Perfect strangers

Shaun - The End

2 weeks later...

Shaun's POV.

I had never felt like this, the feel of skin rested against my bare chest, and across my face, and around my legs. I felt stuck, held down by the wait of the arms and a dizziness crept in. The room began to spin as I opened my eyes, it was bright. The sun blinded me and made me feel worse. I rubbed my eyes and sat up from the floor, my shirt was hiked up around my neck and one of my arms was free. I pulled it back on slowly, letting crumbs slip down on to the spot I was laying. I gave the room a quick look around and everything from last night came crashing back. The piles of my closest friends laying around the room actual made me smile, Rhys curled up next to me. Left over cans and bottles out numbered us 100 to 1. We had all gotten very very drunk, to celebrate the end. Graduation was in a few hours, but we deserved to sleep in. I hopped up on my feet almost falling back down as the room span around me, my head spinning with it. I closed my eyes tight and jumped over a passed out Cane (my parents had taken little Rachy' for the night so he could come party with us), being a big guy though I had to take and extra long leap to avoid Aidens hand which was inches away from where I landed. I put my hand up and started to creep in the traditional creeping style out of the room, avoiding rubbish and cans. Just as I thought I was safe, I kicked a beer can and slipped down onto my butt. Rhys's head jolted up in my direction.

"What... whats going on?" he complained, I could tell his head was spinning to by the barffy look he gave from sitting up to quickly.

"Sorry babe," I whispered trying not to wake anyone else. "Just go back to sleep."

He didn't, he got up like I did and tried to leap over cane, he didn't make it as far as I did, in fact he landed right on top of Aidens hand. She yelped in pain waking the others, Rhys's eyes popped and he jolted behind me like a scared dog. It was cute, but now I was in for the full force of her wrath, she got up so fast she fell down. We all laughed, big mistake on my behalf, she jumped up and darted at me, she chased me around for 10 minutes, through the kitchen and around the table a few times before ankle tapping me as I tried to escape up the stairs. I fell up the stairs and slammed my face into the top step, my knees banged hard on the rails and Chloe's laugh drowned out my own yelp of pain.

"Pay back sucks right, jumpy." She spun around and went to sit at the table in the kitchen.

"You okay Shaun? that was really funny, are you hurt babe?" Rhys said helping my up, glad to see he took the wrap for it, but one look at his puppy dog eyes, I could turn him in, Chloe would be over it now... why get Rhys hurt now, but he would have to make it up to me later, tonight.

"Come one everyones up now, lets make some breakfast for our starving party animals, before they turn on us." I joked, as they all started to wonder into the kitchen and join Aiden at the table.

I grabbed Rhys's hand and dragged him into the kitchen to help me whip up a big breakfast for everyone, I made extra for him because I knew that he would soon remember what we were doing after we graduate, our trip to see... her.

* * *

Aidens hand was still throbbing but the food was good, so she had decided to forgive me. We ate the food that Rhys and I had made, pancakes, waffles and yummy French toast... it was so good. I found I didn't talk much after breakfast, but Chloe did enough talking for all of us. We had agreed to read our results after graduation and then go our separate ways. Each of us had after Graduation plans, Cane was going to look around for a new flat for him and Rachel to move into, and Aiden was going back to London for a few months before college. Cane and Aiden were, so far, the only two staying in town and going to our community college. Chloe was going to so big shot school for sure and Rhys and I... well we weren't sure, we hadn't planned much except for a trip up north.

"You okay Chloe?" Cane asked with a mouth full of toast. She had stopped talking and looked like she was about to cry.

"You guys know this might be the last time we hang out like this, I mean this past year we have all had to deal with alot but where finishing a chapter and starting a bigger one, with out each other..." she said looking around at everyone.

It was true this might be the last time we all hang out like this. Without the drama and chaos Dean had brang this year might have been a good one, but now there was no time to make up for the months we lost, it was almost over. The last week had been the least drama filled week in such a long time, we had tried to fit in a years worth of fun before we all went our different ways.

"...I know we will all be back at Christmas but thing will be different so I want to say that I love you guys." Chloe ended raising her glass, we all followed except for Cane who was still stuffing his face.

* * *
We all looked a little like penguins, in long black robes with gold and deep purple trim. The hats were fun, Chloe didn't think so, she kept hitting me and Rhys when we played with it. After the teachers said their boring stuff, which chocked me up a little, it was Chloe's turn our class speaker. "Woot go Chloe" I screamed.

"Class of 09, I want to tell you that this is not the end. It is the begging of our story. This first Chapter maybe over but there are many to come, but don't feel that it was a waste. Our education and our Friends will influence the later part. Weither going to school or into the workplace... to be free with life and taking a few years abroad. We will make our place in the world, we will shape our lives and have our names in history, so that one day soon our children and our grand children and their children will read about our achievements, about the dreams that came true and will be proud...."

She breathed in an continued to talk, Matt was sneaking off stage... he was trying to leave before I could say good bye. I was stuck however, I couldn't move I was trapped. Chloe continued, I had missed something about something her teacher told her once, which I was sure was bull.

"I am so proud to be apart of a class that will produce many different heroes, doctors, lawyers, writers... so many, but its easy to look around at my class mates and pick each one out. This wont be long I promise but I know the people I look up to are with me now. Family, teachers... Friends."

Matt was gone when I looked around, would I ever see him again. Who was I kidding, he was off to Africa. "Goodbye Matt" I whispered.

"Lets go out with a bang, lets go out with style. To the class of 09, we did it." Chloe ended.

"Congrats guys, we did it." Rhys called out as we managed to escape our parents (well not his but mine).

* * *

"So this is it then" I said helping Rhys out of the car, "it looks okay, I'm sure she will be happy to see you babe."

The long drive was over, Rhys looked so scared I held his hand the whole way up the yard to the big building that sat atop a hill. It was bigger then Rhy's house or Matt's combined. We walked through, Rhys leading the way, to a small room with a chair and a window, but there was someone sitting on the floor in the corner, a woman. Was it her?

"Hi mum..." Rhy's said squatting down next to her. Ever since I found out the truth I hadn't let it worry me I wanted to be strong for Rhys, but now that I could see her I couldn't help but freak out. Was Rhys going to end up like her, would he end up in the mental hospital to?