Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Phone Calls In The Afternoon

It was like an hour when Jeremy left. The tv was turned off. The peanut butter jar is left open on the coffee table. Jack is giving me weird looks. Jeremy's action figures of Spiderman, transformers, and The Riddler were there too on the table. And Rob was still on the phone thats on speaker. And me? My stomach twisted while I was laughing like hell on the floor...soooo hard.

"Hey okay?" he laughed on the other line, "Why's it so funny?" he asked, "All I'm saying is bastard."

I recovered from laughing, "Because it's soooo different than how we say it. We say it like, 'tard' and you guys go 'tawd' or something like that." I laughed again.

"So how old are you again?" he asked.

"Uh....22." I cleared my throat.

He paused for a bit, "Really?"

"Um yeah."

He paused again, "Oh wow...your older than me by a year."

This amused me, "Really?! How old are you?"

"I'm...going to be 21."

"So...your not legal yet?"

"Well...I can still drink." he chuckled, "I don't live in the US."

"You bastard...your telling I've waited twenty one years for a glass of Jack Daniels when I could have just ship my way to London at age sixteen and get myself Jack Daniels?!"

"Basically...with a parent supervision, though."

Jeremy looked at me and the phone, still in his shades, "You know...I've been to London once.....I saw God over there." he said, "And this gang giving me weird looks...I think they're werewolves man!" he said frantically. When did he ever come in to the house?!

I shook my head at him with narrowed eyes, ""

"Is he talking about that movie?" Rob asked.

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see, "Yes."

"I'm telling you guys! There are werewolves prowling around over there....eating everyone on full moons!!!"

"Yes and all the famous rock bands ceased to exist because of them." I said sarcastically.

"Pink Floyd?" Rob mentioned.

"No Pink Floyd made it out alive...I think it was the bass player from Metallica." Jeremy gasped, "It was Jimi Hendrix!"

"He's an American." I pointed out.

"But he toured over here." Rob said.

I nodded, "Good point....wait why am I having this werewolf conversation?"

"Because the werewolves ate him!" Jeremy shouted, "He died in London and it wasn't fully explained!"

"Didn't he overdose on sleeping pills?" I asked trying to remember. I'm not a big Jimi Hendrix fan.





"Asphyxiation." Rob cut us off on our little argument, "I think that's what happened." he muttered.

We stayed silent until I spoke up, "I agree."

"Why?" Jeremy asked.

"Because Rob said something scientif...." I paused knowing what the hell am I saying,"..fical and it sounds reasonable." I looked at the phone, "What does asphyxiation mean?"

"like suffocating." he answered.

"I like butter." Jeremy said out of the blue, "It's sooo....buttery."

"I like playing solitaire." Rob said.

Jeremy looked at me, seeing that I haven't said anything. If Rob was there, he too would've wait to hear.

"I...I hate bees."


Another hour passes by...

"You know, I read a story once about these two English dudes...they get stranded in this island. They were like survivors on this island. And then this psycho...named Jack put all the island to a blaze!" Jeremy said, "KA-BAM!"

"Isn't that Lord of the Flies?" Rob asked.

"Well you would know...." Jeremy muttered, "Your British."

"Hey!" I said realizing something, "Isn't that when the little boy named Piggy gets thrown off the cliff?"

"Yeah." they both said.

"That was soo sad!" I whined, "Piggy didn't deserve to die! Jack is a mindless bastard!"a hiss from my cat, "Not you!"

"You know what else is sad?" Jeremy asked.

"I can't get a girlfriend?" Rob said.

We looked at the phone weirdly, "Well that explains a lot." Jeremy snickered as I smacked his head.

"How come?" I asked.

"I don't know." he paused, "'s weird."

I stayed silent, trying to think of something, "Oh don't be so down. I'm sure some chick will throw herself at you." I stated, "Like Paris Hilton!" me and Jeremy burst out in laughter.

"You know...we were eating all this peanut butter, I forgot that I'm thirsty." I licked my lips, "I'm in the mood for Nestea."

"Nestea?" Jeremy arched his brow.

"I want a root beer." Rob said.

"Lucky bastard gets to drink even though he's.....sixteen." I said as I shook my head.

"I'm 20."

"Robert's sixteen and gets to drink?!" Jeremy had a look of shock, "That lucky bastard! I want to live in...oh wait...never mined." he stopped himself, "London is dangerous...Oh! but we can go to Ireland!"

"Nah, your legal there till your eighteen. But Spain lets you when your fourteen." I suggested.

"We have liqueur chocolate." Rob chuckled.

"I remember Kyle having a lot of those in junior year." Jeremy said.

"There quite tasty." I chuckled, "Funny, cause I forgot how they taste like."

Jeremy gave me a look, "Like chocolate?"

"With a hint of liqueur." Rob finished.

"You know what's weird?" Jeremy asked, "That people over in Europe drive differently than us."

"Jeremy in case you haven't noticed...were in American, were spoiled brats while every country has it hard!"

"Hey, I don't have it hard." Rob protested.

"Rob, your God's child, shut up." I turned to Jeremy, "We live in the free world."

