Perfect strangers

Shaun - Rachel's eyes

Shaun's POV.

Canes entrance, had brought me back in away, me eyes jolted toward the door then back out the window. Rhys jumped up from the floor in front of the chair, I hadn't noticed him there. I thought I was alone. Apparently not because on the other side of the room Matt also jumped up. Both of them looked like zombies, neither had been sleeping, but it was Cane who looked the worst. His eyes were puffy and dark, filled with tears and in his arms a screaming, crying baby.

"It's time you deal with everything Shaun. You need to, so that I can, I cant move on until you do." Cane yelled, I had never seen him so mad with anyone. "Just hold her if you wont speak to me, she deserves to know her uncle, Rachel's wants you to."

The name cut through me, Rachel, how could he say her name her after everything. I didn't want to be here, no, I didn't want them to be here. I wanted them all to Fuck off. I could feel the pain starting to kick in, I didn't want it to. They had brought it back, no I wasn't going to let it. I need to feel nothing, numb. I want to feel to see nothing, instead a tiny face appears in my lap. Then tiny warm hands wrap around one of my fingers. Its soft skin reminds me in a sort of flash back I guess, Rhys's lips touching mine at prom, our first kiss. Then it hit me, Rachel, the baby was Rachel, I could see it in her eyes, this beautiful eyes with extra big iris's and small pupils, she had Rachel's eyes. She, was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her tears and screams stopped, then the was nothing but her looking up at me and yawning before falling asleep. Know I see why he needed my help, he had held on so hard, held it in all week and I had done nothing.

"I see her." I whispered, Matt and Rhys edged forward but it was Cane who strided over to me and knew exactly what I ment.

"I do to, its whats been keeping me going. Shes here, Rachel."

Then the wave crashed over me for the first time since, pain and sadness, hollow feeling was gone. Little things plugged it up and made it bearable, little Rachel, Cane, Rhys and Matt I could finally feel them see them clearly.

"It hurts so much, I cant...." My heart tears and burns. My eyes gush with streams of water, droplets fall around the sleeping angel in my lap. Rhys sits down on the floor in front of me and rests his head on my knee.

"Its okay baby, its okay." he rubs his hand over my free arm. His touch makes me feel better, almost peaceful.

"It will be okay you know?" Matt said, now standing behind me rubbing my shoulder, his warm hand were comforting to, but different. "What you need is to get away for a while."
"I don't think so," Rhy's head jolted up from my leg to look at Matt. "Cane needs him, little Rachel needs him...." I could of sworn under his breath he said something, I hoped had been 'I need him'.

"What about what he needs...." Matt to said something similar under his breath, I think, 'What about mine'.

I guess I was right to have thought it because Rhys had heard it as well. "What about your needs, what about what he wants, and since when did you care. You left remember, you broke his heart, you bastard." Then with out warning Rhys punched Matt in the eye. Rhys had gone red with rage, my pain seemed to cause him pain.

"Its time to go," Cane interrupted taking Rachel back, she moved in discomfort for a split second before resiting against Canes large shoulder. "You two better cool down, I'm taking Shaun and Rachel home, deal with this later."

"I thinks thats wise, fighting isn't the right way either." Matt said turning away and walking out the door. He seemed a bit snobby, but older, more his age now I guess then when we were dating, back when he wasn't the 'oldest' he was just one of us. He had grown up in Africa. Rhys just huffed and helped me up, I could feel his heart racing as his now burning hands caressed mine while I stood. I missed his touch, his warmth as our skin met at any time. His pounding heart which was music to my ears. It was all back... Time, life, and love. Ah love, but with who, who was I in love with.

* * *

A few days later.

Rhys and Matt had been over one after the other, which was good in one way and not so good in the other. They both helped me feel better about everything but at the same time worse that I had to chose, and soon. Which of them I was going to go with. Guys my age shouldn't have to deal with things like this, no one should. Rhys and I shared an amazing kiss, I felt myself around him. He made me happy,... but I don't know much about his past, he seems to keep it very hush hush, which worries me. On the other hand Matt was my first love. He taught me things other then school stuff. We had been through so much and had a long relationship... until he left.

I walked around for a while thinking, my only free time away from them both. Then I decided on the right guy, it was so clear now, I had to go to him. I rushed to his house and sat on his bed, the room covered with strange items and paper, pens and a book half covered which read "History through the Ages, Life with...." I could hear him, coming upstairs, this posh part of town was so far away from home, I could see a lake from the window it calmed my nerves a little. I was distracting myself, I didn't know what to say. I was so in love, I still hope that he loved me back.