Perfect strangers

Shaun - Playing Doctor

Shaun's POV.

Cane, a big country barn house hunk of a guy helped me walk Matt back to my house 3 doors down from Deans. I cant believe how much of a jerk Dean was being tonight. Why did he hit Matt, it couldn't have been about the things that happened between him and I, he made it clear it was a one time thing. He was quite happy with Aiden anyway to be jealous of me kissing Matt.

"Thanks for the escort Cane," Cane really was a hunk, big arms, big peck and classic jeans boots and country print shirt. "You should get back to the party, I'll take care of him."

Matt was kind of dragging himself, Cane and I had to hold him up with his arms around our shoulders, it must have looked funny, Cane being more then foot or so taller then me, I wasn't very tall.

"Are you sure dude? Alright but I think I'm going to head home. Got to get home early and do the chores."

Cane left, and I helped Matt inside and into my bedroom. I sat him down on my bed and went to the kitchen for the first aid box. He had a few cuts which needed to be cleaned. Even tenderized Matt was a fucking hotty. When I get back to my room Matt is laying on my bed, his shirt lifted exposing a big bruise just bellow his hard pecks.

"Hey, are you okay?" He looked like he was in a bit of pain, what an idiot I was for asking.

"I've been better," he laughs sitting up and covering his bruise again. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now, I have to play doctor. Sorry. I got to clean your wounds," He bites down as I rub disinfectant over his cuts. "I'm sorry."

"Its not you fault."

"But it is... he hit you because we kissed."

"Why would he hit me because of our kiss? Is he your boyfriend or something, oh god I knew it a guy like you single what was I thinking."

"No he's got a girlfriend, I am single. It's a long story but I cant tell you. Just know that I am sorry and I understand if you don't want to see me anymore. I'm sure a guy like you could get a better guy." I could stop rambling. Well until he stopped me.

"Look Shaun... I know I have known you for like an hour, but I really like you and when we kiss I get that feeling in my stomach. I want to know if maybe we could make that more."

"But... what about everything... tonight... I like you alot to but..."

"No buts, everything up until the punch in the face was the best night I have ever had and when we kissed I felt something. Maybe we should try it again with out the punch." Matt laughs again, its so cute. He was the perfect guy, he really was.

Our lips touch, and then I feel him slip his tongue in my mouth. Matt nibbles on my lip and sucks it. He was such a good kisser. We couldn't do much more then kiss right now, he was way to bruised on his chest. Well there was one thing we could do. As we hold the very raw kiss I grab his cock in his pants and smile as was kiss. He is hard and only getting harder. I quickly undo his pants and pull them down, by now where both laying on the bed. My hand slips down the front of his red/white stripped boxers and feel his hot throbbing cock in my hand. I start to tug at it, getting faster and faster. Our kiss breaks as he starts to moan. I slide down his body so that I am lying head on top of his cock. I lick the stem and stuff it into my mouth and suck.

"Oh Shaun, you don't...." he stops and moans again. "Your so hot." His hand grab my hair tightly and mess it up then start to pull and he gets closer to his climax.