Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Pretzels, Vanilla Coke, and Batman

"Jeremy it's called seven minutes in heaven. Why do you think they got like that?" I stated, "Hair messed up, out of breath...I think that's about it." I thought about it, "Yeah that just yells sex."

"Nooo." Jeremy protested, "You would smell it with a mixture of candy."

"Who has sex and eats candy?" I asked.

"Apparently you in the future." he pats my head and chugs his soda in delight. We were backstage and Esther's little sister, Dee (Deana), just got out of the closet with little blue-eyed, dark hair Tony.

"What was it like?" Freebird asked.

Tony had this goofy grin and grabbed him by the collar, "Me...Her...magic." he giggled...giggled?!

Dee just wiped her lips to the side with her thumb and went to apply lip gloss or whatever girls put on these days. I don't use any of it. I figure it's a waste of time, seeing my mom spending thirty minutes in the morning to do all that stuff on her face. Dee looked over at my staring and asked, "Want?"

I snapped out of it and shook my head, "I'm good."

"Why don't you put any on?" she asked curiously, "You would look good."

"I already do." I grinned cockingly.


I shook my head, "I was joking."

"Dee, don't make my Terry look like a slut! She said she isn't going to do non of that business until we're broke and we're stranded on the other side of the earth." Jeremy shouted.

I nodded my head, "Yes and Jeremy would stand in the corner of the streets waiting to be picked up by huge, burly men." I snickered. Every sentence dripping in sarcasm.

He glared at me, "Are you calling me a faggot?"

"Never even mentioned it." still grinning.

Esther stepped in just in time to see one of us tackling each other. I put Jeremy in a head lock as he tried to flail his way out. Esther sat down next to Freebird and her sister, "What is going on and why are they killing each other?"

"Terry stoled Jeremy's Harry Potter book!" Tony shouted out.

Esther gasped, "Why would you do that?!"

Freebird smacked Tony, "Idiot. She just called him faggot."

"See!" Jeremy shouted, "I told you!"

"I said you will be picked up by this huge, burly, heavy drinker guy!" I shouted back as I released his big head.

"Hey!" everyone's attention turned to the guy at the entrance, where there stand a six foot four muscle man with an iron maiden shirt. "I may be a heavy drinker. I may be burly. But that does not mean I'm gay!" Bane glared. Yes, we call him Bane, just like the character from Batman.

"No one said you were!" I said and looked over to Esther who was drinking a capri sun, "And when in the hell did you come in?"

She shrugged and smiled as she slurped, "Daniel Radcliffe's hot." Dee who gave her a weird look protested, "He's gross."

Esther glared at her, "Shut up. You just like Cedric Diggory."

Dee thought about it and still had the same face, "He's" she smiled at Jeremy, "He likes him." she pointed at him.

Jeremy made a face, "Why am I the gay one?"

Tony shrugged, "Either you are or your just a womanizer."

Bane grabbed a Bud Light, "He's a big time womanizer." he stated and turned to me, "Oh and you have ten minutes to get ready." he said as he stepped out.

"I'm just glad that Terry got me an autograph of Daniel!" Esther smiled with glee and gave me a look, "Your my bestfriend!"

"No way! Terry you went to London?!" Freebird had an astonished look.

Dee rolled her eyes, "No you idiots. She just knows people." she smiled at me, "Isn't that right?"

"I guess?"

"Then why didn't you give me a picture of Brad Pitt?!" she was now angry. Wow mood swings, how they change. Even though her and Esther are completely different, they share mood swings and feel needy most of the time. It's kind of weird. Esther has brown hair that has curls and Dee has light brown, almost blonde, hair which she straitens most of the time.

"Calm down, Dee, she was with Heath most of the time and only met a few people." she thought of which one, "Like Robert Pattinson."

"But he's not even famous!"

"Only in London." I muttered.


"Shut up Jeremy!"

"Three minutes!" Bane shouted from behind the door. I stood up and went to the other room to warm up and leaving these idiots to argue about celebrities...but you gotta love 'em.

I grabbed one of Tony's guitars and started to play Little Sister from Queen of the Stone Age, "Little Sister can't you find another way? No more living life behind the shadow." I went along to do the solo at the end of the song.

"You handle that like some professional." I heard an aussie accent.

I smirked, "That's what you get when you pick up a guitar at age seven."

He had an amazed look, "That long?"

I nodded, "I love it." I looked up to him staring, "What?"

"Just can't believe why your not out there recording music of your own." he said as he took the guitar and placed it down.

