Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Kid's Party At Night

I just realized that my shortness is a dominant gene carried throughout my mom's side of the family...>.<


I pressed down hard on the gas pedal as the car sped up. I gripped on the steering wheel and my eyes were on alert to the max. Hoping I won't crash on street lights, signs, or get off the road....or not crashing. Just the thought of it released more adrenaline as I gritted my teeth and made a harsh turn, literally making the car tilt. I see my destination from afar and continued my winning streak. Since I was so fixated on my destination, I didn't realize the eighteen wheeler in front of me....holy shit! Another sharp turn but it was too late. The eighteen wheeler hit the tail of the car which made me spun around...and made Jeremy drove past by me to the finish line.

"Score bitches!" he yelled in victory, "Now that's what you get for being so reckless." he smirked.

"I didn't even see that coming." I muttered with a pout as I felt someone move me, "My turn, Nova." Heath said as he put me on his lap and put in more tokens in the slot.

Jeremy with full confidence put in his and tapped on the steering wheel. I looked at the game screen and back at Heath, "Can you even see?"

"Very perfectly." he said as he rested his chin on my shoulder, "Your going to help me steer." he commanded.

"I just crashed to an eighteen wheeler and your telling me to steer?"

"Helping me steer." he chuckled, "Like I would let you drive on your'll kill us." he snickered.

"Just start the game!"

"Don't push the brakes! Jeremy will get ahead of us!" I shouted.

"Nova you focus on steering." Heath said as he turned the wheel away so that we don't crash to a slow poke in front of us.

"I feel like such a child while my dad is trying driving away from the cops." I stated as I looked at this familiar road that headed somewhere. Hm...maybe it's...

I put my hands on top of Heath's and made my infamous sharp turn, almost crashing to Jeremy, "Terry what the hell are you doing?"

"Driving!" I answered with a smirk.

"Like some crazed idiot." Chris commented as he watched us race.

I knocked down a street light as I made my way to that one road while Jeremy continued on the track. "Nova, should I ask why you just drove off the race track?" Heath asked, "And why am I still letting you steer further?"

"Because if you will, we might win."


"Oh shush before I get nervous." I went into a tunnel, "Oh you pretty Chitty bang bang, Chitty chitty bang bang, we love you." I began to sing, "And our pretty Chitty bang bang, Chitty chitty bang bang loves us too!" I see the opening and turned and went on the track, which made us go ahead of Jeremy.

"Now that's a shortcut!" I grinned.

" pulled it off." Heath said as I made my way to the finish line, "Good job, Nova." he kissed my cheek.

"This sucks..."Jeremy said, "I want to play that Dancing game now."



I didn't know where Heath and Jeremy where taking me, but soon realized that I was being dragged to a restaurant/fun/kid's parties/goodness. It was Peter Piper Pizza.

"You brought me here to see Rocky the dinosaur?"

"They still have that mascot?" Jeremy questioned, "I thought he was put out of business. Him and his pink girlfriend."

I shrugged as Heath held the door open, "Jeremy chose the location while I told the manager to reserve a table. Christian and Nolan are there too." he stated, "And then I went home to fix myself up."

"A tux, Heath?"

"For this special occasion." he smiled, "Hope I didn't make you wait too long."

"No, you didn't." I shook my head, "Robert kept me entertained by singing 'Brown Eyed Girl'." Jeremy chuckled, "And then Jeremy killed the Van Morrison trip by singing one of Flock Of Eagles songs."

Jeremy narrowed his eyes at me, "I like their songs." He then chewed off of his pizza.

"I like Silverchair." Heath stated with a grin.

"Never heard of them." Jeremy said as I whispered to him, "Aussie band."

"And you know this how?" he questioned.

"Jeremy if you haven't noticed, I've been living with Heath since October and messed around to look for some music while I was bored."

Heath looked at me, "You went through my stuff?"

"Only the cds near the stereo." I smiled innocently.


I ripped the present that my mother left with Heath, "Well isn't that sweet." I examined the clothing, "She got me flannel pajamas." I put them back in the box, "It's like Christmas with my grandmother." I told myself as I got another gift from Nolan. It was in a letter. I unfolded the paper and out came a pile of hundreds, "What the..?" I read the letter.

"Your paycheck from Christmas to New Years from now. If this keeps up, I think Ledger will keep you...oh wait, I think he already claims you! Hahahaha! Anyways, you earned 20,000 dollars. You would have earned more but you owe a man a car. Well keep up the good work and Happy Birthday."

"That's a hell ot of money." I said to myself, "And were not even filming, yet."

"Well filming is right around the corner." Heath said returning from his shower and sat next to me on the couch, "How much did you make?"

"Twenty thousand dollars."

"Are you thinking of spending it?"

"Not really. I was thinking to give some to my mom....that is if she needed help on the rent." I put the money and the letter back in the envelope.

I stretched and looked up at him, " it bedtime?"

He grinned and carried me up to the room, "Indeed it is."
♠ ♠ ♠
All last week, I've seen Spunk Ransom in many ways...
a wizard, a geek/nerd, some paralyzed pilot in a wheelchair, in a weird mustache, with long hair, and a stupid vampire that threw off my original

Holy crap! What's today?!
As I got back from school (aww that sucks) this is going to be an eventful week. May 13, I'm doing a little tour and friday...GREEN DAY!!!
Oh shit...tomorrow's May 13, I just realized that.
Well anyways, I'll probably update again on the weekends now sooo stay tuned!