Perfect strangers

Matt - No words

Matt's POV.

4 days later...

Not one word since he woke up, since he found out his sister had died and his lost brother had returned. I just want him to speak, to tell me what going on behind those blank eyes. The doctor says there's nothing they can do, that there's nothing wrong with him, that he's just shutting everyone out because hes not dealing with what happened. Shaun was emotionally and physically shutdown from the world. Ken had tired, Rhys had tried and now it was my turn. Why did they have to put him in a room by himself for this, one big window and a chair... that was it. I knelt down in front of the chair and in between the window, so close to his face but the whole time he didn't move, slight movement from his chest to show he was breathing, weakly, but breathing. His cold lifeless eyes stared right past me, past the window, past out side, further the the horizon. Shaun was gone, there was no one behind the eyes that... didn't even notice I was there, was there nothing we could do?

"Shaun?" I had to make sure, he didn't respond, just sat there. Shaun was gone and there was nothing any of us could do. "Come back to us soon."

It hurt so much to leave him in the first place, now I didn't even know where he was. He was here in body but the Shaun I knew, the guy I was in love with was gone. I just hoped not forever.

* * *

I knew that if I ever wanted things back the way they were before I left, I would have to fix them. With Dean still missing and Aiden reconnecting with Chloe my first task was to make sure our local farm boy was okay, and to see how he was dealing with Rachel.

The drive seemed to take longer then normal, I had gone over everyday after Rachel passed, to help out Cane with the baby. It was unlikely he would need my help, from what I had seen he was pretty much the perfect dad, built for kids you could say, but I knew that he hadn't, like Shaun, really given much thought to Rachel's death after the first 24 hours... the worst 24 hours I had ever seen. Cane took it really bad, broke down and cried for hours before going to see his daughter. Shaun nearly flat lined then woke up and found his sister had passed. I don't think he has even seen it yet, he went right into his comma state.

"Hello?" I said walking into the old barn, which had been made into a little house for the new family.

"Up here, shhh, she's sleeping," he called down the staircase. "and skip the third step it creeks."

I half ran up the stairs to the baby's room, skipping the third step. My guess was she was asleep. I was right. The little baby, lay in a homemade crib. All the furniture in the room was home made. Cane was picking up thing from the floor when I walked into the room. He half smiled and continued to clean picking up small clothes and wooden toys Cane had made. He looked up at me, just to remind me to be quiet I guess, then went back to what he was doing as I walked over to see little Rachel.

* * *

I went back to the hospital the next day and found Shaun in the same room in the same chair staring out the window. Only this time sitting on the floor in front of him was Rhys, his head resting against the arm of the chair, I was sure he was asleep, the poor boy looked so drained so tired. He hadn't slept since the events of Prom, and not once left Shaun's side unless I was there. I think he was avoiding the thing we would have to deal with after everything was okay, who was going to be with Shaun. I didn't know much about the relationship they had had but there was no way it was a strong as ours, I knew it was a mistake to leave him, but thats why I was back to get him back. I loved him.

* * *

Bang!, the door slams open and I feel myself jump out of my skin. A giant enters the room holding a tiny pillow yelling at the top of his lungs, and so is the pillow.

" We need to fix this now!" He demands. Cane towers over Shaun holding the tiny baby in his arms out toward him.
♠ ♠ ♠
A short one I know but, there are more to come and soon to. (important chapter for later)