Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

November Rain

11:59 pm.

The digital numbers glow in red at night as I continued staring at it....almost mesmerizing, in a way. The tv was left on showing all these random shows you never heard of and some re-runs as well.

Thirty more seconds and my stomach is already feeling weird. I bit my bottom, trembling lip. I hugged my knees close to my chest as I rocked back to the couch.

12:00 am....November, 13, 2006....

One small tear escaped my eye as my expression turned into a hard, cold glare. I clenched my teeth.

"There's no such thing....

we're alone....

I'm alone.....your never here."



I heard a faint whistle as I stared at the bubbles from the sprite. I watched silently as kept nibbling on the french fry.


Today is passing by sooo slow.....or is it just me? I felt a hand at my cheek and moved my face up.

"Oi! Why are you so away with the pixies?"

I blinked away from his dark brown eyes and came back to reality....holy crap! Have I been ignoring him?

"I'm sorry, Ledger, what?"

He narrowed his eyes in concern, "Why are you away with the pixies, mate?"

"Huh?" I looked I high on something? Or have I passed out and not waking up from a dream cause my boss is talking about pixies, "Ledger, I don't see any pixies."

He barked in laughter as he patted my head, "Real cute, Nova. Hehehehe..." he cleared his throat and licked his lips, "What I mean is...why do you keep daydreaming?"

I put my head down on the table, "No....too early for slang!"

He chuckled, "Aw come on, Nova!" he clicked his tongue, "But seriously," I looked up at him, "Are you feeling alright?" he licked his lips again.

I arched an eyebrow, "Why do you keep doing that?"

"You never answered my question." he smirked and leaned in closer, "What's wrong?" his voice going in another direction.

"It's nothing," I lied as I yawned, "Just couldn't sleep last night." I bit my tongue inside, trying not to remember what today was.

He giggled, "Ah...insomnia catching up to you?" he clicked again.

"Ugh...whats with the tongue?" I asked again, since he didn't answer it before.

He only smiled and winked, "Thats for you to find out." I shivered....thats weird. He cleared his throat and stood up, "Come on, Nova." my mouth did he- I just realized his accent escaped and came back! Wait...what? Argh!

"What? How did you-"

"We have to hurry." he cut me off, "Your friend is waiting for us." he smiled down at me.


He nodded, "Yep."

Okay....what for?
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cliffy cliffy!

I'm sure this chapter kept you wondering: WTF??

well you'll find out either next chapter...well it depends how long the next chapter is

until then...toodles!

holy crap! I finally reached chapter ten! wooot!! xD