Perfect strangers

Shaun - Deans Last Game.

To have him here in my arms, it was like a dream. We had both left Matt and gone to eat something to talk over where Rhys and I stood. I told him that I didn't care about his past, that if he didn't want to tell me then that was okay as long as he didn't leave me again. I was nothing with out him, he was my life now. We came home after dinner, well back to my place, I wasn't ready to go back to his yet. I could counld hold back that new relationship lust and neither could he, not all the way anyway. We made out for a while before getting into bed and watching a movie, we both fell asleep before the opening credits, or at least I did. Everything was back the way it should be, could life finally be getting back to normal?

The light that peaked out from behind the window seemed to give him a warm glow, his shirtless body laying so still on my bed only mover up and down ever so slightly as he breathed in and out. He smells so good, sure we were both covered in sweat but he still smelled like so sweet fruit that had yet to be discovered, nothing I knew smelled as good. He had the cutest smile on his face as he slept, it made me wonder what he was dreaming about.

"Morning" he said squinting up at me, he looked so cute. I had to shake off the other day as a bad dream, this is how we were ment to be.

"Morning, do you want breakfast?" I said realizing that for once, like the first night we met, I was the host. It was my house.

"Nah, I'm not hungry... for food anyway." He said with a big grin, his eyes were wide open now, staring up at me.

"No," I said throwing one leg over him and and pulling myself on top of him, I leaned in and kissed him. "Taste good?"

"Mmmhmm," he agreed nodding his head as I pulled away, "I'm still hungry." He leaned up and kissed me. He really was a great kisser. "Wait, I thought we were doing the bean in a cup thing... taking it slow."

"Yeah I never really got that, plus I flunked biology." I said pushing him back down and kissing him passionately. Then my brain decided it wanted to work, I pulled away from him. I could feel the disappointed look on my face. "Your right, we should slow down, but..."

"But... thats good enough for me," Rhys said tearing into me with another kiss, his hands now rubbed against my chest pulling at my shirt. "Mmmm, Shaun."

I removed my shirt, breaking from the kiss only for second as it past over my head. Our lips crashed against each other, our tongue raged war in a heated battle, I had never been so lustful, all I wanted was for him throw me down and.... His hands slowed as they caressed my chest, edging downward, finding their way to my boxers. Each finger ran a line around the front of the elastic, before sliding one by one under it. His warm hands soon held me, a hardening stiff me. I wanted him so much, he didn't need to play games with me not this time. He knew it, yet he still teased me, playing while he planned his next move. Soon I felt a pleasant feeling as Rhys disappeared from site, my boxers flying across the room. No more foreplay... I felt him devourer my, slow at first but with each moan that escaped my throat, his only went deeper, taking me whole I felt a rush so much like a drug, I screamed. "Rhys!"

"Shaun?" a voice came from my bedroom door, "is everything alright in there son?" my mother questioned through the door.

"Yeah mum," I said my voice shake as Rhys continued to suck. "Just... hmmm, a mmm, spider!"

"Oh, well... There's a package down stairs for you love, I'll leave it in the kitchen alright?"

"Fi... fine, mmmmum, thanks."

The sound of her foot steps echoing down the hall ment she had left, Rhys only took this as a sign to make me scream again, and again and again. I was soon spent, I had nothing left, he had made me tired and he was doing all the work, I had never felt so high. He smiled at me, at least he was tired to I didn't feel so bad. We both lay still for a moment, my fingers running around the lines that made up the muscles of his torso, lingering around his pecks. Slowly, I rested my head against his and fell asleep.

* * *

Rhys was gone, but in his place a small note and a little box. I flicked open the little card of paper it read:

"Sorry babe, had to go meet Tara and Chad at my place. Come around if your up for it. I love you so much, I left you something to remind you that. Yours forever Rhys."

It was sweet, he had underlined forever, I guess as a way of saying he would never leave me again, I could tell when he looked at me that he was sorry, that he was in pain for causing my pain thats why I could forgive him, what ever he wasn't telling me must be really bad... and I hope one day I would find out, when he was ready to tell me. I turned my attention to the small box, inside was a little red gummy bear, my favorite lollies, and around its waist a ring. Engraved in the inside of the silver or white gold band it read 'My soul, My heart, My love, and My life'. It was the most amazing thing ever, I really loved him and its exactly what I had given him.

I slumped around the house for a while. Mum, dad and Ken had all left early to visit Rachel and Cane, I guess mum decided I was a little busy with the 'spider' to go. I missed my little Rachy poo, but I would see the little monster later. I found myself in the kitchen before I found the package mum had said had been delivered this morning, my name was written all over it in big bold letters, it was like a really big envelope. I had forgotten all about it until I walked into the kitchen and found it sitting on the table. I tore it open and out slide a few sheets of paper a small envelope and a Note : 'Shaun, The truth, my final move. Checkmate!' I didn't get it, it didn't say who it was from. Then I turned my attention the the other con-tense of the package, the papers... the photos. I wanted to know someday why Rhys had done what he had done, but not today, not like this.