Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Like Some Relaxing Getaway



"I had a dream about you!" Jeremy looked around while rubbing his shoulders, "It was sooo freaky."

"What is it?"

"You turned into a vampire!" he shouted and looked around, "And you took away my mind-reading ability."

"Okay, Jeremy, what did I say about reading Twilight? Now go and watch Queen Of The Damn, Fright Night, Lost Boys, and all those kickass vampire films." I stopped to think about one of those films, "Oh wow, now that I think about it. I haven't watched Fright Night in forever."

"How about we rent it?" Heath muttered.

"Your supposed to be sleeping." I told him from across the room.

He held his hands up in defeat, "Sorry, too much frenzy going around in my mind." he then stared at me in suspicion, " come your not asleep, Nova?"

"Because, I too, have loads of excitement going around in my head."

"You always do." Jeremy said from the floor.

"Hush up and go back to sleep." I ordered.

"Hell no! You might kill me!"

"Like right now?" I smirked.

He just pouted and looked away, "Just rent the movie."

I sighed, "Okay, we'll watch it."

"And then can I sleep on one of you guys beds? It's very uncomfortable down here." Jeremy asked.

I stared at Heath for a minute and then back at him.



I sat next to a sleeping Jeremy who didn't last to watch half of the movie. From time to time, I stole glances from Heath. I'm assuming he finds it uncomfortable for me to share a bed with my bestfriend, who is merely an annoying brother from another mother. I don't mind, it's like grade school again. That is until Jeremy hit puberty and still find it annoying since I, the opposite gender, have cooties. It's not always just one person. We claimed that everyone had cooties. Well me against the boys and Jeremy against the girls.

Age 8: Eww...he's got cooties, I can't play with him!

Age 16: Eww...he's got herpes, I can't sleep with him!

The movie ended and I'm pretty sure that everyone is asleep. The clock hit 4 o'clock and sleep isn't going to accompany me tonight. I stood up to turn off the tv and went to look out the window. We were nearly at the top floor and the lights of New York still shined brightly. Ugh, no wonder no one sleeps. I thought as I squinted. Or it's just loads of things going Vegas. I looked down where the pool is at and don't see anybody around guy staring in this direction. I closed the curtain...great, now too paranoid to sleep. I sighed while rubbing my eyes. This is going to be a long long week.

Heath's POV

Even though they see themselves as siblings, it still bothered me for Terry to share a bed with another man. I sighed, this isn't going to leave my head. Therefore, there won't be any sleep for me always. I heard Terry turn off the tv and walked over to my side of the room where the window is. I've watched her stand infront of the scenery of New York, where the lights glowed around Terry. It was aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. She, then, abruptly closed the curtain and let out an aggravated sigh. I wonder what is she thinking. To answer my question, Terry caught my eyes and muttered, "Can't sleep."

I smiled, "Want me to sing you a lullaby?"

She snickered, "The question is, should I sing you to sleep?" I can see the smirk on her face even in the dark. She sat down next to me, "After all, I'm hired to take care of you." she whispered with such care. It set my heart into a faster pace, like some old rusty car engine that's been brought back to life. As she started to hum, my eyes started to droop and my breathing went to a slow and deep pace. Drifting away, I took one more look before I can dream again. She ruffled my hair and smiled down at me.

I am genuinely, unconditionally in love with you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jeremy's dream:

"Hey Jeremy, is it just me or is it fucking humid?"

"Why must you cuss, Terry? and yes it is humid."

“Funny, LA is usually hot.”

“That’s because were not in LA.”

“Where are we?”

“In a small town called Spoons.”




“That’s it!”

“…okay, you’re an idiot. And I’m going to look for a pay phone.” I looked over to see a small gas station with a sign of cookies…and bud light.

“Oh Oh! Terry! Terry!”


“Let’s go on a quest!”

I looked around to see lots of trees and a road that goes probably more into the town, “Fine, but your going alone. You can start by the forest and maybe catch a wolverine for dinner.”

