Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Real Cool Guy

"He lied to me! He told me he'll be there with me, right by my side! He promised!" she yelled and finally broke down and cried silently to herself as her legs gave out and now she's crouched over and covering her face.

Heath kneeled back down infront of her again and lifted her chin up to face him, "Who did, Terry?" he said in a calm quiet voice.

She sniffed and wiped her face with her wrist, "....My dead father." she leaned back against the wall and stared at the clear night sky.

He sat down awkwardly next to her. He was at a loss of words as her last sentence kept replaying in his head. He thought for a moment and sighed, "I'm assuming your Dad told you the same story about guardian angels?" he paused for a cough, "And then he died so..." he looked down at her.

She stared at her fingers wiggling in her fingerless gloves, "Nova, if you can, err will you tell me what happen?"

Her eyes clouded by sorrow looked up at his dark brown eyes. Immediatly, Heath felt sympathy...pity. She scowled and looked away from him, "Please, Ledger, don't look at me that way."

He was about to reply but Terry put one finger to his lips, "Shh...hold on." she said and went into deep thought.

Heath waited patiently for her to continue. She let in a deep sigh, "My dad, Aaron Nova, was a psychiatrist who does congitive therapy, helps the depressed people." she cleared her throat a bit, "Got married...had me..yadda yadda, living happy with me and my mother...or so I thought." She looked at Heath, "I know its bad but can I have a ciggar?"

He looked hesitant for a bit but went on and handed her one along with the lighter. She inhaled and mumbled a thanks before continueing with her story, "Along the way with his therapy sessions...there was a patient that he find very interesting. Her name was Sarah, Sarah Mason." she spat out the name in a quiet venemous growl, "She was taller than my mom yet shorter than my dad. Young as well and had very long lightish..browish type," she looked up at his hair in the dark, "Maybe kinda like yours."

He grabbed some strands of his hair and put it to the front to see it...if he can, "Ahem." he let go of his hair and looked at Terry, "Anyways, she was in a very bad sitiuation with her family or I don't know what but she was very depressed and needed some help before she went suicidal. My dad wanted to help her so he went out most of the time with her. My mom didn't worry cause he was just "doing his job". I didn't know what was going on until I heard them fighting two to three months later after Halloween about his time with Mason. My dad only said, "Sorry." and showed pity to the both of us and went back to work." Terry finished the ciggarette and tossed it to the side.

"My dad talked to Mason later on that day and told her that he couldn't do this anymore..." she paused and closed her eyes as she replayed the whole image that she heard from her mom and Sarah at the police was like she was there...


Aaron Nova closed his suitcase and sighed, "Sarah, I can't do this anymore-"

"Why?" she narrowed her eyes, "It's not like you care about them!"

"I know but-"

"But what? Sympathy?" she cut him off and stood from her chair.

Aaron rubbed his eyes behind his glasses, "I'm sorry Sarah, but I have to-" he got cut off again but this time it was a slap to the face.

Sarah looked at him with tear-filled eyes, "I can't believe you Aaron! I loved you!" Aaron attacked her lips with a passionate kiss. She pushed him off and ran out of the office, leaving him there.

[one week later - November 13, 1998]

Terry at age fifteen was sitting quite boredly infront of the tv in the livingroom. Her dad walked in and went infront of her view. She stared up at him in question, "Yes?"

"How are you doing, squirt?"

Terry arched an eyebrow, "Pretty good, dad, why?"

He shrugged and kept his smile as he sat down next to her, "Just wondering, where's your mother?"

Terry yawned, "Didn't you hear her? She said she was going to get some groceries...cause apparently the fridge is empty."

"Ah....I see," he stared at the show that Terry was watching...a christian program?

"Terry, what are you watching?" Aaron stared at it strangely as the priest was talking about stuff from the bible.

"Nothing really, I was staring into space actually." her eyes averted towards the angels around Jesus Christ, "Dad, do you believe in guardian angels?" she asked at random and in interest.

Aaron smiled down at her, "Of course, there always there to help me at tight situations."

"Like the fight with you and mom?"

He chuckled, "Eh, it's getting better."

