Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Emotionally Stupid

I heard the door unlocking itself as I turned off the tv waiting for that person to come in. My mom and Jeremy were at the door with big smiles, "Mom! Did ya miss me?"

Mother opened her arms, "Terry! Come give your mom a big hug!" I giggled as I embraced her..I can hear sniffling in the background. I looked over and it was Jeremy holding up a tissue with Jack on his head.

"It's sooo emotional!" he sniffed and Jack meowed in agreement.

"Hey mom, you don't blame me for everything that has you?" I asked looking up at her.

She smiled down at me, "....Of course, Terry, why wouldn't I?"

We all sat down in the living room as Jeremy returned with the coke in hand, "I'm impressed Terry. I saw your bank account and it shows that you've earned five hundred dollars last month and maybe another after November." my mom smiled.

"Five hundred dollars..." a big smile grew on my lips and continued..if that was possible, "sweeeee-"

"Don't even think about spending that money...not until you pay that man seventy six thousand." my mom said.

I pouted, "It never crossed my mind.....stupid rich cars." I grumbled as I crossed my arms and sat back.

"So Jeremy, are you going to spend the night or go back with your uncle?" my mother asked.

"Eh..I'll stay here for a bit and then I'll leave." he chugged his soda.

"Okay then..." my mom stood up, "I'll be off to take a shower." and with that she left.

Just then Jeremy's arm went around my shoulder and pulled me towards him as he wore a greedy smile, "Five hundred dollars, Terry!" he chuckled, "Ledger is going to make you rich!"

I pushed him off a bit, "Now my mom said, first I have to pay back the damage that happen to that guy's Hummer...which clearly it was your fault." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It was your guitar."

"But you started the whole fight."

He sighed, "Christ, Terry, the things we do for chaos."



"Bugger off, Jeremy!"

He jumped away almost slipped and gasped, "Holy shit! Your talking Aussie!"

"It's british."

"With a fucked up slang....meaning Aussie! Say Terry, I think Heath's Aussieness is rubbing off of you...Oh my god!" he gasped again.

"What is it now, you dingbat?"

"It's probably contagious! I don't want to catch it!" he backed away.

I sighed, "Whatever..I'm hungry and want cereal." I walked to the kitchen and hit him slightly.

"Oh look, nothings happening to me....hooray! It's not a virus!"

"You barely noticed?"

"No...I was just screwing with you. Either the Aussieness is rubbing off of you or you just miss working with your boss."

"I don't miss him! I am very glad that I'm not around with him at the moment.."

"At the moment..." he put on a sly smile.

"Shut up, Jeremy."

"Just miss Heath."

"I don't miss that lazyass!"

"Don't deny the truth! You can't run away for long!" he sang. I went up to him and started pushing him, "I miss you!! My Aussie-aussie boy!"

I opened the door and pushed him out, "Jeremy your uncle is calling LEAVE!" I yelled as he started laughing. I closed the door and glared as I heard him singing that titanic song.

I sighed as I heard my mom came down while drying her hair with the towel, "Oh? Jeremy left?"

"Yes, he had some things to do....ignorant prick." I muttered the last part.

"Oh well, I guess I'll make dinner for the both of us." she went into the kitchen.

"Okay..I'll just take a quick shower...since I got nothing better to do." I scampered off to my room to get some new pajamas, "Hm..I should've brought that gameboy." I turned the light switch on and gasped, "Wa-wa wee wa!! Someone has fixed my guitar!" I went and gathered it up in my arms, "'s just tape, super glue, and a new set of strings." I put it on my lap and positioned my fingers on the neck.

"Wonder if I can still play it.." I strummed a chord and immediatly muted it, "Good god, that is the crappiest sound I have ever listened to in my entire life." I placed it lying down on my old bed, "And to the batcave."

Meaning the showers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Left you hanging again!

I'll be back though, just like that last time.

Guess who comes back next chapter!!