I shrugged, "Well, it didn't seem like we're going anywhere and my mom tells me to stop playing around and get a job." I chuckled, "Cause she don't like the one she's got."

He sat down infront of me, "At what age was this?"

"18, when I graduated from highschool." I started to play with his hair, "And then she talked about college and me getting this career." I sighed, "She sounds like those counselors from school telling us to get this high GPA and all these college credit stuff."

"What did you want to be when you grow up?" he asked with a content sigh.

" clue." I rested my head on his, "I just wanted to perform on stage but my mother's words sank in."

"You are never going to make it out of life with that band of yours! They'll throw you out of streets before you know it! This is Los Angeles! Reality! Not a fairytale!"

"Which is why I hesitated. I actually believed her and just played songs to kids at the orphanage. I just...lived life." both of his hands made me face him.

"They told me the same thing about becoming an actor." he said, "They tell me to stop wasting my time and blah whatever but I just shrug it off....but those were my teachers. It must hurt to hear from a discouraging parent."

I nodded and grabbed his wrists, "Yeah...but she can't tell me what to do anymore." I grinned, "I'm already twenty two years old and back with my band...with no name."

He arched a brow, "You never had an original?"

"As a matter of fact...the reason why we call Spunk Ransom, well Spunk Ransom. Don't think we just made it up on the spot." that's crazy, it'd take a genius to come up with a name like that. (A/N: Ahaaaa! xD)

"Are you saying..."

"Yes our band was called Spunk Rancid at first, but I don't know where Jeremy got Ransom. I, on the other hand, liked Spunk. Reminded me of this cartoon character." I explained.


"One of my favorite bands." I smiled.

"So why'd you name Christian's friend that?"

"Well...first I need to tell you about the word Spunk and how we got it. Let me tell your about a game of courage:

"Do it!"

"Do it!"

"Do it!"

Every shout and chants kept increasing for this poor boy to do this little daredevil stunt. It was like a pack of wolves hazing it's prey. Jeremy's dirty face had this fierce determined look as he looked down at the gallon of milk at hand. I watched with the group of wild coyotes who kept telling him to do it. Jeremy grinned and took in a fucking way. He then began to drink the gallon. Not chug. Drink.

"Oh my god!"

"He's doing it! That fucker is doing it!"

"Go Jeremy go!"

They all cheered on as Jeremy tried to finish the whole damn milk...without throwing up. He paused for a breath.

"Go go go!"

"Continue man!"

Is this wrong? Seeing your friend playing this sick game so that he can prove to other people that he wasn't a wussy. Are boys always like this? Halfway done, Jeremy stopped again and had a look of 'I can't drink this anymore'.

"Why'd you stop?"

"All of it, man!"

Jeremy dropped the gallon and then hurled onto the floor. The buzzards howled and cheered as he passed the test. I looked away, feeling my stomach twist and turned, I have a really weak stomach and gross out easily. He looked at me with an exhausted look, "How did I do?"

"Your a dumbass."

"Dude! You are so Spunk'd!"

"Basically, Spunk is another word for courage. If you have the guts to do some sick stunt then you either are stupid or just have balls." I finished, "I agree with stupidity." I looked over to Heath, "I called Robert "Spunky" cause he seemed like a guy who would do that kind of stuff." I shrugged, "But what do I know...I barely know him for a little bit." Heath smiled and then the door opened to reveal a Jeremy with a mouthful of...pretzels?

"Tcherry ooo ow any etzelsh i uu en ry outh!" He mumbled as he kept chewing.

"I'm gonna say this once...what the hell did you just say?!"

He swallowed and breathed, "I just stuffed almost a bag of pretzels in my mouth." he had an amazed smiled, "And we start the!"

"Are you playing that game again?"

"I have no idea what your talking about."


"Terry that's fourth grade."

"So you were doing it!"

Bane entered in,

♠ ♠ ♠
I had to put this up again cause my computer frozed up but good thing I saved it on word xD
And Bill Gates said, "Let there be microsoft word."

Well anyways...This story has 90 comments. 90 FUCKING COMMENTS! Thats like a new record for me! This story has more comments than any of mine! It beat my Joker story but it didn't beat the subscribers yet! Joker story ended but this story is continueing! and maybe just maybe you guys will make it up to ten stars! TEN FUCKING STARS! And this is why the update is special not cause of Green Day (well that too) but you guys/readers/commenters/subscribers/etc are badass! BAD ASS! Thank you and enjoy the little fun writing special thing below!


[Jeremy's result from previous dream/weird timeline/not even an episode/what the hell is this?]


