Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Bon Temps. ..Enjoy!

Jeremy ran up and down the aisles of the jet were in that was until the lady told him to sit down. Christian was next to Heath as I fumbled with the little air conditioner vent. Open, close, open, close...

"Nova, have you ever been on a jet?"

"Actually yes I have...well airplane. There isn't much of a difference, they both fly. Anyways yes I have."

I then moved on to the window and opened it up and then closing it, "Looks like your pretty amazed."

I turned to Heath and smile, "Nah, I just really like playing with these things."

Jeremy scoffed infront of us, "That's what she said."

As soon as the whole plane was filled with some of the cast from The Dark Knight along with other people I don't know the flight attendant was now telling us that we are going to take off to New York. I've been in flights before but I'm still pretty uneasy about...taking off. I wasn't like this before...blame Final Destination!" I gripped the arm rest and kept my eyes outside to see anything suspicious. My other hand went on top of Heath's since he already got a hold of the arm rest. He looked at me in concern but I didn't remove my hand away...I don't think he minds. Even if he did, I wouldn't cause I'm scared shitless. His hand grabbed mine as his thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand, "'ll be over if you relax." he whispered. I inhaled and then relax as I leaned back on my seat. Heath then closed the window, "Nothing will happen, I promise."

"I think I'll be okay...let's just have a little game of solitare."

He chuckled, "Whatever you say."


"Cause this Thriller! Thriller Night! And no one's goin' to save you from the beast that are about to strike! You know it's Thriller!" Jeremy sang along as I slowly walked away and then stuck with Bale and Heath.

"You know Michael Jackson is his favorite music artist."

"That explains a lot." Heath mumbled. Bale nudged us both, "Hey you guys want to go and get a drink?"

"I'll get you one, Nova." Heath suggested.

"Uh thanks. Just get me whatever your getting." he nodded as he disappeared with Bale and I stayed with a dancing Jeremy. This place was packed inside this huge Suite. Hm...I wonder if any musician's are here. You may never know? If Ashlee Simpson is here then a funky Wentz has ot to be prowling around. I tugged Jeremy's shirt, "Hey Jeremy, wanna go search for some friendly people?"

"Friendly? People? Yes, Terry, we can go celebrity hunting."

I chuckled, "Well I didn't mean it that way. I mean come on! Were at this sick party! And either one of us is going to get extremely drunk or wake up with someone and end up on the news as some random Cougar."

"Yeah..." he trailed off before putting on a sly smile, "Let's get to it!" he pushed me over excitedly which made me bump into some guy who saved himself from falling...well he held onto me in an embrace.

"I am really really sorry er Mister?" I said supporting him.

He chuckled, "It's alright. No harm done." he said with an accent. I looked up to see a guy who looks like he doesn't comb his bed hair every now and then (but hey, it's a guy. what do ya expect). I met his blueish grey eyes which were much prettier than Jeremy's hazel offense if your using telepahty Jeremy. "Uh...Hi." he managed to say.

"Oh no! It's a limey!" Jeremy pointed out. I glared up at him, "First, aussies and now you want to make fun of British people too?" I smirked and put my attention back to limey man, "So...your okay right?"

He backed away seeing that he still had his arms around me, "Yeah, I'm fine thanks." he chuckled, "So what's your name?"

"I'm Terry Nova and this Michael Jackson fan here is Jeremy." Jeremy extended his hand to shake his.

"Pleasure to meet you two, I'm Rob."

Christian appeared out of nowhere and smiled, "Ah, it's seems you met my good friends!" he said to limey man.

Heath handed me the drink he got for me and smiled, "Drink for the lovely lady." I sipped it happily, "Why thank you, kind gentleman."

"And none for me?" Jeremy asked.

"Never requested any, mate." Christian chuckled, "Well then let's enjoy until the fireworks show up."

We all nodded in agreement as we went into the crowd.
♠ ♠ ♠
Teeheehee! I couldn't help it!
Yes! Got one in! And will Terry's expectations be correct about drinking and end up on the news? Find out next time!

[Note to my good ol' friend: This doesn't change anything! So don't shoot my foot! It's still a Heath Ledger story and I tend to keep it that way....although I do have a few ideas in mind...okay I'll shut up now xD]