Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Now Spill!

Jeremy sat down on the carpet infront of the fire with his eyes closed and sighed in relief, "All these kids are fast asleep, now" some kids were snickering silently behind him, "...well except Morgan and his little girlfriend." Jeremy smirked as Morgan shot up, "She is not my girlfriend, Angela is just a friend....right?" he asked her while she stood next to him smiling, "Yup!" she said cheerfully.

Jeremy rubbed his eyes, "Can't you kids go to bed? It's passed nine o'clock....your bedtime." Morgan glared and ran up to Terry who sat down across from Jeremy with Heath behind her, "Terry do we have to?"

Heath let out a yawn behind Terry while she shrugged, "Ask Artie."

And with that Arthur came in and sat on the sofa/chair, "Well...."

Angela went up to him and cut him off, "Uncle Artie?"

Arthur raised a eyebrow, "Yes?"

"What are Guardian Angels?" she changed the subject. Morgan stared at her weirdly and waited for Arthur's answer.

Terry tensed up at the phrase and hugged her knees. She glared at the flaring red/orange flame behind Jeremy, Why bring this up, Angela?

Arthur cleared his throat and looked at Terry hesitantly, "Well, a guardian angel is an angel who protects and guides a particular person that is sent by God."

"Do I have one Uncle Artie?" Angela asked.

He shrugged, "Maybe."

Morgan jumped in excitement, "Can it be someone we know?"

Arthur was about to say something but heard Terry's mutter, "Guardian angels don't exist...." Morgan and Angela gave her a confused look. Jeremy didn't say anything and kept looking at
the floor.

Arthur started, "Terry..don't-"

"It's true." she said and stood up, "No one is there with you." she walked towards the entrance hall.

"Nova." Heath called out but Terry was long gone and out the door. He turned towards Arthur and Jeremy, "Why is she like this?"

"Don't worry about it, Ledger-"

"Don't worry about it? She's been acting like this all day." Heath said cutting Jeremy off and begging for answers.

Jeremy sighed and stood up, "Go and find her then. She'll probably tell you." he turned to Morgan ad Angela, "Come on you two." he said while starting up the stairs.

Heath stood up and went after Terry. Arthur stayed sitting and in deep thought.


Heath looked around once he was a few feet away from the entrance of the orphanage. They were very few street lights on.

"Shit." he cursed under his breath and kept walking looking for that familiar face, "Nova!" he called out to the quiet street. A homeless guy looked up at him from the corner of a intersection as Heath kept calling out her name, "Nova!"

"If your looking for a young girl," the homeless cleared his throat, "She went that way." he pointed to the left of the stop sign.

Heath nodded and was about to walk towards that direction but stop to grab a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and gave it to the kind man, "Thank you." and with that he ran leaving the guy with a smile on his face and looked up towards the sky, "Thank you lord!"

Heath stopped at a bench, "Where the hell are you?" he whispered and brought out a ciggarette from his pocket. He searched for a lighter in his jeans pocket but stopped as he heard a faint sound of someone sniffling.

He turned around and saw someone crouched down against the wall of the building, "Nova?" he walked closer.

She looked up with teary eyes, "You know those are bad for you." she said flatly. He took out the ciggarette from his mouth and kneeled down infront of her, "Nova its a cold night, you'll get sick."

"Speak for yourself." she snorted, "I'll manage unlike you....your already sick, Ledger." she wiped her eyes with her wrist.

"Can you at least tell me what's wrong?" he asked tilting his head to see her face.

She looked away from him and stared at the metro bus passing by them, "It's nothing Ledger, I'll be fine."

"Nova..." he sighed, "tell me."

"It's nothing damn it!" she said looking in his eyes.

"No its definetly something! Otherwise you wouldn't crush a child's dream of angels."

"Cause its the damn truth!" she stood up and he did as well infront of her, "Nova-"

"Just leave me alone, Heath!"

"Not until you tell me whats wrong." He put his hands on both side of her head to the wall to block her from going anwhere. She quickly ducked to get out of his grasp but he stopped her and put her back against the wall, "Terry, I order you as your boss to tell me what's wrong." she stopped as new tears replaced the stained ones on her cheek.

"He lied to me! He told me he'll be there with me, right by my side! He promised!" she yelled and went on her knees and cried silently to herself. Heath kneeled back down infront of her again and lifted her chin up to face him, "Who did, Terry?"

"....My dead father."
♠ ♠ ♠
ooooh that explains alot!

I saw two naked guys last night....o.O

one was streaking in the football field at

and the other was in a movie

and guess what movie it was......Brokeback Mountain!
Yeah, Jake was there too but I saw Heath naked for the first time....and all I have to say is, "He's a rocking machine!" hahaha! Family Guy...I think they were making fun of Rocky.

but yeah, I finally saw the movie and it reminded me of that one song from Avenged Sevenfold.
I'll give you some lyrics:
"Dear God the only thing I ask of you
Is to hold her when I'm not around
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again, oh no
Once again"

Of course the song that has a little country style to it

Anyways, stay tuned for the next update!
That's all folks!