Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

10 Things I Love About You

Next Morning…

Heath had the restroom occupied for his morning routine while Terry was nowhere to be found. Jeremy sat alone in his not-so-clean hotel bed while nodding his head as his headphones played some loud music. The drum sticks bagged on the drumming pad in a rhythmical beat as Jeremy sang to himself, “Its been one week since you looked at me. Cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry. Five days since you laughed at me saying, Get that together come back and see me.”

Terry made her way into the room and then jumped on Jeremy’s bed which made him loose his beat and his drumming pad. It made him pause the music and glare up at her in question as she continued hopping while head banging, “I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation!” she aired guitar, “Your living in the past, it’s a new generation!”

“Do you mind?!” Jeremy yelled as Terry shook her head furiously, “No no no no not me! Not me! And I don’t give a damn about my bad repu- oof!” Terry groaned as she stood up with a glare. Jeremy smirked after he pushed her off the bed. “That’s what you get!”

“Have you finished packing?” Terry asked.


“Dickwad! Were leaving in…” she looked at the clock and then at bathroom door, “Whenever Heath’s done.” The shower stopped, “Which is now!”

“Can we have breakfast first?”

Terry’s POV

“So…when are we going back to LA?”

“I told you she was homesick.”

“I am not!” Just because I don’t like sleeping in hotels nor feel safe in a different environment. Also having the feeling that I’m about to be jumped.

“Hm…like in 3 more days.” Heath answered, “Saturday.” I noticed that we were the only ones checking out. I guess this is some sort of vacation…that is far away from home. I sighed, okay I admit, I’m homesick.

"Hey Terry." Jeremy caught my attention, "You can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed but can't you just be whelmed?"

"I think you can in Europe." I thought as Heath gave both of us a weird look.

I leaned back as Jeremy played with the claw and tried to get himself a prize. I looked around boredly and watched some teenage guy with a mohawk and leather jacket having his arm around this girl...I'm guessing late night palooza? "Hey Jeremy, remember high school?"

"Yeah, weren't we so popular." he muttered still concentrating on getting himself a stuffed elephant.

"Kinda reminds me of that Shakespeare play: The Taming of the Shrew."

"Wasn't that the movie with the bad boy getting that hot chick while getting paid by this asshole who got dumped by the hot chick's sister?" Jeremy asked

"How did any of that stuff happened in our school?"

He shrugged, "It could've happened."

We were now in this cab and I don't have the faintest idea where we're going, Jeremy won't even tell me and Heath's been unusually quiet lately. We were now outside this big tall white building, "Okay seriously, where the heck are we?"

"My humble New York." Heath grinned as he put an arm around my shoulder. "I think you guys will like it on the inside."

"Why?" Jeremy arched a brow, "It's probably the same thing back in LA, except it's an apartment."

Heath shrugged, "Or maybe it's just something inside that you music lovers will like."

I gasped dramatically, both of them turning there heads at me, "Can it be?"

"What Terry?"

"The Steve Miller Band is in there?!" I jumped in excitement as they both still had confused looks, "Ledger said "something" not someone." Jeremy corrected as I frowned.

"Well thank you for ruining the moment."

"Your welcome, I'm here all week."

Heath chuckled and pushed both of us to the entrance, "Alright you two. Let's go inside."


What an amazing, dusty, not too old piano. I blew air as the dust from the keys scattered away. Looks like someone hasn't been here for a while now...nah shit, Terry.

"Does it work?" Jeremy asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Why not play a note?"

"Psh." he muttered as his fingers flew across the keys in each octave until he reached the starting point of "Fur Elise"

I groaned at the sound. I've heard that piece a million times's clearly common now. But it's fun to play, like Heart and Soul. Jeremy went to sit infront of this fireplace sort of thing...without wood. He dropped his bag behind him so that he can rest his head on it. Why can't he just lay on the couch? I looked around and then noticed that Heath had almost no furniture.

"Hey Heath, what's the rent?"Jeremy asked with his eyes closed."Hm...about 23K per month." Heath answered from the kitchen.

"23 thousand?!" I that's almost half to what I have to pay for Preston's car and per month? That's crazy!

“It’s over 9000!” Jeremy laughed at his Dragon Ball Z reference.