"Terry? God! You freaking scared me!" Jeremy said with a hand over his heart. "Listen I had to go back to camp! You know, wild bears trying get our stuff and what not. But you forgive me, right?"


"Stop acting like a cat and help me! We have to get a hotel! Tonight is gonna freezing!"


"Terry? What are you....Oh my God! You are not my guitarist!" JEremy squealed as he started to run, "Help! This thing is chasing me!" he tripped over a log and fell into a hole that led somewhere.....

"Ooof!" he groaned, rubbing his head, "What the hell?" he whipped out a lighter and all of a sudden the whole room brightened to what it looked like an interrogation room and on the other side of the table was....Heath.

"Ledger, my man! There's crazy shit up there!" Jeremy said going up the seat, "You gotta help me."

"Seven days Jeremy." Heath said with his thick accent.


"I said, Seven Days..." and with that Heath disappeared.

"Wait! Where are you going?! Aussie!" Jeremy got up and looked around for an exit, "Where to go? Where to go?" he looked up to see that monster that was trying to get him but couldn't go through the cage.

"Holy mother of God!" he yelled as the monster tried to go through. JEremy found two doors that had signs. One saying "Exit" and the other said "Not Exit" with some graffiti on it saying "Don't use this door. If you do, your a dimwitted dumbass. The other door is safe. You are really stupid if you turn this knob. Beware the ides of March! Hail Hitler!" Jeremy gave it a weird look and hesitated, "Which one?" he asked himself as someone from his left side of the shoulder appeared having an aussie accent, "Choose carefully Jeremiah. It may be your fate." he looked over to Heath who had an evil grin, "But I think your going the right direction by picking the dirty one." Jeremy felt confident knowing that his friend (or foe) is telling him the truth.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." another voice said to his right. JEremy looked over and gasped, "Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars!"

"Jeremy, I'd pick the safe and clean one. You may never know where the dirty ones been." the wise one said.

Heath scoffed, "Now don't listen to him. Where's your sense of adventure?"

"Jeremy stay on the safe side."

"You want to have fun or not?"

"It could be dangerous."

"It will be exciting!"






"Okay! Okay!" at the sound of Jeremy's aggravated voice the two disappeared. Jeremy stared at the two doors behind him and remembered Heath, "Fuck this. Let's have some fun!" He entered in and unexpectedly...he fell. "Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........stupid Aussie!" he landed.Jeremy shook the dust off and looked around. He gasped as he looked at the familiar surroundings, "I'm at Hogwarts! I'm at Hogwarts!" he jumped with glee.

"Can I help you?" asked a Hufflepuff.

He turned around to see, "Spunk Ransom! Your here too?!"

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh shit! Uhh....Cedric! There you go!" Jeremy's face was now in worry, "Oh shit...are you in the Triwizard Tournament?!"

", why?"

"Thank god! Don't really don't want to go."

"But I was thinking about entering and-"


The confused wizard held his hands up, "Alright Alright! Geez." he chuckled, "What's got your panties in a twist?"

Jeremy sighed, "Ugh, just a strange turn of events, Spunk." he ran a hand through his hair, "My friend is like this monster and now it wants to like eat me and this aussie tricked me into a trap."



"You need Dragons. Come with me." the wizard took off with Jeremy behind as they went into this random room, "Uh...Sp- Cedric, where are we going?"

"To get you a Dragon."

"What for?"

"To kill that monster chasing after you." he stopped to see...a normal girl with normal clothing that you see everyday and that's not well...Harry Potter style. "That's the Dragon Seeker. She trains and raises dragons. Isn't that amazing?" Cedric asked.

"Yeah...Spunk real amazing." Jeremy squinted to get a better look at her, "Who is she?" he asked going to tap her shoulder but then she slapped it away.

She turned around and it was, "Terry!"

"No touchy! Or I'll get my dragons to kick your sorry ass!"

Jeremy was speechless while Cedric went to inform him, "She's an American. Isn't she a beauty?" he whispered as Jeremy glared at him, "Don't say things like that to me. She's my sister." Jeremy shuddered, almost grossed out.

"Your siblings?" the wizard questioned.

"We're siblings?" Terry arched a brow as Jeremy went to explain himself, "Terry! I thought you were like dead or mutuated into this ferocious beast that is out to get me! And...remind me to smack Heath when we get back to LA." Jeremy looked around, "That's if we get back."

Terry sighed, "Fine we'll go and no hitting Heath!" she snickered, "It wasn't his fault that some idiot went to the wrong door." she laughed.

"Okay shut up! And just give me a damn dragon!"

