Perfect strangers

Rhys/ Shaun - Prom King

Rhys POV.

"Hey guys there's a guy out the front taking photos, we should get ours done as a group shot." Chad said followed by a very excited and beautiful Tara.

I stood behind Shaun in the photo and wrapped my hands around him, he felt warm to me, even though it was quite cold out. Cane toward beside me behind Rachel, and Chad and Tara stood side by side, beside me opposite Cane. It was the perfect photo moment, we were all happy all at the same time. It was a great start to the best night of our lives.

I look at Tara as she stepped under one of the lights, he hair and clothes were slightly out of place... I wonder what they were doing. Everyone gives me a funny look because I start laughing, I keep my eyes on Tara until she gets what I'm thinking and turns red. Chad, with the widest grin doesn't pick up on it right away like Tara but when he does, he quickly grabs her hand and they both disappear onto the dance floor away from my excited and uncontrollable laughter. Cane and Rachel give me a crazy look from the other side of the table which makes me laugh a little more. Shaun does the cutest little giggle toward my laughter, which makes me stop and stare at him I'm shock, how could he be so cute and 'perfect' the words that spring to mind.

"Lets dance, I mean if you want to?" I ask Shaun standing up away from the table. He looks up into my eyes threw the dark flashing room and smiles.

Before I know it, with his hand in mine, I guide us onto the dance floor. A fitting slow song for our first dance I thought as the harmonic soft music played. Couples all around us started dancing close in pairs instead of wild groups. Shaun's cute eyes now watched the floor and his cheeks glowing from beneath them let me know this was as big of a deal for him as it was for me. I wanted, no needed this moment to be perfect, for him.

I quickly wrapped my free hand around his waist and pulled him in closer, we both swayed to the music, his eyes slowly making there way up my body and into mine as the song plays. I rack my brain for the right words to say to him

"Things have been hard I know, and you don't want to get hurt, who would, but you have to know I wouldn't ever hurt you I mean." I stopped, words were not working, I had to show him. I leaned in closer and pressed my burning lips against his perfect sculpted lips and felt them only heat up the rest of my body. My heart started to race as his warm hands held me tight. My tongue broke through, ravishing his mouth, in a deep battle for his. Our lips still locked, our first kiss. Butterfly's swarmed my stomach, but it felt right, sparks and all. I could see fire works and stars. Shaun was the one I knew it more then ever now and my god was he the fucking best kisser.

"I... Shaun, I want you to know. Its just, I mean... I think I'm," But I'm cut off, My eyes lock with someone else's, Matt's. What was he doing here. I cant let him hurt Shaun, he was mine now. I wasn't going to let him any were near him.

Then the music cut off and broke my chain of thought. The teacher, who's name was blank to me stood in the spot light on the stage, what was going on?


Shaun's POV.

"I think we might do thing a little backwards and go with the queen first," some random teacher called through the microphone as he waited for the deciding envelope."... and now the moment we have all been waiting for. This year Prom Queen is..."

The teacher paused only for a moment but it was enough time to hear the bickering and the re-assurance of the girls in my class. Every knew that if Aiden was in town she would have one this with flying colors, probably be the only one running but because she wasn't a few girls put them selves up for the position. Most I didn't know, but there was one I knew...

"The Prom Queen is Nikki Folie." He seemed excited to have the honor to read the note.

Who else would win beside Nikki, she was popular and scared alot of people, probably into voting for her, she was a shoe in after Aiden and the bitch of the school.

"I want to thank all the little people..." typical snob fest speech, blah blah blah. Nikki really was a queen, above others, if not only in her own mind and there was only one person who was fit to be her king. Dean, there was no way I was going to fall for his nice guy act. Dean was like Nikki, a shoe in.

"I am quite happy to announce this years Prom King, Shaun Riely."

What did he just say? I must have herd wrong. I cant help but chuckle and move forward. Wait I'm not moving I'm being pushed and pulled toward the stage. Greeted by 1 or 2 grunts of disappointment and a whole lot of congratulations. I wasn't expecting this, I could feel my mouth dry up, jaw dropped and left behind as I stumble up the stairs. Rhys gives me a loud "Woot." as the man places the crown on my head. This cant be real, it must be some kind of Prom prank. I mean I didn't even put my name down. It wasn't until the guy pushed the mike toward my face that I needed to remember how to breath, and that this was no prank.
"Uhhh. Thanks." I manage to mumble into the mike, followed by a loud rumble of cheers. I felt like I was just given a surprise party, and now I was about to receive a gift I really didn't want.

"We will now clear the floor for the King and Queens traditional dance."

I didn't want to dance with Nikki, I hated Nikki, almost as much as I hated Dean. I just wanted to be in Rhys's arms, where I felt safe. Where I was happy. Time seemed to go on with out me, the dance with Nikki went by quickly or slowly, my mind was else where it didn't matter. Rhys had left his mark on my lips. It was the perfect moment to the perfect night. Even with the cold bitchy hands of Nikki all over me and the dark stare of Dean from the crowd, it was perfect. Nothing could go wrong, not now, not with Rhys here.

"You know we could slip out after this one." Nikki whispered into my ear as we twirled on the floor, she was a sloppy dancer. "Go for a quicky. You know."

Was she really coming onto me, was she out of her mind. Everyone knew I was gay, as if you wouldn't know from looking at me dance, I was fuck the best. We kept dancing till the end of the song but she didn't let go.


"Are you drunk or something Nikki? No, just no on so many levels."

She pulled off in realization and spat at my feet, "Fag" she called to me under the music. "You could have had a queen."

"Don't worry I will." I screamed as she ran off into the bathroom. Now to find Rhys, and get a dance in the way god had ment it, man and man.