Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

She's Got The Wobbly Boot On

No actors were harmed during the making of this chapter...
except for Robert Pattinson....blame Paris Hilton xD

I slammed the glass shot on the table and so did Jeremy and he gave me this weird look with one eye half closed. We just dranked our sixth shot, we haven't drank in five years, and our livers aren't used to this yet. "Are...are you drunk, yet?" I burst out laughing for no apparent reason as he finished his sentence. I cleared my throat, "You haven't won yet, you bloke." I reached for another, very determined to beat this little drinking game. Someone beat me to it and grabbed the glass and pushed the others a side, "I think that's enough amber fluid for tonight, Nova." Heath said.

"Hey come on! I'm on a winning streak!"

"Your not even legal!"

"Hah! Don't be ridiculous! I'm 21!" I then mocked his accent and turned to Jeremy and took his glass, "Drink hail! Jolly wasailers!"

"You know it's kind of funny how Terry knows all these foreign languages when she's drunk." Jeremy wondered incredulously.

"How?" Heath asked.

"Watch." Jeremy then looked at me in the eye, "Our last concert was in London and now were heading towards France, how are you planning to greet the crowd?" he asked. I blinked at him like a little baby who didn't understand anything he just said and then blurted out a reply, "Je dirais, 'BONJOUR LES GENS MERVEILLEUSES DE FRANCE' !"

Heath gave him a doubtful look, "Any language?"

"Just try her! It's amazing!"

Heath put his hands on my shoulders, "Nova, Jeremy is a blood's worth bottling." I raised an eyebrow and laughed at the comment he just said.

"No he isn't! He doesn't know Christmas from Bourke Street!"

Heath started laughing and Jeremy gave us both a look, "Hey! What did she say about me?! That ain't fair! I don't know aussie!"

I slumped my head down on the table as I held my stomach, "Ugh, I'm as full as a goog." I grumbled and felt someone patting me in the back. "Nova, I think you need a glass of water."

Jeremy helped me up, "Yeah, aussie's right, let's go." I paid attention to my feet as I had the paranoia of falling or tripping. Left...right...left...right...stop. I grabbed onto Jeremy's shirt since I almost fell back cause of someone stupid infront of me! I glared at Jeremy who had a look of an apology.

I just sat down and recieved my bottle full of H2O until someone snatched it and hid under the stool where I was at. I looked down deviously at him as he gave me a smile...who seemed out of breath.

"May I ask why you are stealing my water?"

"I'm thirsty."

"I can see that."

"I can see that your half-smashed."

"I wouldn't be talking...." I trailed off as I searched the memory part of my brain which was a bit fuzzy at the moment, "I forgot your name."

"It's Robert."

"Oh...right." Well...he didn't have to say seeing that I would probably forget the next morning or forget this whole thing ever happened, "I'm Terry."

"I know."

"Are you running away from something?"

He started to drink the water which pissed me of cause I got it first and my throat is dying for something cool and fresh, "More like someone." he answered.

"What in the name of buggery told you could have a sip from my water bottle?!"

"Such an accent." he complimented.

"Got it from my aussie friend."

He stood up and handed me a ten, "Got to go, looks like my hiding spot has been revealed." and with that he went away.

Jeremy found me still glaring at a random direction, "Da hell happened to you? And where did you get that ten dollar bill?"

"Some limey prick asked for a lap dance and then gave me ten bucks!"

"Are you trying out to be a prostitute so soon?"

"Like hell!"

I felt a tap on the shoulder and found some over sized man...and when I say oversized I mean get him the hell away from me!

"Hey, what's your name?" he asked leaning over me and had a lustful look.

"It's Claire and I'm not interested!" I backed behind Jeremy who gave the guy a hateful glare. "You heard the girl, leave her alone!" he seemed to push Jeremy away and now I am being intimidated by alcohol.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble. So just leave me alone." he grabbed both my shoulders and still had that sick smirk.

"Who's going to stop me?"

"Me you filthy root rat." Ledger growled as Nolan was behind him with two tall guys, who are probably bouncers.

"Please escort this lame excuse of a man out of the room." I tip-toed behind Heath where Jeremy was rubbing the back of his head and then stared at his hand. My eyes widen as he looked like he was about to loose his balance.

"Jeremy? Are you okay?"


"What is it?"

"...Take me to a hospital." and with that he collapsed as I caught him. I stared at him in horror and felt something wet and gooey from the back of his head, "Oh god..." my hand shook at the sight of the blood.

"Heath!" I called as he rushed to my side.

"What happened?"

"It's Jeremy! He's bleeding!"
♠ ♠ ♠
well...this is getting interesting xD

French sentence ment, "I would say, 'Hello! Wonderful people of France!"
I think?

and the aussie phrases are...
Heath: Nova, Jeremy is an excelent, helpful bloke(guy).
Terry: No he isn't! He's a bit slow in the head!