Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

A Regular Casanova

Previously on Kyle XY...

Just kidding it's only G.A.D.E...D.T?

Nolan sat in his comfy chair while singing to himself, "Si~lent Night...Ho~oly Night..."

-knock knock-

"Mr. Nolan?" Preston interrupted.

Nolan sighed, "Yes?"

"Did you hear about the New Years Party?" Preston asked as he went inside his office.

"Huh? Oh...yeah I did, why?"

"It's gonna be in New York." Preston replied, "Will you make it?"

"Sure I can! All of our cast is going. It'll be like a kick off so we can start filming next year." he chuckled and dialed some number, "Let me just get permission from my wife."

And now the conclusion...

Jeremy examined his hair in the mirror as he finished styling it up with gel, "You know Terry I just realized that you don't have a reflection." he narrowed his eyes towards me, "Is there something your not telling me?"

"Jeremy are you blind? I'm not even in the restroom-"

"Don't lie to me! Your a vampire aren't you!" he said pointing his finger at me.

I blinked at him and placed my lyric notebook down to open the window, "Jeremy it's the middle of the day."

"That proves nothing!"

I sighed, "I shouldn't have let you read Twilight."

"And your still cold as ice!"

"Cause it's freezing!"

"Would you guys quit your bickering?" Heath suggested as he looked at the gel in Jeremy's hands, "Oh so that's where it has been!" he looked at Jeremy, "So your the culprit?"

Jeremy let out a nervous chuckle but then went back to the stupid subject earlier, "Terry's a vampire!"

"And he's obsessed with Twilight." I recalled.

Heath arched an eyebrow, "What's Twilight?"

Jeremy opened his mouth to reply but I shut him up and gave Heath the decent answer, "The most ridiculous love story I've ever read." I scoffed, "Vampires loving humans...come on! Dracula would be ashamed!"

"Well why don't you go complain about it to the author?" Heath asked amusedly.

"Yeah!" Jeremy agreed, "And why not suck blood from her neck, Lestat!"

My shoulders slumped, "Ugh, I give!" I grabbed Heath, "Quick! Let's ditch Jeremy!" And with that, we both went straight to the car while Jeremy catching up to us while yelling us to stop.


Heath scratched his hair from behind the ear as he muttered, "Gee, when's the last time I grew my hair out?"

I sucked in some air before singing, "Ohhhh just sit right back and let me tell you a tale, a tale of a fateful man and his-"

"Hey! Terry!"

"What is it you moron?" I snapped at Jeremy as I put down my guitar.

"I found some kickass speakers!"

"Does it look like I care at the moment?!"

"You know...I just realized that I didn't shave this morning." Heath said out of the blue. My attention went back to him, "Since when did you shave?"

"Since I hit puberty!" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes from the smart remark as he put his arm around my shoulder, "Nova, I'm hungry." he stated.

"I want some Olive Garden."

Jeremy smirked, "You know...I'm looking for a new pedal. So..." he looked at Heath, "I'll just leave you guys to eat and well meet up later on." he gave a thumbs up and scratched his nose.

"Alright, mate." Heath said scratching his ear. Is this some sort of a man communication system?

"Have fun with that and we'll see ya in an 'our." Heath saluted Jeremy.

"Bye you guys." he waved off while we walked away from Circut City. I looked up to Heath, who still had his shoulder around me, "You know...I figured you guys set this up." I said putting up a sly smile.

He chuckled, "And what made you think that?"

I ducked away from his arm and smirked, "Ha ha, I'm just that smart to outfox ya!"

I rubbed his chin in a 'Godfather' type of way and snickered, "Okay you got me, Nova."

"You could just ask me to go out with you instead of bringing Jeremy along." I giggled, "He won't trash your house."

"Jeremy wanted to check things out so he can improve his drum set and then you guys can create songs." he shrugged, "So yeah, would you like to have lunch with me, Terry?" his eyes filled with hope.

I smiled and hooked my arm with his, "After you Casanova."
♠ ♠ ♠
you know what's scary?
having a random dream about being lost inside your ex-boyfriend's maze of a house...I got the chills that morning and I don't want to experience that again.

Too many's making my writing in this story slip. I hope my head focuses on Heath's handsomness for a period of time...and if that doesn't happen, Lauren I give you permission to shoot my left wait! My right My right! Damn it!