Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Don't Leave Me With The Aussie!


I groaned as Jeremy kept whining while we were at the airport.

"Terry! I'm bored!"

I turned to look at him, "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Make the Joker guy come here faster!"

I sighed as Nolan chuckled infront of us, "Okay stand back, let me do my mysterious powers!! Oh wonderous nature of force please shut Jeremy up!"

Jeremy glared and sat back to his seat as he pouted, "Your a jerk, Nova!" he crossed his arms as he stared at the large window.

"And surprisingly it worked." I muttered as I looked at my hands, "I probably do have powers! That's awesome!"

Nolan stared at us strangely, "How old are you, Nova?"


"You don't act like your age."

Jeremy shot up from his seat, "I know! She's more fit for a forty-three year old hag!" I smacked him in ignorance.

"You don't act like your age either!" I yelled at the dimwit.

Twenty minutes later and that actor hasn't arrived yet. We've been here for how long, already?

"Nolan, when's this person going to arrive?" I asked him as he kept texting on his high-classed phone.

"He's already here. He's just getting his luggage." he simply replied as he closed his keyboard phone and smiled.

Jeremy jumped up, "Ooh! Terry Terry Terry!"

"What Jeremy?"

"Lets go find him!" I gave him a confused look as he smiled happily like a little kid, "And how are we going to do that?"

He shrugged, "Simple." he motioned to some people, "We look for some guys appearances that shout out...I'm the Joker!"

I nodded, "Okies!" I agreed and looked around for The Joker's matching appearances while Jeremy did the same. We ended up looking at some guy coming up from the stairs.

I gasped as he walked with a backpack, "Jeremy do you think..."

He nodded, "I'm...I'm positive."

The guy had jet-black hair that was spiked up a bit. His skin wasn't tanned but wasn't too pale. He had the dangerous evil look....that has to be the person who wants to play The Joker.

Nolan notices our stares and laughs, "Oh you guys are looking for the cartoon right?" he snapped us away from our thoughts.

"Well...I making The Joker, in my movie, look more ya know....different than the one you remembered in your childhood years." we both gave him confused looks as he pointed to the same direction as the black-haired guy we saw, "The person that's behind him is the actual actor were looking for."

We looked back as he came up from the stairs and smiled as he saw Nolan waving at him. My thoughts about him.....Are you kidding me?? Completely different from what I was expecting! This guy has almost blonde hair! Blonde hair! And it's long as well! Honestly, I don't see The Joker in him.

"Hello Nolan." he greeted. Another thing that I wasn't expecting! The Joker has an accent now?

"Ledger, good to see you." they shook hands as my eyes wondered to Jeremy and he looked deep in thought. Heh, probably thinking the same thing as I am.

"Ledger this is Terry Nova," I felt a pat on my back as my attention went back to them, "What?" I asked.

"Nova, this is Heath Ledger." Nolan introduced me as Ledger extended his hand for me, "Hello." I simply said as I placed my hand on his and he kissed the back of it and smiled at me, "Nice to meet you."

"She'll be your assistant and be there if you need something or anything." I gave Nolan a look.

"What? So I'm gonna be some kind of a...servant? When did I agree to this?" I questioned as he chuckled, "Since you decided to work with me." I groaned.

"Um, I don't really need an assistant-"

"Oh it's fine, Heath." Nolan said reassuringly as he looked at Jeremy, "Oh and this is her friend, Jeremy."

Jeremy smiled, "Her assistant-assistant." he shook hands with Ledger.

Then realization hit as I gasped when I heard his voice and nudged Jeremy, "Dude," he looked at me, "Did you hear his voice?" I whispered as Nolan and Ledger kept talking buisness and I don't know what.

"Sorry, I was spaced out."

"Dude! He sounds like Michael Guy Chislett!" I pointed at him, "He's a freaking Aussie, dude!"

Jeremy looked at him, "Your Australian?"

The Aussie grinned as he nodded, "Yep."

"Oh...that's cool." Jeremy nodded and patter my back, "Well I guess I'll be on my way then." I gave him a confused look, "Where are you going?"

"Duty calls and yeah...later Mr. Ledger," he nodded at him and looked at me, "Have fun, Terry." he started walking with Nolan.

"Wait! You can't just leave!"

"Good luck with your job, Nova." Nolan said, "Keep Mr. Ledger satisfied." he gave me a thumbs up.

"Wait! Jeremy! I thought you were my assistant-assistant!"

He turned back and smiled, "Well, you see..I'm not....I don't speak Aussie nor know the language."

"Neither do I!"

He kept walking as he waved, "Its just slang! Lots of 'em!" he was out of the door, "Dont leave me with the Aussie!" I muttered almost loudly.

"I can speak English, too, ya know?" he said out of nowhere causing me to jump in surprise, "Oh? Did I scare you, Nova?"

"Just surprised me." I said.

He smiled, "Alrighty then, shall we?" he walked the opposite direction from where Nolan exited as I followed behind like a lost puppy.

After many turns and such, he stopped unexpectedly and made me bump into him from behind, "Woops, sorry Nova." he apologized.

"No harm," I sighed, "So where are we going?" I looked to see we where waiting for a cab.

"First to drop this off at a hotel." he pointed to his luggage, "Second...I'm starving." he said as he rubbed his stomach, "Airplane food is nasty." his face turned sour which caused me giggle a bit.

"So yeah, you hungry?" he asked.

"A bit."

"Good, we'll go to a restaraunt and get to know each other there." he said as the taxi was now infront of us.

"Huh? What for?"

"Well," he put his luggage in the trunk, "if were gonna live with each other for a month then we should get to know each other as friends instead of boss and assistant." he explained.

Living with each other for about a month? What is my mother going to think? When did I agree to this?

"Live with each other?"

He opened the door for me as I went in, "Yeah in a motel, where I'll be getting into character."

For a freaking month! When did I agree to this? Nolan you evil evil man!
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oh wow his appearance came out faster than I expected...oh well I guess.
More tomorrow!