Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Have You Heard Of The Word?

Jeremy asks if you heard of the word

"Where did Jeremy go?" I asked as we got back. Heath looked around, "I don't know. He wouldn't leave...the front door was locked." he said as he scratched his head.

"Maybe he didn't go through the front door." I mentioned as we both looked over to an open balcony door.

We both sighed in frustration, "Jeremy..."


I walked in to a bar as I gave up on finding the two love birds and even if I found might not be such a pretty sight for my virgin eyes. I sat down on one of the stools and my fingers started to tap at the smooth furniture. I can't help it, they do it on their own. The bartender approached me with a smile, "What can I get you?"

"I would say a Black Velvet but I'm alone so..." I trailed off and looked at some guy playing a bass solo while another guy tried was starting to irritate my ears. If only Terry were here. I looked back at the confused bartender, "You know what? Give me that Guinness." the guy sang at an ugly pitch, "Make it a cold cold one." I added as I stared back at them.

I think he's singing "Achy Breaky Heart" or trying eyes went to the bass player who had head phones on and was far away from the singer. He's not even doing the same song! What the hell are they doing?! I noticed that no one is listening to them just enjoying their drinks. Finally the bartender handed my drink and immediately I drank the goodness of the Guinness. I feel it turning my throat icy's either that or I have a brain freeze. I choked, coughed, and held my head. "Easy there, man." I heard the bartender chuckle. I breathed in slowly before continuing my...second Guinness.

I tuned out everything around me and it was only me, the stool, and my Guinness. The bartender was kind enough to give me one of those swiggly straws so I won't have to choke again. The aftertaste burned the back of my tongue for more of the drink. Unsatisfied I was going for my fourth. I felt like some hungry linebacker...wait wrong category again. I looked everywhere for Terry in my mind. I would have called Heath if his phone didn't run out of batteries!


"Did you try calling him? He took his cell phone, I'm sure of that." I asked Heath who was on his bed relaxing. I continued to pace as he answered, "I would if my phone was fully charged." he grinned.

"When was the last time you charged it?!"

"I think the day after yesterday." my shoulders slumped as I looked over all the places that Jeremy might have gone to. Christian would've said something. Bar? He wouldn't drink alone. Gosh it's like worrying over a son. I felt arms around my waist as Heath pulled me on top of him, "Let's take a break." he muttered, "I'm sure Jeremy can take care of himself." I doubted he could but I lost my train of thought as Heath planted kisses on my neck.


Am I half-asleep?

"Are you going for a sixth?"

I think I;m dreaming...yes this was all just a dream and when I wake up I'll see Terry and Heath eating dinner without me.

"Hey okay?"

but where are these voices coming from? Oh no...not again!

My eyelids opened slowly like some curtain. I looked up to see the bass player, the horrid singer, the bartender, and the empty glasses.

"Dude you look so smashed."

"I was...meditating?" I think that was more of a question cause I don't know myself. The last time I remember was that I was trying to focus on Terry and then....I think I fell asleep?

"Are you some buddist?!"

"A monk?"

"Do you need help?" the bartender asked.

"No no! It's fine, I just spaced out big time." I wiped my face with the back of my hand. "Can I get some water?" I asked the bartender. He nodded and grabbed a bottle from the cooler. I leaned over and rested my cheek on top the bottle as I tried to remember what the hell happened. These people probably think I'm some sort of a drug addict.

"Hey what's your name?"

Their still here.

"My name's Ted!" the other guy said happily.

I examined them. The bass player gave me a look of concern at the same time curious while Ted was just curious in excitement. Bass player wore a green flannel shirt with some jeans...almost reminding me of Kurt Cobain, except for the hair, which was dark brown and short. Ted had this sleeve ripped demin jacket with a plain maroon shirt under. Light brownish hair that was short as well.

"My names...Johnny Rotten."

They laughed, "This guy's funny Charlie." Ted muttered to him. Charlie smiled and asked, "Mind if we sit with you?"

I motioned for them to sit and as they ordered their drinks I asked the bass player, Charlie, "So you play bass?"

"Yeah and Ted here likes to sing."

"I like singing Counrty." Ted stated. I blinked at him and asked myself if he was...a bit slow in the head.

"Ted likes to goof around on the stage while I just perform my bass solos." Charlie said, "He's the manager's son in this joint."

"My dad tells me to stay away from the drinks cause I'm might end up like you." Ted said.

What is he trying to tell me?!

"Are you saying that I'm an alcholic?" I questioned as my brow furrowed in slight anger. Charlie quickly intervened, "Don't listen to him. Ted's a bit...slow in the head." he whispered at the last part.

I noticed.

Another guy with an unshaved beard dropped in and pulled Charlie into a headlock, "Hey bro! Did I miss the show?!"

" did." Charlie said trying to get out of his grasp. I sat there looking at the two and then over to Ted who wanted to join in and create a dogpile.

"This guy is my cousin." Charlie stated. I nodded and lend my hand out for him to shake it, "And this guy claims to be Johnny Rotten."

I chuckled, "The names Jeremy."

His cousin returned the favor, "I'm Robert."

"No way! Spunk Ransom! Did you grew a beard so soon?! And what happened to the british accent?!" I yelled out in surprise while Charlie and Ted laughed more.

"I'm not even british. And who's Spunk Ransom?" Charlie patted his back, "Dude this guy is great! You should really get to know him." I think he's drunk.

"Sorry I thought you were a friend of mine." I said innocently.

"Do I look like your friend?"

"Well I can't tell since you look like Big Foot...Woops! Oh no I didn't!" I think I was getting on his nerves. Also I think the Guinness went to my head.