Well I guess I'm going to explore this whole flat, seeing Jeremy is about to take his daily nap for his head. I went to look for a coat closet or any closet hoping to find something I would like to use in this whole surrounding. For example:...his skateboard.

To my success I found a used one and now skating around Jeremy before going deeper in the huge hallway. I haven't skated for years and I don't want to do any stunts, not wanting to scratch his floor. I stopped to see the first room to my left. I stopped and picked up the skateboard before walking in. I see a mattress, again less furniture, just a dresser that's right next to his closet. I looked over to see a picture, I'm assuming his daughter. He mentioned about her at random times, even when I played with her blue gameboy that I found some time ago.

"Well...I guess you found your way here." I heard him from behind. "And found Matilda."

"How cute." I commented.

"Thank you."

It went silence after that but not only cause it's awkward, I just ran out of things to say and just more thoughtful things to keep in mind. "Is she with..."

"Her mother." he finished as he sat down on the mattress. "Things didn't work out between us." he sighed.

"Sorry." I looked away, seeing as I brought up something bad.

"Don't be." he half-smiled, "It's not your fault."

"I brought up a sore subject, though." I muttered looking at the light of the hallway.

He chuckled, "I'm alright, Nova."

I didn't respond. Not wanting to say something else that might trigger unpleasant thoughts or memories. I felt a hand held mine that snapped me out of my own debating thoughts. I looked back at him to see him smile fully, his eyes bright, "It's okay...I'm not too heavy-hearted as I was before."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?" I shrugged to myself and sat down next to him.

"Yeah." he said, "I smile every morning and look forward to being with that person who brightens my day with their wits."

I shot a curious look, "Who could that be now?"

He leaned in to my ear, "Someone who sings wholeheartedly in the showers." I felt his breath as he whispered. I, then, shuddered as I felt a kiss near my ear. I regained my senses as I replied, "Gee, I knew it was Jeremy all along. That no good backstabbing bastard." I joked as he laughed, pulling me close.

"Silly Nova." he muttered as he kissed again at the same spot. He placed his hand on one side of my face, which was close to his. "I love you, Terry." an impulsive gesture of affection as he gave me a wet one.

Stunned at this action but smiled between the kiss and replied, "Is this the part where you sweep me off my feet and take me...wait nevermined, we're already in a bedroom."

He smirked, "Well not really, but I tend to take you somewhere else." and so he carried me away and we set off to explore the wonders of New York, and the night hasn't reach yet.

Third Person...

ring ring

Jeremy frowned, not wanting to get up, "Terry get the phone!"

ring ring

"Someone answer it!"

ring ring

"Terry? Heath?"

ring ring

He groaned as he answered his cellphone, "This better be good, I was dreaming about cracker jacks."

"Seven days...." a voice whispered.

"Mom?" he asked.


"Terry? Are you using a pay phone? Or Heath's? And by the way...where the hell are you guys?!"

"This isn't Terry." she replied.

"Well who is it?"

"I am Terry's friend from London."

"Spunk?! Since when did you get such a femine voice?" Jeremy questioned as he sat up.

"No, my name is Emily and you must be the monkey suit obsessed drummer." she answered while laughing.

"Now wait just a....HEY! Who told you that? Is this a joke?"

"No it's not a joke. And is Terry there?" she asked.

"No she went out with her new bff and ditched me here." he said while pouting.

"Oh how sad...well can you leave her a message?"

"Is it a bad blackmail message?"

"Of course not."

"Well then no." he smirked.

"Well aren't you rude."

"Tis how I am, babe."

"And quite funny."

"Why thank you." more compliments.

"In such an ignorant way!" she hung up. Jeremy looked at his phone as he read the recent calls where it said "Emily" and frowned.

"Limey's are so weird."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so tired and sick xP
Sooo how'd you like my cheesy lovey scene?


Another random scene that was supposed to be in this chapter:
I believe you call those deleted scenes xD

Jeremy had placed all the kings in one spot, the queen's in the other, and so one and so forth. He concetrated on one of them before exclaiming, "Is this your card?!" he pointed down to the King with spades.

"No, it was this one." I said, pointing to the queen of hearts.

"Well someone is lucky in love." he mentioned as he shuffled.

"You know Jeremy, there's a difference between love and like." I stated, "For example, I like your drums but I love my guitar." I smiled.

"But...I love my drums."

"That's because you don't have a guitar."