Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Why Don't You Get A Job?

"Ugh, look at you! You lazy ass! Lying around and still in pajamas!" My mother yelled at me as I sat there on the couch with my cat.

"Me? A lazy ass? You know, I'm the only person who cleans around this house right?" I said looking up at her. She had her uniform for work on and ready to go.

"Yeah and I'm the only person who pays for this house! Why don't you do me a favor and help me pay the rent?"

"But I haven't graduated from college-"

"Just go and get a job!"

And with that I was outside on the sidewalk along with my cat as I watched her drove off to the wilderness of LA. I stood up and sighed, "Well Jack, I'm gonna get me a job...if I could." he simply meowed and scratched the side of my leg, "Right right. After I get myself out of these pajamas." I went back inside and changed.

Jack meowed again, "I know! I'll go and get you some cat food! Don't need a reminder ya know." I told him as I grabbed my skateboard...hey it's better than a car! I'm doing the community a favor! I rode off and left Jack to play with a tennis ball.

I arrived at Jeremy's house, a few minutes later...

"Please! I need a job!"

"And I need a band! Why not get your guitar and we can make songs together! You and me will be the next White Stripes....except I'll be playing the drums." he said getting into his car.

I scoffed, "Jeremy, were not sixteen anymore and plus my talent is not fit for Hollywood." I put on my seat belt.

"Please, your skills are great." he said as we drove off to his uncle's house which is almost close to Beverly Hills. Yes, I play the guitar. I have a fine acoustic guitar that's resting next to his drums at his uncle's house.


[Third Person - Nolan's place]

"Preston!!! Give me ideas!!! I need a Joker!!"

Preston, Nolan's assistant, stormed in to his boss' work room at his home, "Okay, I got you the list of people who want to audition for The Joker."

"I already seen them but no one has my interests....I want someone looking more...edgy ya know?" Nolan spinner in his chair while thinking.

He looked at the list one more time....he slammed the desk in excitment causing his assistant to jump.

"Preston..I got it!"


"Such big houses." I muttered as I walked through Beverly Hills with Jeremy. We got out of his uncle's house and decided to take a walk.

I put my guitar to the front and strummed a simply tune I had in my head. I saw Jeremy's eyes narrowed, "Is that made up?"

I nodded as I kept playing, "You see! You do have talent!"

"Its just a random chord!"

"God Terry! You know why I bought you that guitar? Cause I want us to be in a band!"

"We only know cover songs!" I stopped infront of a house and lifted my hands in the air in frustration.

"You know what? Give me back the guitar!" he grabbed it as I pulled it back.

"No! It's mine now! It's my birthday present!" he managed to get the strap out.

"Well I'm taking it back!"





I heard a door from the estate we were infront of open and close as I tried to get my guitar away from Jeremy's hands. So far they were slipping. We also pushed and shoved and ended up on the Estate's front lawn.

"!!!" I tumbled backwards as my hands slipped off of the neck of the guitar the same with Jeremy except he didn't have it in his hands.

My jaw dropped to the ground in shock as I saw my guitar flying in the air, "!!!" I yelled as I stood up.

Jeremy had the same expression and he was frozen their on the million dollar grass.

The guitar went crashing down to the person's expensive, shiny, clean, looks new Hummer H3. It broke the windshield causing the alarm go off.

I whimpered and ran towards it.

"OH MY GOD!!!" some guy yelled as he ran towards the big hummer, "My car! Oh my god, my car!"

I cradled my broken guitar as I the strings were all over the place, "My guitar! My baby! It's dead!" I squeaked.

Jeremy appeared on my side, "You broke my guitar."

"Your guitar? It's mine! And it was your fault!" I yelled.

"Your guitar damaged my 58,000 Hummer!" some guy yelled as I turned around and glared at him.

"Your Hummer broke my guitar!!" I yelled back.

Another guy came to the scene, "Whats going on?" he stopped and saw the Hummer, "Preston, what happen to your car?" he asked as he tried to hold back a chuckle.

"This kid damaged it!" he pointed at me, "With her guitar!"

"That big mechanical thing broke my guitar!" I pointed to the Hummer.

"You still have to pay for the damage you brat!" Preston yelled.

"Preston calm down-"

"I can't pay for that! I can't afford it! I don't think I have the money!" I said.

"Kid-" he got cut off again.

"Why not grow up and get yourself a job!"

"Preston!!" the guy yelled, "Let me settle this.." he turned to face me, "Kid, I'm sorry but you have to pay for the damage."

I sighed in defeat, "fine," I turned to look at Preston, "How much?"


My mouth hanged open, "For that piece of shit! No way! That'll take months...I don't have a job!" I yelled.

Preston sneered, "Listen you-"

"Preston please!" the guy yelled as Preston shut up and crossed his arms, "I'll tell you what, how about you work for me until you get the money." he said as my eyes lit up.

"Really?" I looked at Jeremy and he had a shocked face, "I'll take it!" I said. Great! Now my mom can stop bitching at me and I can pay this piece of junk's damage.

"See? Problem solved!" the guy said, "I'm Christopher Nolan by the way." he introduced himself as Jeremy choked.

"Your that director from Batman?" he asked as this Nolan guy nodded, "Yep and I'm gonna do the sequel."

Jeremy threw his hands up in the air, "Finally!" Nolan chuckled and patter my head, "And do you have a name?"

"I'm Terry, Terry Nova."

"Well then, Nova, your job will"
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm actually doing it! Hahahahahha yes me and my crazy dreams and now I made it alive!

Tell me what you think of it....catch ya later dudes!