"And now your making fun of my fur? Your really hilarious, you know that?"

I snorted, "I tell myself that every morning."

"Gosh Charlie, never knew you make friends with such pricks." He said.

"Awe cheer up man! He's just having some fun!"

"I'm pretty sure his friend doesn't." he sneered. I was amused...I know I'm making an ass out of myself but I couldn't help it! This guy needed to loosen up! "Sorry, my friend is an alcoholic like me."

Big Foot snorted...yes I'm calling him Big Foot, it's kind of awkward if I say Robert, it'll seem like if I'm talking to Spunk which I'm not. "Charlie, let's go, you have band practice anyways."

"Your in a band?" I asked Charlie.

"Yeah yeah! He is! He's super cool!" Ted answered.

"Ted your dad's calling you." Big Foot mentioned as he tried to get rid of him. Now that's not very nice.

"I'm in a band but it doesn't seem like were going anywhere." Charlie whispered as Big Foot went to walk Ted to the back where the manager's office is at.

"What do you mean?"

"Well the guitarist is lazy, I have to help him all the time coming up with some melodies. We don't have a singer and none of us wants to sing. My drummer, who is my cousin, can be bossy most of the time." he chuckled, "Don't tell him I told you."

I grinned, "I won't."

"What kind of music do you like?" he asked.

"Well...I like a lot of music. Progressive metal, alternative and punk rock. My friend Terry got me into the 50's and 60' also Jazz. Basically we both have the same taste."

"That's cool."

"Yeah, I wonder where she is?" Now that I think about it, I've been away for too long and it's already seven. Ah, she's probably with Heath...maybe on another date.

"Is she like your girlfriend?"

"She's my sister."

"Oh my bad." he said awkwardly. I laughed, "It's alright. Your not the only one who asked that."

"Is she hot?"

"If your planning to hit on her, then your too late. She got fancied by some Aussie."

"That bastard."

I laughed at his reaction and stopped until Big Foot returned, "Charlie, it's time to go."

"Aw...can't Jeremy come with us?"

"No." he pulled him up and started to walk towards the exit, "Catch ya later Jeremy." I wonder if Charlie is 16.

Big Foot returned and glared at me, "Listen I don't want you to break up the band."

"What are you talking about?" I asked getting up to leave.

"You heard me. I know that Charlie told you about our lack of practice, he's like that, and I don't want you to break the band up."

I held my hands up in defense, "Whatever man, do want you want with your band." and with that I left him there and the tip. I think I'm pretty sober enough to find my way back to Heath's apartment.

I felt my shoulder being pulled and then found a fist coming at my way. I grabbed his wrist before it made contact with my face. What is with me getting into fights?! Do I deserve this?...Don't answer that. His other fist went for my gut. I grabbed his shoulder and shoved him away. I didn't want to get into anything at the moment so....I ran out.

"TERRY!!!! SOME ASYLUM REJECT IS CHASING AFTER ME!!!!" everyone who was walking gave me strange looks as I looked for the direction where Heath's apartment is at. Then all of a sudden I got tackled and rammed against a taxi.

"Oh you done it now! You messed with the wrong-,"

"JEREMIAH DANGERFIELD, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I heard Terry from afar. She and Heath found me pinning some guy in a headlock on the floor. Heath pulled me away from him as Terry pulled Big Foot away from me.

"Are you okay?" she asked him, "Did stupid over here hurt you?" oh yeah, I'm completely fine Terry. I grinned as she sent me a glare. I heard Heath asking me what happened as he let go. "Very complicated." I answered.

Big Foot shoved Terry away, "Get away from me."

"Well sorry for caring, prick!" she told him but Heath wasn't getting any happier. Big Foot decided to leave the scene as Heath made his way next to Terry.

I sat down on the concrete and sighed, "What a day." I muttered.

"Yes! What a day! Where the hell have you been?" Terry asked.

"I've been looking for you guys since you ditched me! I wasn't going to hang around in the apartment that holds a tv with no cable!" I crossed my arms and pouted, looking away at the two. I heard a little chuckle and saw that Terry was trying to hold in a laugh. She gave me a noogie, "God, Jeremy, what am I going to do without you?"

"Wesa tinking wesa people gonna die?" I said in Jar Jar Binks language as she let go of me. "So what were you guys doing when you left me!"

"Well..." she looked at Heath and then gave me a ticket. "What's this?" I looked at it and gasped. It was a broadway ticket for God Of Carnage! "Terry! I fucking love you!" I yelled and looked up at the two with probably the biggest smile I've ever made.

"It's tonight. Heath was so kind to get all of us tickets...and then we went to Subway!" I rolled my eyes, Terry had a thing for subway ever since we went to lunch their for the first time.

"So let's go then!" she grabbed Heath's hand and my shirt to lead us. She was just excited as I was. But then I stopped and looked at the two.

"That's odd. Something's wrong with this ticket."

She arched an eyebrow, "What?"

"You know this small description gives me a funny feeling..."

"What are you talking about?" she asked looking at it.

"Oh have you not heard?" I asked them, "It was my understanding that everyone heard." the look on Terry's face said the she had caught on to what I was talking about.

"Heard what-," Heath asked not knowing the situation.

"Wait Heath!" Terry yelled to stop him from finishing the sentence.

"A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody's talking about the bird
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird

Surfin' bird
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, aaah!!!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I want some breakfast...and holy crap! It's already the afternoon?!
Well either way, I want some pancakes. Hope you enjoyed the update.

Have you not heard?