Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

To Where I'm Semi-Famous

"Oh. My. God. Terry, don't those shoes look distinctively unfabulous?"

"Jeremy shut up, your scaring me." he chuckled as we passed by this music store and I halted to a stop.

The two kept on walking as I gawked at the window that showed this f-u-c-king beautiful Thunderbird IV bass guitar...signed by the almighty Nikki Sixx. I looked at the price of it: 2,399! I thought about it and smirked...hey it's my money! A little angel appeared on my shoulder...almost sounding like Heath. "Nova, I wouldn't do that if I were you." and then the little Devil barged in on my other shoulder, "Hey if Terry wants it, then she can have it!" the Devil said, "I'd say go for it!"

"Think about Preston's car."

"Nikki Sixx!"





I pushed Heath and Jeremy away, "Ugh! I'm buying myself something else!" I said going inside the music store but only to be stopped by those two, "Dress up first, Nova!"
"Yeah Terry! I want a monkey suit!"


"Why get me a dress? I haven't worn a dress since.....Jeremy's ex-girlfriend's sweet sixteen!" I cleared my throat, "Which gave us a good amount of money since we performed there."

"Ever been to a prom, Nova?" Heath asked.

"I would've gone if Glen wouldn't be there to do something idiotic and memorable. But I did go later since Jeremy found away to sneak me in and I didn't wore a dress! I wore some jeans and a nice shirt along with my fav Vans shoes."

I didn't want to shop for a dress...not that I mind wearing one. It's just...I am really really really picky when it comes to finding and buying a dress. Don't want to go back to the horror's when I shopped with my mom.

"Ugh! Why not just buy one of those dresses?" JEremy said pointing at some short ones. I gave him a look, "You want me to look like a slut?"

"Course not Terry! I wouldn't want you to end up in Vegas all alone every night at a bar!" he said, "And besides I'm trying to avoid the picky-ness out of you!"

"Just be patient, Jeremy, she's a girl after all." Heath said, "I learned the hard way." he sighed, maybe remembering something some time ago.

"Anyways, I'll just go and hunt for myself and Jeremy can go look for his stupid monkey suit." I gave him a not-so-harsh glare before I skipped off.

I sighed as I looked at all the bizarre, random, anything else dresses. Let see...too bright, too dull, not my size, that's waaaay overboard, not my taste, if looks could kill, it's stupid, am I still here?! Geez! My mind wondered off to someone's blaring music from some walkman.

"So if you're lonely
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot away from you"

That's from Franz Ferdinand...I smiled and sang along with it.

"And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered, I lie
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot, then we can die
I know I won't be leaving here...with you"

I saw a girl, probably the same age as I am, with short wild blond hair with some black tips. She had bright blue eyes that met mine, "Hey I know you!"

"Um...sorry I don't think-"

"No no! Your Terry Nova! You and Jeremy always perform at my cousin's venue!" ...yeah and there was quite a few dozen people that watch us every now and then. I didn't think people liked us...better yet remember us. "You guys are so good at performing songs! I thought you guys left to make yourself a real band!"

"Well...let's just say we got caught up on a little mishap." I chuckled, "But now were getting Jeremy some new equipment and we'll fire away...hopefully."

"I'm sure you guys will make it. Oh! That's right!" she extended her hand, "I'm Emily, Emily Ashford."

"Pleasure." I nodded as I shook her hand, "Say, I'm dress shopping, you mind if you can help me out?"

She nodded, "Sure! I was just doing that too!" was easier now that I don't have to put up with men...only Jeremy. I don't mind Heath since he's the adult one around here while me and Jeremy act like total five year olds. Speaking of Heath, I didn't tell Em here about him, yet. She's really cool and found out she moved here from London at the age of fifteen, explains the accent. She knows her way around LA and used to be in a modeling agency which made her familiar with most actors that made it here.

"Your going back to London?"

"Just for New Years only. Family reunion and I can't miss it." she explained. Oh well, that leaves the invite out. I pulled out Jeremy's phone (which I took in case I get lost), "I would like to have a friend from London."

She pulled out her's too, "Please, you would probably make some when you go over there, heck maybe live there!"

"Doubt it, but anything can happen." I put in Jeremy's phone number in her's and labled it as mine, "Give me a call when your back, so we can chill and I'll introduce you the drummer who is obsessed with monkey suits." I grinned. She laughed as I handed her back the phone, "Thanks, Terry."

"No problem, see you soon."

She waved as she headed out the store. I waited on the bench that was infront of the store and saw the two of them coming out of the store already wearing the clothes that they bought. Basically my whole attention landed on Heath and everything else...I didn't bother.

"Stunning." was all that came out from my mouth. Heath gave me a wink, which made me smile and gave me the chills.

"Why thank you darling. Won't say the same for you."

"Shut up Jeremy."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh! Another character!
Good thing it's a female...other wise Terry would've have been a wreck, but she ain't complaining.

Sorry I'm not a updating machine lately. I had to be one from my other story :P
Just be patient.
I'm not going anywhere

And my brother is starting to become a pain in the ass...I won't blame him, it's probably that time of the month hahahahaha!! xD