Terry, who was now dressed as a ringmaster, pulled down the curtain that covered a cage. She put on her top hat, "Aaaand step right up! And choose your unique and powerful crrrreature!" There showed a red brownish one, a silver blue, emerald green, golden yellow...and a Cedric in the end.

"Okay the red one's name is Armageddon, the blue one is Apocalypse, the green one is Rapture, the gold shiny one is 2012." a large vulture landed on Terry's shoulder, "And this here is...I call him Judgement Day."

Jeremy looked over to Cedric, "Is he for sale too?"

"Yes and his name is...Messsiah!"

"What the fuck is up with all these Religious stuff?!"

"I don't know, I read it on this newspaper that was covering a hobo." she shrugged.

A shriek that can deaf the elderly was heard as the creature flew by over their heads, "Oh crap! That thing is back!" Jeremy yelled.

Terry, now in a soldier attire, ducked and pulled out her rifle, "Son of a bitch!" she opened the cage, "All of you attack and make this God's last judgement!"

Cedric, who was now next to Jeremy, whispered to him again, "She's beasty when she's angry."

Jeremy looked at him weirdly, "Keep it in your pants, you limey!"

The creature flew down towards them...two wings flapping like crazy, one pair blue and the other black. It had white fur and the stomach spotted like a cheetah. It had a multi-colored horns and one eye. Another head from above it's head as a golden cobra. And it bear fangs as a vampire. Jeremy's mouth dropped, "What the fuck is that thing?!"

Terry who was right next to him, grabbed his collar, "Are you blind?! That's the Chupamacobra!"

"Chupa ma what?"

"Chupamacobra! Now if you don't get your ass in a safe place, you'll be swallowed, eaten, melted ALIVE!" Terry ran off as she radio-ed, "Captain Aussie Kangaroo! What's your position? Over!" (hehehe that's what she said)

"Right from behind." Heath answered right in back of her (hehehe that's what he said).

Terry sighed in relief, "Oh good! You came!" (hahaha enough with the sex jokes you dirty minded...). Heath swept her off her feet and ran away safely, "To the Kanga-mobile!"

Jeremy ran towards them, "Wait! I want to leave too! I don't want to be eaten!" Jeremy then tripped and looked up to see no more Hogwarts but an alley in London. "Where'd they go?"

"Where did who go?" a british accent questioned.

"Terry and Heath! Weren't you there, Cedric? What the hell happened to Hogwarts?"

Rob laughed, "Jeremy I think you need to stay off on the Harry Potter movies. Didn't Terry gave you that autograph I sent?"

"Dear God! Your back! Your Spunk Ransom!"

"Um yeah, I'm right here Jeremy." he snickered, "Are you okay?"

Jeremy sighed, "Thank god, I don't have to hear thoughts from you." he muttered as he rubbed his head.

"What thoughts? The ones of Terry?"

"Nooooo!" Jeremy fell into a rabbit hole again and found himself back to the interrogation room to see a disappointed Obi-Wan and a bored Heath Ledger.

"I told you to choose wisely." Obi-Wan said.

"He tempted me!" Jeremy growled at Heath, who had this mischevious smirk.

"Me?" Heath questioned, "I did nothing of the sort." his finger pointing at Jeremy, "You choosed the wrong door."

"That's because you made it interesting, damn Aussie!"

"Language, sir." Obi-Wan said calmly. "He's right...." they stared at the Jedi, "You did choose the wrong door." he snickered.

Jeremy groaned, "Oh for the love of God!"

A growl erupted that made Jeremy jump and look up to see...that the Chupamacobra is still there, "Oh no..."

"Only one way out Jeremy." Heath said twirling around this chain.

Obi-Wan followed, "And it's either those two doors."

Jeremy felt nervous and unsafe to the both of the two doors. How can it be trusted?! The creature was now breaking through the cage. It's saliva already dripping and sizzling as it touches anything. Jeremy extended his hand but then hesitated. From the corner of his eye he sees the creature looking at him with one saphire eye. The venom burned his shoulder and he really had to go to one of those doors...but which one?




Back and forth Heath and Obi-Wan chanted as the creature broke through. Jeremy took off and chosed....

"Jeremy what the hell?!" Terry yelled in concern, "Your scaring me with your sleep talk." Jeremy blinked his eyes open and saw Terry.

"You have no idea what kind of fucked up dream I had!" he exclaimed.

"Really?" Terry smirked and looked around, "By any chance, does it relate to all this?"

Jeremy stood up to see the wicked Aussie, Obi-Wan, two Cedric's...well one is Spunk Ransom, the dragon's, the vulture, the creature...all of them smirking down on him.

"Sweet Jesus."

The End?