Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

You Got Mail!

"You know, Ledger, we shouldn't be slacking off."

"And why not?"

"Because this story is being more noticable and tons of people actually like Little Nikki's work."

"Your point?"

"Well...shouldn't we already and get more updates?"

Ledger yawned lazilly, "Don't worry about it Nova, leave it up to the author."

"But I can't just sit around and do nothing in this useless brain! Get up and lets make the new chapter!"

"I'm sorry...are you my boss or my assistant?"


"Now go and get me some pancakes.."

"But I don't even know how to cook!"

"Why did I hire you for?"

"You didn't! It was Nolan's fault!"

Jeremy comes out of the xbox 360, "Hey guys, did ya miss me?!"

"Hey Jeremy! You want to know how to spell 'Heath Ledger'?"



"Your fired!"

"Do I even get paid?"

[A/N: HaHAHAhahaHAHaHa!! sorry for the lack of updates guys and now....the real chapter starts......NOW!]

"You got mail!!!!"

"Oh boy! I got mail!" Heath pushed the rolling chair, that I'm sitting on, away from the computer.

"Hey! I was about to read my mail!"

"My mail." he chuckled as he took a look at it, "Oh look its from Nolan." I pushed the rolling chair back and tried to see it, "I wanna see!"

"Patience child."

"I'm not a child!"

"You act like one." he said calmly as I rolled away into a corner, "Humph...I wouldn't be talking Mr. I'm 27 years old and still thinks I'm in Neverland." I muttered.

He ignored my statement with a chuckle and became more interested in the mail, "Oh look, we have Thanksgiving off."

"Does that mean I get to go home?"

"Nope, your looking after my house while I go back and party in Australia." he smirked as he walked closer to me.

"That is not cool even if your won't let me stay here alone with that mysterious Dragon that is lurking around."

He arched an eyebrow in confusion, "Really really...a child." he was now surprisingly close as he grabbed the arm rests of the chair.

To make this less awkward, I went for a random statement, "You really are gonna leave me here alone!" he pushed me back towards the computer, "No, Terry, I was just kidding."

"Which makes it creepy! Cause you making it sound like a sarcastic statement!"

" sarcasm." he shook his head, "Nope nope. I'm gonna go pack."

"Why? Thanksgiving is coming up in...." I went to check the date on the computer and my eyes widen, "Holy crap! It's this week!?!"

I never noticed the days flying by...gosh, being here seems like if time just stopped! The same thing with Halloween when I was at the hotel with Heath and now Christmas and the New Year is close....woah.

Heath's phone's ring tone snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked to see it was near the computer's keyboard. Ooooohh...curiosity got the better of me and went to see the screen.

Jeremy Boy

Jeremy? What the fuck?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Dude! It's almost Thanksgiving just three more days!"

"Jeremy, how in the hell did you get Ledger's number?"

"...on Ebay." he started laughing on the other line as I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, nah I'm kidding...I got it from Nolan."

"...yeah..I guess." I narrowed my eyes.

"Hmm...someone sounds like their having a bad day."

"Not really..I just need time to think...the days are dying away, and it seems like yesterday all this chaos just started."

"Yep..yep, know how you feel. Anyways, well I'll see ya in Thanksgiving, later Terr."

I nodded to myself, "See ya, Jerr." I hung up and placed Heath's phone back on the table. I stretched as a new feeling beamed up inside of me. I get to see how mom's doing and then I can probably hang out with Jeremy. And then maybe go and look for a new guitar...if I have the time...nonsense! I'll have all the time to myself!

I jumped as another ring tone snapped me out of my thoughts...again. Different ringer..wonder who could it be? I tower over and looked at the screen, again.

"hm...Michelle Williams." I arched an eyebrow, "Don't know who that is...must be for Heath." I sucked in a huge breath, "SOMEONE'S CALLING!!"

"Who is it?" I heard him yell back.

"Some person named Michelle Williams!!!" I coughed as I ran out of breath...I should stop doing that. Heath ran into the room and grabbed his phone to answer, "Hello?" he looked at his phone in confusion.

"Missed call?" I suggested.

He looked at me and then at the phone, "I guess so. Who called earlier?"

"Jeremy. And then that person."

He nodded, "I see." he began walking back to his room with his phone, "I'm gonna be on the phone, okay?"

I nodded as I got up to stretch, "Yep...I'mma go fetch me a toaster strudel."


I munched on the second strudel as I watched Lord Of The Rings on the idiot box with the deep in thought kangaroo buttmunch.

My whole attention landed on him as he kept staring into space....

I blinked...

Blinked again....

Okay this is scaring me....

"Heath, I sense the dark side mutating in you...and its scaring me."

"Nova.." he started and looked at me, "What are you going to do on Thanksgiving?"

I gasped dramatically, "He speaks!"

He smiled a bit.

"Oh sorry," I cleared my throat, "Well...I'm gonna go and spend it with my mom and then...we'll see what happens there."

"Is Jeremy gonna be there?"

I shrugged, "Not that I know of." I thought over a bit, "He'll probably pop out randomly."

He nodded and went back to thinking. I took the last bite out of my toaster strudel as HEath began to speak again, "What is Jeremy to you?"

I arched an eyebrow in confusion, "As in..."

"Is he like your..." I think it seemed kind of awkward for him but I think I'm catching up on what he's trying to say, "lover or.."

"Huh? Oh no...heh, Jeremy is just like a third bloodline cousin...and I don't know what that means but anyways, I don't see him that way."

"Have you ever?"

I shook my head, "Nope."


"Soo why bring up these random questions?"

He shrugged, "Oh, I don't know." he stood up, "I need to buy more water bottles, come on." I stood up and looked at him weirdly...why buy more water bottles if you have an extra case in the cabinets?

I shrugged it off and turned off the tv before following him out of the door.
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and my remote doesn't effing work anymore!!!!