Perfect strangers

Aiden - Once apon a time

Aiden's POV.

Lora was coming over with some news, she was on her way over from the hotel aunt GeeGee and her were staying at, I didn't know if GeeGee was coming or not she probably was still prepping for Canes case over Dean, but Lora seemed pretty happy when she told me she was coming over. I was freaking out about graduation coming up and my exam results.

"Hey punk, there's a strange guy sitting on your front step asking for you." Lora said making her way into the kitchen where I was waiting for her. She was alone, from what I could tell.

"What, really?" How strange, I wonder who it is. I got up and passed her on my way to the front door.

"Yeah, hey hey hey, I want to tell you the news first."

"Oh right, whats the big news."

"Aunt Karen got transfered, looks like where staying in town buddy." she said wrapping her arm around me.

"Whoa really thats great. Oh my god, seriously... thats awesome. You guys better come stay here with me."

"Yeah yeah, now you better go tend to your gentleman caller," she joked heading for the kitchen. "I need me some food... its a long drive... almost 10 minutes." she laughed going out of sight. I rushed to the door and opened it, no one was there.

Then there was a rustle in the bushes at the bottom of the stairs and out stepped a man, swaying and moaning. He crawled up the stairs and parked himself on the top step at my feet, and close enough into the light for me to see the familiar face looking up at me.

"Dean what are you doing out here?"

"Aiden, I have to speak to you please, just 5 minutes."

He sound so weak, his face was pale and sweat was coming from every part of his face. He looked really ill and a little drunk, that might have been the beer in his hands. To say the truth he looked a lot like a bum, dirty and disgusting.

"You've got 2, so make it quick." I explained sitting on the step next to him.

He looked away from me and rested his head against the rail. He really didn't look so good. He was breath quite heavy, a sort of wheezing came from his lungs each breath he took sounded gross.

"Aiden its you, its always been you since the start. I didn't know it until Matt pulled me aside one day after class,"

"Look Dean if your here to try and play another one of your sick games, or if your trying to do something to stop me helping Cane, you can save it."

"Its not a game, I'm done with games... I just want you to know the truth. I want you to know why I am the way I am."

I couldn't speak, he sounded so bad, but something about his tone made me think that he might actually want me to listen, but I wasn't going to let my guard down. I knew that that would be a bad thing to do around Dean, he was great at making people do what he wanted and believe what he wanted them to believe.

"Alright, lets here it." I said turning to face him, leaning my back against the rail on the other side of the stairs. "I want to know everything... and no more lies."

"No lies I promise, I don't really have time for lies or games anymore... The reason I am the way I am, is because of my Father."

"Your father?"

"My father, my real father I mean not the guy my mum remarried, anyway he always told me that if I could control the people around me, I would be happy... and that he would be proud of me. I guess thats the real reason I did it, *cough* that and the money. My dad offered the winner this company after we turned 21 and $1,000,000 until then. He played my brother Dan, and I against each other. He told us that he would be watching our every move, that if we did control every...*cough*, everyone that we would be able to dominate life and be worthy to run his company."

"So you did this because of your father, you did this to your friends because you wanted money, and daddy's respect?"

"Yeah *cough* I guess I did."

"Thats just wrong, Dean you fucked up everyones life, you fucked up your friends lives... you selfish, arrogant fuck wit."

"I had no other choice, after the divorce, it was everything he promised me, I just wanted..."

"Just wanted what, to be happy... well let me ask you Dean, are you happy."

"" I guess it hit him hard then, I don't think he had ever thought about it. I had to make him see. "But...."

"There's no 'but' Dean, you have destroyed peoples lives, made them suffer. Made me suffer, hurt me so much I had to leave... and now look at you, your so sick because of you this happened, look what you won from playing games."

He sat for a moment wheezing every breath. "Its his fault," he coughed out.

"No Dean, your father may have put you on the path, but you followed it... your a monster just like he wanted you to be."

Dean sat still for a second, his breathing picking up in speed, he looked worse now, if that was possible. Then I noticed his lips moving, he was mumbling something under his breath... I didn't know if he knew he wasn't saying it loudly so I had to lean in to hear it.

"I'm so sorry, I hurt you Aiden... I loved you, I really did."

"I loved you too, once apon a time. But its different now."

He didn't look at me, he kept quiet, still. Then out of know where he got up and left, I sat down watching him stumble down the stairs and down the path, but as he got to the gate he fell. Dean don't play games, I thought to myself as I rushed to him, he wasn't moving....

"Lora get help." I screamed." but it wasn't a game he was dead before I got to him.