Perfect strangers

Dean - De-crowned

Dean's POV.

I just needed the fags outside to have them all together, but before that I needed to lay down one little thing for ground work. It was time to wrap everything up, the final play of the game. Chloe, Shaun, Rachel and now Aiden where all going to be in for a surprise tonight. This was going to be fun, or at least amusing for me. Shaun had left the floor in a hurry to find his lover, Rhys another factor I had to add into the game plan, not a big complication. Chloe was waiting out side for me and Rachel had followed her with Cane and Aiden to talk about my ring... so Chloe had found it the night I messed around with Shauny boy. This worked out perfect, I could now tear down the fagots relationship with this juicy confession and also stuff his sisters and the farm boys with the news of the baby's daddy. I'm tempted to leave it out of it because of the offspring but I can deal with that later, for now its was a fun game to mess with them. The new of Matt's return on tonight of all nights was also an interesting twist I had yet to work in, but I will, it did surprise me to over hear that his presence was still unknown to Shaun, that might be a nice warm up surprise, before the big bang finally.

I push open the back doors, I felt so excited, it was like a new energy was coursing through my blood. To see all their faces look up at me as I approached them was priceless, I sort of wish I had some one to document this all. I guess I would just have to remember it... the old fashioned way, but sweeter for this sort of event. Everything, even the thing I hadn't intended, had all fallen perfectly into place and set up exactly the way I wanted it to tonight. A simple greeting might add a bit of zest to this little party, like icing on a cake.

"Hey all..." I waved with a wide grin on my face, none of them spoke, all looked dumb struck and each seemed not only to have problems with me but each other. Just the way it was ment to be. "What no pleasantries, no, fine shall I start?"

No one spoke again, I looked around the broken circle and felt the grin on my face grow. I was so excited to see what would happen after months of the game it all comes down to the end, to how it turns out I guess. Shaun's look of disgust matched the opposite look Chloe was giving me. Like two sides of a coin, but not for long, soon they would be both the same.

"What I don't get is how this is yours," Chloe broke the silence, her fingers holding the ring out for everyone to see, Rachel's eyes darted at the ring then to the floor, I couldn't help but chuckle. "I mean I found this that night, outside of Shaun's room after the mystery guy ran out... why would he have you ring."

"How dumb can you get Chloe," Aiden said taking a step aways from Chloe. "Shaun and Dean messed around, that why we couldn't find then that night... thats why I woke up alone that same night... your little boyfriend decided to play on the other side for a night... maybe more who knows if their still going?"

"Its not true, Shaun hates Dean." Rhys tryed to explain, but some how was out of place for is not existence to our lives during this time. "Its not is it baby?"

Shaun's look was so far my favorite thing ever, his face went from anger to worry then to sick and dazed, he sat down quickly and put his head in his hands. Looks like payback for that hit to my face was kicking in, or the ground work if you will... never thought of spiking a drink till a friend told me a story... the only two people I hadn't involved in the final play were Nikki and Lucas, but I guess now both had played a part. Lucas's drugs and Nikki's little show inside after the dance... plus my plaything to mess with Aiden earlier this year. Rhys followed Shaun to the ground to make sure he was okay, the sweat dripping of Shaun's head made this only more enjoyable.

"Oh its true," I laughed, "and he was good, he has a cute little scar right above his..." I winked at a now alarmed Rhys who jumped back up away from Shaun and edged closer to me by a foot. I quickly glanced a Chloe who still hadn't reacted, she was frozen. Rachel's face had also not moved yet, time to mess with her and the giant.

"Well that explains how Chloe got the ring, but it doesn't explain the inscription on the inside." Aiden demanded leaning up against the wall. Cane, the giant towering over us stiffened up after the inscription was recounted by Aiden. "Its yours.... Dean." Rachel turned to a statue Cane, it was funny how she went from nothing to broken down crying and heavy sobbing, as she tried to explain the fact that she and I had slept together one night almost a year ago and I played her like I did Aiden, Shaun, and Chloe.

"I don't understand," Rhys finally spoke to Shaun. "You hate Dean how could you?" Shaun remained silent, but looked up from his hands crying, perfect.

"Don't play Innocent Rhys, you think you would get away from this with out me telling your secret. In fact you all have kept this from your 'friend'. Shaun did you know Matt is here somewhere and they have all been keeping you away from him."

Shaun didn't move, then he swayed... and then collapsed hitting the floor hard, his crown broke in to a four or five pieces and some jetted in all directions. Not exactly what I planned but it will do. Wait... blood. Shaun's head was bleeding the smack against the concrete had done damage, wait why do I care. "Drugs worked better then I thought."

"What?" Chloe demanded rushing to Shaun's side. "You did this to him?"

"All part of his de-crowning...." I laughed. "Don't any of you see yet, its all be planned, from that night at the carnival till now, and you've all played your parts so well."

"You jerk!" Cane finally roared, and before I knew it his giant iron farm boy fist flew into my face. "Its okay babe, I don't care if its his...." His words became jumbled with the ringing in my head. "...*ringing* I Love you."

"Don't you see he played us all." Aiden says standing over me, "he deserves alot more... *ringing* .... punch in the face, *ringing*.... this is just who he is."

"We need help over here,.... Shaun *ringing* hes lost a lot of blood..... *ringing* Shaun baby?.... *ringing*.... he's not breathing... Get help!" Rhys screams.