"I want to be President of the free world." Rob intervened, "It sounds badass."

I giggled, "He said 'badass'."

"That's cause were rubbing off on him." Jeremy said proudly.

" guys are cool." Rob said.

"Aw!" I shouted as Jeremy looked over at me, "That just warms my heart a bit."

"Why? It's cold?" Jeremy snickered.

"No I just really really really miss Heath." I bit my bottom lip, "And it's my birthday."

"What kind of guy leaves his girl on her birthday?" Rob asked, "That bastard."

"Hahahahahaha!!! He said it again!" I laughed obviously enjoying myself.

Jeremy gave me a weird look and then continued on, "Well...apparently, I believe he's working the afternoon hours." he looked at the clock, "And it's almost six."

"Oh wow, we've been talking on the phone for like...well me and Terry was for an hour talking about Jack Nicholson, peanut butter, E.T., her birthday, and my supposedly illegal age." Rob said, "And then Jeremy came in, that was another hour talking about Hendrix and werewolves. So I'm guessing we've been talking for like four in a half hours straight."

"Wow...your so smart Rob." I giggled.

"Why thank you, Terry." he chuckled, "Aren't you guys worried about the phone bill?" he asked in concern.

"It's Jeremy's phone." I chuckled, "I don't care."

"Pfft...I hang out with Terry and The Dark Knight cast. I don't need to worry." Jeremy smirked as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh psh and I'm the President of the free world, I get to decide who lives or who dies." Rob replied.

Jeremy laughing he says, "Haha, no your not! Your Spunk Ransom!"

"It's a joke Jeremy." I told him as I still giggled a bit,

"I'm hungry...let's get KFC!" I suggested.

"Not yet." Jeremy said.

"Why not?"

"Yeah Jeremy, why not?" Rob asked, "I'm hungry too." he muttered after.

"So does that have to go?" I asked, "What if Jeremy leaves me?" I wondered and bit the pillow that I was hugging.

"You can call me back." Rob said, "I'll only be eating." he chuckled and then paused for a bit, "Or I can call you back." he muttered.

Jeremy got nervous at this and mentioned, "Uhh Rob, you know what Mission 765 Dethday is?"

Rob paused to think, "Oh! got to go! Have a good birthday!" and then the line went dead.

I stared at the phone with my mouth open in shock, "That's it." my shoulders slumped, "He just went click and that was it!" I looked at Jeremy with a glare, "What did you do?"


"If you leave and if my buddy on the phone doesn't answer and if I have to watch ET again and maybe Lord of the JEREMIAH DANGERFIELD ARE AN UNLUCKY MAN!"

"Did someone yelled unlucky man?" another accent was heard in the room and it was definetly not british...well in a way. I looked over to see Heath in a tux, with sunglasses, and some roses.

"Did you miss me?" he smirked.

I jumped him, "Yes! Where have you been?" He kissed me and smiled, "Preparing something special for my Terry."

"You aussie bastard! Did I show you how much I love you lately?" I asked with a grin.

"Not really, can you do it again?" he chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

Jeremy cleared his throat....which we ignored.

He cleared his throat again, "Excuse me!"

I broke away and looked at Jeremy, "What?!"

"I'm hungry! And I want to go now!"

Heath chuckled and looked at me, "Shall we?"

I kissed him again, "We shall."
♠ ♠ ♠
There's like....4 Robert's that I know.
1-British Bastard Robert
2-My high friend Robert
3-Drummer player Robert
4-My uncle's alter ego named Robert that's probably half dead after the whole cancer thing...hey maybe that's why! He was reborn as a dick! That sucks! That mofo owes me some guitar strings...and The Simpson's season 1 dvd's.

Last night...well it continued this morning too, was the most emotional mood swinging time I've had since...well i don't remember but it was sooo crazy! It was like a roller coaster. I didn't even want to update cause it might effect the story line...yeah that's why last chapter was a bit short.
Well anyways...let me tell you about it. hahahahha!! I can't stop laughing! xDDD
I was with my friend and she has these balloons from this party filled with helium.
Now you can imagine what will happen if you want to experiment with helium!
Anyways, as I was "high" on helium. I was watching one of Robert Pattinson's movies...uhh....hold on, The Haunting Airman! There you go! And then, when you watch it again and your dizzy with all that helium crap. It sort of a different feel to it.......nah! The movie is still eerie as fuck hahahahahha I cried this time when they stuck the needle on Robert's spine...and ugh! It reminded me of when my mom dragged me to the hospital to get those shot things...stupid nurse stabbed me! I can still feel the needle in my vein or whatever's under there!
So know what I love about British people?
I love how they say "Bastard" it's sooo funny xD I love it!
well you can tell cause of the chapter

When my friend left it was like one in the morning and I wasn't even tired yet so I stayed up and ate peanut butter while watching that 70's show. And you know what I thought about writing? Writing is like your personal therapist xD Now I know how Billie Joe Armstrong's grrrrrreat!

Well anyways, I don't want to be some emotional wreck...I'm gonna go and watch....I feel like having a Joker moment x]]]]....I am soo going to raid my friends house right now.