Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

The Fear of Pickles

Hi there readers! It's the Terry Nova megaultrasuper show!
starring Heath Ledger...and Tom Hanks



just who is this Terry Nova? She is known to be Heath Ledger's assistant, but is she more than just an assistant? What about her with Christian Bale? Or the Harry Potter star Robert Pattinson? read more on page 15.

"God, they make it seem like I'm some sort of a pimp." a sly smile formed on my lips. Haha...nice. Oh god, my arrogant side is rising up.

"Or maybe they think your a slut." my smile faded as I whacked Jeremy with a pillow, "Ow ow! My head! My head!"

I let out a 'hmph!' sound as I turned to the page that showed me with Heath, another one with Chris, and another with me and limey from yesterday when he dropped me off with Heath at Mcdonalds. do they live themselves? Their practically on my ass!

"Oooh what do you have there?" Heath's husky voice filled the room.

"Some magazine talking about Jake Gyllenhaal cheating on you." I winked at him, "I think you should look for a lawyer."

"Oh no! My Jake is leaving me heartbroken. Whatever shall I do." He rolled his eyes and tried to reach for the magazine but quickly I skidded away from him, "Well you can either sue your way to success or get back at him with another man...or chick." Jeremy replied.

"Shut up Jeremy. Mommy and Daddy are talking." I said as Heath went to tickle me to get his hands on the tabloid.

His eyes scan through it, a frown was replaced as his brow furrowed, "These people don't know when to fuck off." he muttered.

I shrugged, "How bad can it be? It's not like their outside our window..." I trailed off as we all looked at each other and then looked over to the closed blind window. Me and Jeremy shrieked and ran to the other room where Christian and Rob were talking about packing and London. Jeremy hid under the bed and I jumped on top of someone like Jack when he's scared to death.

"Terry, what happened?" Rob asked trying to loosen my death grip, "What's wrong?" he asked worriedly while Christian went to look for Heath to find some answers.


Jeremy lifted the blanket, "P-p-pickles!"

"Nova." Heath called walking in and wondered where Jeremy went, "There's no one outside the window." he eyed me as I was still on Pattinson's back.

"You may never know! Their hiding in the bushes...or trees!"

"And maybe disguised as ninjas!" Jeremy muttered still under the bed with the blanket. Heath gave him a weird look and went back to the point, "Look, I told security to check around the area."

Christian whispered a 'Really?' and Heath replied, 'No, just trying to lower Terry's paranoia level and giving Pattinson some air.'

"Ledger's lying!" Jeremy blurted out with a grin as the three actors glared at him. "Would you shut off your telepathy for just a minute?"

"Sorry it comes and goes!" he covered his bandage head, "Please don't hurt me."

Christian sighed, "Alright alright, I'll go to the front and tell them about it." he then mumbled, "Though I doubt paparazzi's are here in this area." Just as soon as Christian opened his door Aaron Eckhart was outside, "Hey, Nolan said for us to stay in our rooms until they kick out these hungry photographers." he muttered. Christian looked at us, "I take that back." he grinned and then disappeared into the hallway. "And I'll double check the window JUST IN CASE." Heath announced going back to the room.

I looked over at Rob, "Why aren't you helping?"

He blinked, "My guitar is not plugged in." he said as he brought it up.

"What does that have to do with anything? And...It's an acoustic!"

"A plug-in acoustic guitar." he corrected with a smirk.

I sat down on the floor and heard Rob sigh, "Guess I have to take the secret passage." I looked at his packed suitcase next to him.

"Your leaving?" I asked.

"Have to go back home." he smiled as he ran a hand through his hair, "To London."

I sighed, "Another friend going to London."

Robert gave me an amusing look, "You have friend's in London?"

"How the hell do you know people in London?" Jeremy wondered.

"I have connections Jeremy!"...well just one in his phone.

"I wish I can stay longer but my flight leaves in about an hour or so." Rob said checking his watch.

"Awe come on, Spunky-" Jeremy cut me off as he pushed me away, "How about we play some tunes for ten minutes? I got me sticks!" I pushed him back, "Are you replacing me with this limey guitarist?!"

"You guys are in a band?" Spunky asked.

"Yeah, we haven't got a name yet." Jeremy said, "Since a ransomed Terry went holy roller on me."

"What are you talking about? Your the one with the catholic orphanage." I scoffed and then smiled up at Robert, "So anyways, can I play with your guitar?"

Jeremy butted in once again, "No the question should be this...Can you play a song for us?"

He chuckled, "Sure."

Ten Minutes Later...

"He has the voice of a spunky angel."

"And what does that mean?" Jeremy asked me.

"Oh nothing."

[To be continued...
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Pickle Scorned]

"I told you we should have dressed like unknown tourists but nooo you wanted to act like a monkey and stalk Heath Ledger's window!"

"Be quiet! Maybe if we put on some camouflage..."

"Oh shut up! Just shut up! I have to call my lawyer before they sue us."
♠ ♠ ♠
hehehe that Pickle phobia.
If you seen Maury, you'll understand xD

It seems as if Pattinson is more popular as usual. Today I was almost trampled by these people who wanted to see this magazine that is literally all about Robert (it was in spanish, I didn't understand it fully but saw him on every damn PAGE) well anyways the girl from my class (poor thing) owned it and by the time someone recognized him...>.< dear god it was like being in that Slipknot concert in 2006...only it wasn't that much of a hardcore battle and I wasn't punched or got a black eye.

And then! At the end of school, I passed by my favorite English teacher's classroom and all I saw was Robert Pattinson and I'm like "Wait wtf?" I stepped foot in her room and immediately I was lost with posters and this big blanket of Edward Cullen and screamed, "Lauren! It's coming back to haunt me!!! Heaf! Save me! give me some angel wings to get the fuck out!" and yeah...teacher gave me some Edward Cullen "bite me" valentine's day candy's.

There was one that said "Dazzle Me" tasted like a strawberry.

I like strawberries.