Perfect strangers

Rachel - Brother, baby, brother?

Rachel's POV.

The Next day...

Dean had gotten to us all, the time bomb had blown at prom and taken everyone down. Cane was still my strong tower, I couldn't understand why. Why he wouldn't leave me, sure he had no real problems with Dean like the rest of us, but they were never friends. Chloe and Aiden disappeared after the prom and so did the Dean. I had never been part of the click until after Deans flip out and Aiden leaving, but I was sure he was in love with here. What happened between him and I was a drunken mistake, we both new it, but it was the after bit that made me hate him. He promised to take care of our baby but then he went mental and now hes put my brother in the hospital. After Shaun was admitted Rhys and Matt had not left, neither had moved or said one word while they waited for Shaun to come out of the emergency room. I could take it after one hour in the hospital, I had to go to the spot in the woods. I needed to get away. I called Cane up to tell him that I would be around where he had picked Shaun and I after Matt left town, just so he knew where I was.

No matter what time of year it was the spot always felt the same, it would always be our spot. When I got there my heart almost broke, we had never taken anyone to the willow, I thought of it as my brothers and mine, but there standing near the river under the old drooping willow was a man. Hidden from me by the covering shadow of the willow, he was tall and handsome that much was clear. He had no right, not now of all days. I cradled my now bulging belly and stormed over in his direction.

"Hey bucko what are you doing here? This is my spot."

"No its my spot I found it a few years ago," the shadow laughed. "You got big... and big."

"Who are you?" but as I took the last step it was all to clear.

"Don't even know your own brothers face."


"Hey little sis, whoa you got your self a bun hey?"

Then it tore through me all the long lost emotion, the pain. I hurt, it really hurt. Oh no. Pain spiked again, it hurt so much. Had I done something to upset the baby, it moved around in me with great strength pulling all my insides. I hurt, the pain was almost blinding before I knew it Ken, my long lost brother who I had always thought was alive but went along with mum and dad for their sake, was here holding me as my legs buckle and we trudge off into the wood toward the main road.

"Looks like I found you for a reason little sis, that baby's coming out anytime now. We got to get you to a hospital."

* * *

I was going to have a baby, it was only sinking in now. Ken had called Cane, but he wasn't here yet, then gone down the wing to see Shaun... even though he wasn't awake yet Ken wanted to see his grown up brother. I understood why he went, actually I may have made him go. The pain was getting closer and closer together, sharp jolts then long grinding pains I screamed and screamed when we finally got started. Neither Ken or Cane where here, I wanted Cane here more then anything... it was 'his' baby. I knew deep in my heart he was racing here but I didn't think he would make it. The doctors words ment nothing right now, none of them except "Push".

Seconds seemed to last for hours until Cane burst threw the door. "Rachel, Shaun..."
What about Shaun, I was the one having the baby, right now what did my brother have to do with anything. I loved my brother but right now was my moment, I just wanted my baby. "Shaun...." I screamed.

"He's flat lined, the doctors are trying now to get him back... Rach' I'm so sorry. Rachel?"

"Here it comes." The doctor calls before everything goes black.

What just happened, Canes gone. Everyones gone, where did they all go. Wheres my baby, my baby... why is it so dark. At least the pains gone, I feel relaxed, calm and bliss full, but I want my baby, I want Cane. Wait did he say my brother, my Shaun was gone. No he cant, no wait. I don't feel so good now.