“Why aren’t you coming?”

“Because I want to go home! And maybe get my mom on the phone!” I marched off leaving Jeremy to his quest.


I stopped and twirled around to glare at him, “Are you saying that I’m scared?”

“Damn straight! Terry scared of a forest?”

I stayed glaring at him while he had his smirk. He’s not going to give up.

I sighed, “Fine, have it your way!”

He jumped in victory.

30 minutes later…

“Let’s camp!”

“Great and roast some smores too.” I muttered dully.

“Some on, chump! Have a little…eh what’s the word.” Jeremy thought to himself.

“Jeremy all we did is walk around while you keep singing some children’s song. This quest is becoming a huge bore! What’s next? We find a castle and have to rescue a princess that is locked in through a labrynth filled with all these mythical creatures? Then call a unicorn with wings for help, and surpisingly his name is Phil.”

He stayed silent and gave me a weird look, “You have an impossible imagination.”

“With a hint of Zelda, Super Mario, and Hercules.” I finished.

Then something rustles in the bushes and then a snap from a branch around us.

“I think something is following us.” Jeremy whispered suspensefully.

“Oh shut up and let’s look for wood.” I went a little further but heard a hiss and maybe a low growl, “Jeremy stop being constipated.”


“Stop hissing!”

“I’m not hissing!”

It was silent….and then a thought came into mind, “Hey Jeremy, I got a plan.”

He was sleeping all alone. Out of the open. Very unprotective. And no one will be there if something would’ve happen…it was like bait.

Jeremy kept his ears open and his eyes barely closed for he was indeed scared and not wanting to piss his pants. “Terry?” he muttered. He can hear that one thing getting closer. It’s eyes on him, waiting for the right moment. It’s right above him…landing right about….

“Damn it! I can’t do this!” Jeremy rolled out of the way, right before the thing landed on him. He turned to give me a death glare, “Is it safe to come out, yet?” I question with innocence.

“You were supposed to be helping!”

“I was helping watch.”

“What if something happened?”

“I’m sure I would’ve seen it.” I crept closer to the area where the thing landed, “Now what in the hell is-

I stoppedto see two little eyes staring at me, “Hey look, it’s a little girl! Aww isn’t she-

hiss! She showed her fangs as she arched her back in defense, “Holy Jeebus!”

“It’s alive!” Jeremy yelled.

“It’s like Jack! Only he was friendlier!”

She stayed in one place and focused on us to see what were going to do next, “I think she is just misunderstood.” Jeremy stated, “We just need to tell her that we don’t mean any harm.”

“Alright then, be my guest!” I stepped back as Jeremy hesitated, “You know what? I’ll leave it to you, your good with communication, Terry.”

“That’s what I thought.” I turned to the little girl, “We. Come. In. Peace.” I said slowly, “We. Mean. You. No. Harm.”

“I think she’s beginning to understand.” Jeremy said.

“Yeah right…it’s like she wants eat me.” I looked at her from the corner of my eye as she went closer to smell my arm.

“She’s just getting to know you.”

“…I’m getting nervous.”

“Just don’t move a muscle.” He stayed silent as he watched her, “It’ll be over in a minute.”

I sighed, “I hope so, cause she’s closer than I thought.”

“This looks very interesting. It’s like watching The Discovery Channel.”

“Jeremy shut up! And get me out of this situation!”

“Oh…shit.” …she did not just bite me.

“Terry, hold still…for science.”

“I think she’s sucking my blood…I can feel it leaving my veins.”

“Just like chiropractors!” he exclaimed, “Wait…I think I’m in the wrong category here.”

“Can you get her off of me?! I’m starting to feel…dizzy.”

She let go and gave me a sad smile, “Oopsie.”

“She speaks!”

“Greeeaaat.” I fell over as the darkness got the better of me.

“Hey Terry! I think she was a vampire! Except she didn’t seduce me and suck me out...oh well. I’m going to look around Forks then…you can just sleep there if you want.”


to be continued?