Terry scoffed in disbelief, "tch yeah...right." she muttered as he narrowed his eyes, "Hey.." he started and Terry looked at his concerned look, "Everything will be alright. And if I prove you wrong then you might believe in angels and they might work there magic on you." he poked the tip of her nose and she chuckled.

"Can it be someone we someone who passed away?"

He nodded, "Sure...probably, it can be your grandpa that passed away or it could be...hmm, your mom or me if we die." he smiled and wrapped an arm around her, "I'll look after you, kid." he winked, "I wouldn't want you to be depressed if either one of us died."

Terry looked at him in disbelief but at the same time happiness, "Really, dad?"

He kissed her forhead, "Of course." he brought her in for an embrace, "I love ya, kid." she smiled, "Me too, dad."

There was a beeping noise from a cell phone in the background and Aaron stood up, "I'll be back." he grabbed his cell phone and went in the kitchen. He looked at the screen and smiled at the name...Sarah Mason. He soon frowned as he remembered there last meeting and felt bad, "Hello?" the sound of the phone hanging up was only heard. He stared at it in question and the doorbell rang making him jump slightly. He walked passed Terry, "That must be your mom." he muttered.

He opened the door to reveal a shaky familiar face, "Sarah, what are you doing here?" he whispered.

She had tear-stained cheeks and her hands behind her back, "Aaron.." her shaky voice shouted out that she was about to break down and sob, again, "If I can't have you.." her hands went to the front and Aaron's eyes widen in shock and fear. Sarah pointed a gun at him, "Then no one can."

"Sarah, you don't have to do this...put the gun down." Aaron said trying to reassure her. She shook her head violently.

"It has to be done." she whispered...more to herself, "I love you, Aaron." she cocked the gun.

"No! Sarah wait!"

Terry walked silently from behind wondering what was happening and her attention only landed on the six shooter revolver, "Dad!" she yelled out.

Aaron turned around towards his daughter, "Terry go ups-"

The sound of the gun shot cut him off as Sarah holding up the smokin' gun at hand. She stared at the revolver in disbelief and realized what she has done. She had put a bullet in his back.... the love of her life, the man who brought salvation through her pain.

Terry held her father i her arms as she cried onto his head.

"Oh my god...Aaron.." Sarah muttered walking closer as she dropped the gun.

"Stay back!" Terry growled, "Don't come any closer!" Sarah didn't move a muscle as her eyes met Terry's cold ones.

Soon the sirens came and arrested Sarah and took Aaron away for he will be buried during the funeral.

Terry looked down at the coffin with an emotionless expression while everyone felt sorrow and grief. Terry's mother didn't cry either as she went an put an arm over her, "Lets go, kiddo."

"Aren't we staying?" he hasn't even been buried yet.

"No." she answered back flatly.

Terry gave her a look, "Why? Don't you care?"

Her mother on the verge of tears shook her head, "Why would I? He didn't...he only cared for that psychopath." she said in a shaky voice and started to cry. Terry hugged her and stared at the sky, "He wouldn't be watching out for us...." she whispered as she sobbed.

Terry patted her back as they started walking to the car. Once more, Terry looked back at the coffin with sad eyes..."Will you be?"

~End Flashback~

She looked up at Heath's priceless face and smiled weakly at him.

Heath cleared his throat, "I don't know what to say...besides that your dad was kind of an asshole for not loving his family but I'm sure he kept his promise." he stood up and walked infront of her, "Nova, you have to look into the bright side and don't feel so pessimistic like your mother." she stared at him blankly as Heath grabbed her hands and pulled her up, "Even though, he may not be there...I'm sure someone is still there."

She raised an eyebrow and smiled a bit, "Oh really?" she yawned.

He nodded and smiled down at her, "Tired?"


He chuckled and put an arm around her, "Lets head back so we can go home....cause I'm pretty zonked out as well."

She snickered and nudged him, "If angels were like fate then I'm really happy they are there."

"Oh? How come?" he asked.

"Cause I wouldn't have met you." she smiled as he looked at her surprisingly, "Your a really cool guy, Heath." was all she said and raced towards the orphanage.