Perfect strangers

Cane - Bagston Legal

Cane's POV.

I couldn't believe how much she looked like her mother, sure she was tiny, with tiny hand and tiny feet, but still she looked like Rachel. It was hard not to have her, not to have my Rachel, but it was our daughter that made it bearable. Little Rachel was my whole world now, I knew I had to get a job and support her, to take care of her, to put her before myself. I loved her more and more, each day I spent with her I found myself clinging to her, loving her like her mother would have wanted.

While she slept, I tried to keep up with my farm chores, and looked for a steady job but it wasn't easy. Mum, dad and even Elliot helped out when they could, but I was never more then a stones throw away from her at all times, she needed me, like I needed her. I had gotten a little behind now that I had her, on chores but mum had offered to watch her as I caught up, she was a sleep in the house while I tended to the barn. Random stacks of hay and straw lay about every were, my room up stairs, which I had not been in much since Rachel was born had began to gather a layer of dust. As I cleaned I noticed a dust-free spot on the stair case leading up, then another... foot prints. Someone had been here, and gone up stairs. I followed them into the room, they lead right to the bed. A note lay face down on the bed, it was addressed to me. My first thought was something Rachel had left her, but that wouldn't explain the dust being smudged of the stairs. It wasn't a note I realized but a letter,

# # #

Dear Mr. C. Kendy, Monday/17th

The department of affairs, has been contacted by the biological father of one Rachel 'Kendy', as carerer of the child you will be compensated a small fee thanks to your efforts in caring for the child in question, but we are sad to inform you that if you do not submit the child with in 5 day to the biological father Mr. Dean... we will, along with the department of affairs have to take legal action and remover her from you custody. As there is not blood tie to the Child the father has right of requesting custody of said child, and has full support as legal guardian, backed by law you must comply with said demands to avoid possible jail time. If questioned, the court may request a blood sample from both sides to prove biological connection.

Final date: Friday/22nd.

Signed - Charles, 'Bagston legal' law firm.

# # #

What, Dean the sick bastard was trying to take away my whole reason for living. How could he go so low, why would he do this to his daughter. He didn't want her he just wanted to mess with my life, how could he do this to Rachel.

"uhhh, Cane?" Elliot said creeping up the stairs clearing her throat, a hot cup of tea in her hand. "Are you alright little brother?"

I threw her the letter, Bagston legal, A high price lay firm. I had no hope in winning, I already knew it. But I couldn't give up Rachel, not now, not ever. My sweet little angel, there was no way I would give her up without a fight. I had to do something. I got up from the bed and started pacing. Elliot read over and over the letter, before throwing it down stairs in a ball.

"It'll be okay little brother, I'm not going to let this slim bag take her away from you, away from our family, her family."

I hadn't noticed that I was crying until now, Dean would pay if he took Rachel away from me... I would make sure of it. If he took my daughter away I would make him suffer, I even considered killing him. Thats when I realized I knew what I could do, I grabbed the phone and dialed the number of someone who hated Dean as much as I did, someone who would be able to help me take him down, some one who would help my destroy him.

"Hello, Aiden?. listen I need your help."

"Whats wrong Cane?" she said as I put her on speaker phone.

"Its Dean, hes trying to take little Rachel away from me, he cant take my princess away... you got to help me. Please."

"You got it, I cant wait to watch that little bastard squirm, well destroy him in court."

"Do you think she will come this way, I mean we cant really afford her." Elliot questioned Aiden.

"I'll convince her, free of charge, Don't worry guys I wont let Dean take Rachel."

"Thank you so much... your... thank you Aiden." I sobbed, I couldn't believe how upset I was.

Aiden hung up the phone, the line went dead. Our only hope of beating Dean was to have the best lawyer in the world, and Aidens Aunt Karen, or GeeGee, was the best the world had seen by far.