Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

An Interesting Morning

I stared up at the ceiling of my old room. Yes you heard right. I'm back home and it was going to be eight fifteen. And ever since I got back, I've been waking up a lot early now. Heck, even earlier than Heath! It's strange how relationships have an affect on's been awhile, though. I no longer call him "The Boss" behind his back. Every time I call him by his name, I noticed a ring to it now. I felt him stretch next to me and his arm went around me. Again, you heard right, we actually fit in my old bed. Of course, my mom was completely unaware of it right now. I don't even know if she would...Hell no! I'm no teenager! But anyways, Heath snuck in at midnight:

"Here's some extra sheets to keep you comfortable." my mom said as she hand him over a couple of blankets.

"Thank you, Mrs. Nova." he replied as he settled himself on the couch.

"Oh it's no problem. You have a good rest." my mom let out a toothy grin as she nudge me, "Go on Terry, off to bed with you to."

"Right..." I looked over to Heath, "Night Boss." and with that, he gave me a mischievous wink before I went upstairs.

" little devil." I muttered as I looked at his sleeping face.

"Your one to talk." he muttered back, his eyes still closed. Makes me wonder if he was awake the whole time. Unexpectedly he moved in for a kiss and finally opened his eyes, "Did I scare you?" he asked.

"No but I think Jack will," I braced myself as Jack landed on us...I missed my cat.

"It's Jack The Ripper!" I hugged him as I sat up, "Where in the hell have you been buddy?! I missed you! Even Heath!"

"Yeah." Heath grumbled.

I let Jack go and turned my attention on the bludger, "grouchy aren't we?" I smirked. He pulled me on top of him, "Not really." his hand on the back of my neck pulled my head downward to meet his lips. My hands traveled from his neck to his hair as I deepened it. I hope to God no one comes in. He sat up, his lips still against mine, pulled me into an embrace.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead as he cradled me, "Happy birthday, Terry." he whispered trailing kisses on my jaw line. Out of breath, I gasped. "It's my birthday?!?!" I looked over to the calender...which really wasn't much help since I left it on last October when Nolan had hired me.

An amusement smirk appeared on his face, "Did my Terry forget the date?"

"I can't believe it's already February the 17th....unbelievable."

[Over to Jeremy's]

"Jeremy!" Uncle Artie's voice rang out through the hallways.

"What?!" Jeremy answered tiredly as he stepped out of his bedroom, his hair disheveled, and only wearing red flannel pajama pants.

"Tell all the kids that breakfast is ready!"

He sighed and looked at every kid who peeked out of their rooms, "Okay, you heard the man." as he announced it, a swarm of orphans stampede over Jeremy to go downstairs. The last one was Morgan, who helped him up. "Come on, Jeremy! Let's finish quick so we can say Happy Birthday to Terry!" and with that he scampered to the stairs leaving a shock Jeremy.

"Aw fuck...I have to get her a gift."


"So let me get this guys are together?!" my mom asked as she stood over us. Heath and I sat next to each other on the couch. Looking at her like if we were kids that just knocked down a thousand dollar vase that held your grandmother's ashes. Shattering the vase to pieces!! Did I mention it could be made out of ice?

"Terry...I'm in shock!" she paced back and forth one time, "You never told me, why?"

"Well..." I snickered, "I thought the whole holding hands and looking at each other with googly eyes at the table during breakfast would give off hints." I laughed by myself and then looked at my mother's serious eyes, "Are you going to ground me?" I asked innocently, "I've got a gig this week."

My mom gave me a look, "No I am not going to ground you." she said, "But I will be pissed if you guys broke up...that's throwing away a fortune!"

Heath cracked up while my mouth was agape, "Are you calling me a gold digger?" I turned to Heath, "Is she being a gold digger?"

"So..." my mom spoke up and crossed her arms, "Have you guys passed second base?"

"Do we have to answer that?"

The front door then opened, "Honey, I'm home!" Jeremy sang and looked at the three of us, "Is this a party?" he asked.

"No, my mom is just interrogating us." I said, "Since she saw Heath kissing my cheek after my mom told me happy birthday." I muttered.

"Oh, in that guys are in trouble! You guys are in trouble!" he sang again and head towards the basement.

"Where are you going?"

"To bang the shit out of the drums!" he yelled back.

"Language!" My mother said and looked at us, "Okay, if you guys are planning on...doing anything." this must be hard for her to let out, "Don't do it in my house." and with that she left us in the living room. The sound of the drums was heard and Jeremy sang out again, "1, 2, 3, Quarto! Happy Birthday to you! You love an Aussie dude! Holy crap Terry's older! And she turned twenty-two! Awoooo!!" he howled.

Heath put his arm around my neck, "Well...this has been an interesting morning." he smiled, "Don't you think, Nova dearest?"

"Absolutely wonderful, Andrew love."


Is it just me...or is everyone leaving me?

I was watching E.T. with Heath, again, in the living room. It was almost to the scene where their about to fly. My mom fifteen minutes ago said that she had to go to the groceries store and do what other mothers a grocery store. Then, Heath got a call and had to go to some business with Nolan.

"Your leaving me to watch ET alone?" he kissed me.

"I'll be back as soon as the little alien gets out of the hospital." he hugged me, "I promise I'll come back." he kissed my forehead right before he left.


"I'll be right here." E.T. said to Elliot right before he went on his spaceship. I faked a sniffle as I talked to myself, "Bye Heathy."

Jeremy then strutted in with some sunglasses and grinned, "Hey babe, did you miss me?" he stated with open arms. I averted away from the tv and looked at him, "Why are you so dressed up?"

"Oh you know. Just somewhere to go...real quick." he whispered the last part. I noticed his cellphone at hand. "So...your leaving me too?"

"E.T. is almost over." he stated.

"But what will I do around here? I'll be home alone once you leave."

He chuckled and patted my back, "Terry Terry! Your 22 now! You can handle yourself." he chuckled more, "And if you want to talk to someone..." he passed me his phone, "Spunk is on the other line." and with that he walked backwards to the front door, "Ciao!"

I looked at the closed door, then at the ending credits, then at the phone at hand...I looked to see it was on hold.


"Am I talking to the happy-go-lucky girl who still acts like a teenager whom I call Terry Nova?"

"Oh my's the british bastard that will murder me for a cup of tea."
♠ ♠ ♠
To be continued...xD

I think I can sketch Terry's house on the inside lol
kinda like my house except I don't have stairs and my living room is...spacier. whole left leg went numb.
The little spikey thingys that you get "when it's asleep" never went away.

Oh my god! I can't wait till next week!
next week next week next week!!! xDDD
what's today....May 8! Oh my god! Almost there! aaaiiiieeee!!