright, I'll ask, he should be here soon."

We waited, and waited. I had gotten a text of him earlier saying he might be late. Maybe an hour of so were his exact words but it was pushing the 2 hour mark and the other's were starting to get bored. I pulled them both to the TV and put on a horror movie to keep the distracted while we wait. Shaun didn't arrive for about 4 hours, and when he did he had a cut above his eyebrow.

"What happened?" I demanded grabbing him and inspecting his eye. "Who did this to you?"

"No one, I fell. Can we just practice please." He said pushing me of and walking down the hall to the band room.

We all followed. He wasn't going to tell me now, but I'd get it out of him later, when the others were asleep. We practiced for only like a hour before the other's wanted to go get food, I sent Chad and Tara out to go get pizza. This was my chance to ask.

"Shaun... I," I cant believe how scared I was right now. "Shaun, would you... do you want to go to Prom with me?"