Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

I Just Want My Phone Call

I stared at the piano in awe.

Where do I start?

It was 8:30 in the morning and I knew that the two lazy, snoring blokes won't wake up until it's either close to twelve pm or they smell food and god knows that I won't be cooking. That's because I don't know how. I sighed, if only my mom was here.

I positioned my left and right hand. I began to play the beginning of "To End The Rapture". My foot on one of the pedals to last the left hand chord a bit longer. I started to slow down in the middle where the singer comes in. My left hand stopped playing, leaving my right alone. Eventually I stared at the keys in disappointment. It seemed such a simple piece, since I knew how to play it on the guitar, but why not piano? Maybe I'm to used to the guitar since I don't own a piano or anything.

And then...Jeremy's cell phone rang. It vibrated next to me and I answered it without looking at the screen, "Hello?"

"He said he'd loved to have you guys back." Esther stated.

"Esther? You told him already?" I asked surprisingly. It was early on a Friday morning, is there ever a club opened at that time?!

"Yeah, he was just sitting on his office making calls and what not. It brought him a huge smile when I asked if you guys can still perform. I think they were putting him out of business since he ran out of DJ's." she informed, "He asks, when are you guys returning from your little "vacation"."

"I think tomorrow were leaving. I haven't heard from Nolan or Christian-,"

"Christian Bale?!?!" she shouted cutting me off. Here we go again, "That reminds you have my autograph?"

"It's eight in the morning!" like if anyone would've been up for an autograph!

"So? Pfft, I camped outside the Rockshell!"

"Really?" she went that far?

"No you idiot. Now are you going to get it or not?"

So needy, "Yes, Esther, I will. I'll tell them to mail it to me...Harry Potter dude right?" I forgot the actor's name.

"Oh forgot already." she sighed, "Now I know that I'll never get it."

"Oh shut up, I'll get it."

"Thank you!"

And that was the end of the conversation. I got Jeremy to tell me what character she wanted and stuff. And maybe through Heath's connections (I don't know how that will work) I'll get the autograph for her. After all, she does deserve it. And now to wait for them to wake up.


"Aww Terry!!! Why do you have to bring up such cruel dreadful memories!!!" Jeremy was crying on the floor after I told him the whole Harry Potter story that Esther told me. Seriously what's the problem with this Cedric character dying? Heath didn't bother asking as he continued to sip his coffee that I got from starbucks and watched us in amusement.

"Jesus Christ, it's like The Order of Phoenix all over again!" he cried out.

"So..." I started, "Who do I call to get Daniel Radcliffe's autograph?"

"Terry! Give me some time! Hold on!" he covered his face, "Don't interrogate me!"

I rolled my eyes, "This is hopeless! It's just a movie! At least one character dies!"

"No! Harry Potter in the end saves the day!" he protested, "But in the Goblet of Fire he couldn't make it! Damn evil wizard!"

I kneeled down to his level and patted his head, "There there, little Jerry." I said in a gentle tone, "it's okay, it's okay. Now tell me who plays Cedric before Esther has my head."

He sat up, "Oh right!" he smiled cheerfully as his whole mood has changed, "Spunk Ransom."

I arched a brow, "The limey?"

"Who's that?" Heath wondered.

"Bale's limey friend." I answered, "But how the hell do we get his number?"

"Isn't he from London?" Jeremy questioned.

"Why the hell do you think we call him limey, you dork?!"

"London's scary." Jeremy muttered as he brought his knees close to his chest. I gave him a funny look and asked, "Why's it scary?"

"God Terry! Have you not heard?! It was my understanding that everyone has heard." he grinned.

"If I answer and if you start singing, you'll come home in a body bag."

He laughed, "I'm just kidding!" his face turned serious, "But seriously, don't go to London nor call cause..." he looked around and motioned Heath to get in the group. His arm around Heath's and my neck and huddled us closer, "Don't you know that once American's go over there..." he paused again, "They turn into...WEREWOLVES!!!!"

"Jesus!" Heath jumped.

I looked at him in shock and then smacked his head, "Jeremy I have two words for you." I whispered.

"I'm all ears!"


I stormed out of the apartment with Heath following behind. God! I should have known he got that reference from "An American Werewolf in London".

"Don't bother calling! Spunk probably got lost in the wilderness and they ate him! Or worse...he turned into one!!!"

I got in the taxi, "Jeremy either you shut up and come with us or stay home frightened cause maybe just maybe Frankenstein is hidden in one of Heath's secret passage." I winked.

Jeremy stood there looking back and then ran inside the taxi, "Drive man!"

I leaned onto Heath as he called Christian to meet us at the near McDonald's of their hotel. We can't help loving fast food restaurants. Jeremy explained how Spunk is involved with the whole Harry Potter franchise and if my memory is correct...I think I accused him at one point for jumping out of the tv when Jeremy was watching one the Harry Potter movies.

We saw Christian there smiling at us from the empty table for four. We walked over to him, Heath having his arm around me. " needed something?" Christian asked.

Heath smirked at him and replied, "I just want my phone call." his whole accent changed.

Christian chuckled, "Not in public."


"Hello?" a tired voice answered.

"Am I talking to the limey fruitcake of an actor whom I call Spunk Ransom?"

There was a pause, "Terry are you calling me gay?" I heard humor in his voice.

"No!" I gasped, "Of course not! What kind of a friend am I?"

"An entertaining one." he answered with a yawn. If he's from London and I'm over here...I calculated in my head, "I'm guessing it's eight thirty over there?"

"Yep and I'm beat."

I could tell.

"So...what do you need to tell me?" he asked for the sudden random phone call. "Uh...Do you still talk to Daniel Radcliffe? Harry Potter dude?"

He chuckled, "At times, why?"

"Can you get his autograph? My obsessive friend wants one...on a picture of him half-naked." I snickered.

"Who? Jeremy?" he laughed.

This send me to the fits of giggles. "Nah, he's way more obsessive than that." I recovered from laughing, "Anyways, no it's for my friend, Esther, she and Jeremy love Harry Potter." I sighed remembering the time when The Order of Phoenix came out and they wanted me to take them to the movie theater.

"Do you?"

"I'm sorry?" I didn't catch that.

"Do you like Harry Potter?" he asked again.

"The movies are okay. I never considered reading the books...or any books." I chuckled, "I don't like to read...that is until I see something that catches my eye."

"Well Terry, I'll uhh...I'll see what I can do."

"Thank's Patt!"

He chuckled, "Anytime, Terry."


"Gee, what the hell took you so long?!" Jeremy questioned giving me a look.

"For your information, I was making a few negotiations to Patty McRob about you, Esther, and your obsession with Harry Potter!"

"Pfft. That's Esther! I found another book to read."

I rubbed my forehead,

"Good God."
♠ ♠ ♠
How can people walk in heels?! It's fucking crazy! I put on my sister's pair and I couldn't make it to the kitchen.

Anyways, I don't think I ever said this and if I did....well I'll say it again.
You guys are very kind with your comments and subscribings and all that stuffffff.
It brings a smile to know that you guys enjoy reading my story.

I want a root beer now xP