Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Reunion; Along With Prince

You know what'll be cool? Having Heath Ledger to sign your permission slip, claiming to be your guardian, go to your field trip, and then asking the teacher for the slip back and keeping it as an autograph. Now that my friend is a good bargain xD



She pointed to me.


To Jeremy.


To Sid.

"Explain to me" at Heath, "Just sit and wait." my mother commanded as Heath remained sitting on the couch. Clearly, he was curious to see what was going on and wanted to know who the stranger was in the back seat of his car.

"Well mom, Sid here is from New Zealand where grandma and grandpa are. So basically, Dad didn't let us keep in touch with my sweet innocent younger brother and you!" I pointed to her, "Never told me about me having a sibling!"

My mother had an innocent face at first but then turned serious, "Well you know Terry, your father and I have had tight situations with his job and home."

"I know I was there."

"Don't interrupt me." she said as I piped down, "We would have been in a divorce and he would have gone to New Zealand with his parents and we didn't want you guys to be sad about separating." she finished.

I bit my lip while thinking, "So your telling me that it was okay to keep my brother a secret from me?" I looked at Jeremy and Heath, "Is it just me or does this sound messed up?"

"Terry..." she started, "It was a very hard time with your father!" she sighed as she rubbed her temples, "Since he started seeing that patient of his." she muttered.

I sighed, not wanting to listen to the whole dad cheating thing. I heard Heath cleared his throat and saw hime raised his hand, "Question." he says as he caught everyone's attention.

"So...does that mean Terry's half aussie?"

"Quite possibly." Sid talked, for the first time and rolled his way infront of mom, "I'm sorry." he muttered, "About father."

My mom looked at him sadly, "'s not your fault. You didn't know what was going on-"

"But-" he protested but my mom cut him off, "You were in New Zealand. You had no idea, Sid. It was our fault to put both your lives like this." she sniffed, "I just wish things shouldn't be like this." they both hugged as my mom gave out more sniffles and such while me, Jeremy, and Heath sat there awkwardly watching the whole touchy reunion...well not yet. I felt someone's hand grabbed my shirt and pulled me into the hug as well. Now it was a reunion.

I heard Jeremy sniff as well as he muttered, "Isn't this a pretty scene?" he went over to join the hug. Heath looked at me and asked, "Should I or...?"

"Yes." I pulled him in.

"This calls for Purple Rain!"

"Jeremy don't ruin it."

"Yes mother."
♠ ♠ ♠
I made it short on purpose!
Haha! xD Hah ha!

What happens when your standing close to a bonfire for a little too long?!?!
Cause that's what I did today by putting more fire wood and messing with the ashes with a shovel(don't ask) and now my eyes hurt >.>

Well anyways...after that I went to my cousin's house and now I think I have a liking towards the drums :D he has this kickass double pedal and I tried playing "An Honest Mistake" by The Bravery. I liked it. It was fun. something different than the guitar and piano.

So yeah that was my day and now....HEATH LEDGER GOING FOR A PLANE RIDE!!!
that is the most funniest thing I've seen this week xD