Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Cigarettes and Coffee

My eyes were extremely heavy I couldn't even open them I was just TOO DAMN TIRED! Or just passed out from the alcohol. Ugh...all I know is, the moment I get up my head will go through the punishment of drinking too much. I can feel my head hurting right now and my nose is burning...wait is that supposed to happen when your hungover? Something more like...someone. I sacrificed my nose to breath in who in the hell was carrying me and to where? Right now I'm supposed to be right next to my best friend's death bed and promise him that I'll be at his funeral playing a guitar solo on his coffin like Syn Gates does it in the video, only I'll be hungover and maybe fall in the hole below. But enough with rambling! Who the fuck is carrying me?

I sneezed which led me to wake up, "Something reeks of cigarettes, mostly alcohol, I don't know what else, and I definitely don't want to know." a new scent whiffed by and it was very satisfying, it woke me up the fullest. I sat up from the couch, which the person laid me down before, "Who has the coffee?" I questioned as I held my head from the pounding.

I saw the two pair of grey eyes and immediately I wanted to slap his face, "Is this a way of asking forgiveness for stealing my water?"

"I gave you ten bucks, what happened to those?"

"Listen Patt-IN-son, I'll reveal your hiding spot to Hilton as soon as I find Ledger and his phone." I winced at my remark and laid my head on the table.

"Oh so you DO remember my name." he chuckled.

"Don't patronize me, you limey." I sipped some of the coffee and looked around, "Are we in a hospital? Where's Heath? Where's JEREMY?!"

"Shh..." he calmly whispered, "You'll make your headache worse...and mine." he rubbed his forehead, "And your boyfriend's dropping off Chris at the hotel and told me specifically to watch you till you wake up and tell you not to shout so much."

"Well boyfriend is gonna get it for leaving me here without aspirin at five in the morning!" I looked over to Pattinson who rattled the bottle of Advil, that had a note to the side, close to his ear and looked at it strangely, "Hm...I wonder if this is for me."

I reached to grab it but he pulled away and I managed to grab only the note. I unfold it and read through it:

When she wakes up, give Nova one before she accuses me of leaving her here without aspirin

I sighed, "And they say I take care of him."...well when I'm sober. Wow, what great teamwork. I should, I mean, we should deserve some sort of a reward for all this hard work.

"Rob, can you give an aspirin before I really go berserk." I looked over to see him put one in his mouth.

"No! Wait!" I snatched the bottle away only to see it was empty. "That was for me! Didn't you read the note?!"

"What note?"

"This one!"



"Cause you took it away!"

"Stop yelling it hurts!"

My head was now on the arm rest of the couch as I sat/laid down and waited for Jeremy or Heath to enter. I was almost half -asleep by now and I think our limey friend is too. How many minutes have passed? My head turned to the side, trying to get comfortable with the arm rest. I felt a hand stroke my hair, "You awake, Nova?"

I didn't open my eyes to see who this person was, since he's the only one I know with an aussie accent, "Heath...I think I had a dream about Jake Gyllenhaal, it wasn't pretty, and..." I sniffed, "Why does it reek of ciggarettes...again?" I looked up at him and Rob, "Have you guys been smoking while I was asleep?" I looked to see that it was 6 in the morning, only an hour and they decided to go out and taste some nicotine! I glared at Rob, "I blame you." I stated and he gave me this unique innocent look that I've ever seen, "Don't look at me! He's the one who brought out the pack and I couldn't resist!"

"Um..excuse me?" a nurse interrupted, "Mr. Pattinson woke up and he's waiting for you all."

"What are you talking about? He's right here!" I pointed at him and then turned to glare at him, "Were you that drunk to put your name instead of Jeremy's?"

He blinked at me and asked like a troubled child, "Are you mad at me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh! Let's just go and see how the stooge is doing!"

Jeremy gave me a puzzled look as he kept poking at the back of his head where they put this gauze of a bandage, "Terry?"

He looked like an exhausted amnesiac, "You okay, pal?" I asked worriedly.

"Terry...I'm hungry." he complained. My shoulders slumped and a smile was formed, "Thank God he's alright." I said with relief.

"Well I guess he's feeling all better?" Heath asked the doctor.

"Yeah thanks for fixing my head doc, I'm not sure how you did it but my head feels good as new."

"Son, you were sleeping for the past two hours and just had a minor cut from the back of your head. It wasn't really that complicated, nothing was broken and I don't think there's any brain damage at all. But if you do feel dizzy, nauseas, or any other symptoms please come by."

"Huh...oh wow, no wonder I didn't feel anything. Is my girlfriend okay?" Jeremy asked.

"You have a girlfriend?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah I met the most gorgeous green eyes at the party. God she was an angel." Jeremy sighed in content with a smile on his face.

"Well someone got lucky at the party." Heath chuckled.

"Yeah...did you give her your number?" I asked noticing this girlfriend hasn't appeared anywhere out of the blue.

Jeremy had an "oh shit" look, "I...I forgot to give it her."

"Seriously? What kind of guy forgets to do that?" Rob asked.

"Apparantly this one."
♠ ♠ ♠
This sucks...I'm supposedly grounded and my mom is having more mood swings than I am. Well anyways...I found many ways to cure my boredomisms...isms. and the one thing that kept me interested, well for only a little time was the other half of Breaking Dawn that I hadn't read yet. And what pisses me off is that the stupid Twilight Movie screwed me over of my own description characters. Apparently Jacob, Alice, I think Bella had survived but my own Edward Cullen is hanging off of my imagination! BUT! I got all of it back when I found Midnight Sun, I felt relief when every setting came back to the way it was in my imagination of the book. So yeah...I envy Edward, I want to read minds too, and run fast, I could go on but I won't :P

Well anyways, I'm about to watch Liar Liar and then maybe a Heath Ledger film and stop focusing on this British limey...other wise this whole Fanfic will go off to a direction I don't want to head to. So yeah...toodles!