Perfect strangers

Dean - An Idiotic Decision, Sex

Dean's POV.

I hated the doctors, especially since I had to change doctor... its not like Canes sister was going to keep treating me now that I had filed to take her brothers bundle of joy away from him. The new doctor looked over my blood work and test results, a simple check up for the comma thing. It wasn't that important, I had one every week or so, but the smell of thick bleach was making me a little queasy, this never happened before. I had been feeling a little less equipped to deal with everything. I guess I need to take a break after this round of the game. I mean I must be a little exhausted.

I had played everything out so well, and with very little effort, I had Rhys breaking up with Shaun, Matt in my pocket and Cane about to be removed from little Rachel's life. It was a little sad for me to remove her from him, being blood and all, but she would go live with my parents after custody was mine. He was pathetic, what hope did he have of beating me in court.

There was one thing I was going to have to do before Friday, and that was to start a game with Chloe, I would be to busy with the others if I didn't start something soon. She had been avoiding everyone since Prom and Rachel's death, I knew if I played my cards right I could start something with her, maybe plant another seed... have a few more of me around, how could that be bad. In fact, seeing a few more of my might make for good sport, I could teach them how to play the game, like my dad taught me and my brother... I mean I'm sure Dan would come into town to help me teach the little punks when there old enough. Then dad might let me join his mens club and I can finally find out whats behind the big doors at the country club. But what little twist can I use to get Chloe back in love with me.

"I've been looking over you results, Mr... umm, Dean is it?" I was rudely interrupted from my thoughts. The doctor was a woman, she was alright looking

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, take some of this and two of these... blah blah blah, come on doc I'm sick of these check ups... give us some pills I could really use. Come on toots, you know you want to, we could have our own Little party" I said pinching her perfect little butt as she walked back to her desk.

"I'm going to forget that, but this is serious Dean. Look we have picked up something, we need to know all your recent sexual partners."

"My sexual partners... doctor I'm offended, I'm not having sex." I said put my Innocent face on.

"Don't lie to me Dean, Who have you been sexual active with in the last week of so, you have picked up a strain of the AIDS virus, and due to the medication you are on it has progressed into the high stages of development..."

"I have AIDS, impossible, even if I was 'sexual active', I'm into women. AIDS is a Homo virus."

"Dean, the stage you are in,... AIDS could clam you life with in the week."

"What?" but how, how could I have AIDS, it was impossible... unless... Matt!

"Please, we have to find your most recent sexual partners to alert them in case they don't know they have the virus."

"I don't know, ehh I have to go."

I yelled running out of the clinic, how could this happen to me. It was not part of the game, no were in my plan. That bastard played me, he must have know. He transfered AIDS to me, that sick homo fuck. Such an idiotic decision, sex... A I D S, could this homo decease be my down fall? How could it be Matt again, how could he have almost been my down fall before this, when he convinced me I was actually in Love, with Aiden that superficial plastic bitch. Matt and Aiden had almost made me forget who I was, well not this time, no. If I had to speed up the game to get in to the club then so be it.