Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

When The Time Comes...

Emily Ashford stood there with a smirk playing on her lips as she twirled her car keys at hand. She waltz in the club like she owned it...well kind of. She stared at Terry Nova straight in the eyes as Terry continued to rock hard on the borrowed electric guitar. Sooner or later Terry was going to catch her eye and so she did as she looked at the crowd, with some headbanging while others swaying their hips. Terry smiled and let out a quick wave before jumping off this amp and Jeremy ended it with one of his little finals on his drums before throwing the sticks at random directions, "THANK YOU BOOZERS! GOODNIGHT!"


I passed the groupies, known as our friends who were allowed backstage, but stopped only to see how my brother was doing. I saw him staring at me with a happy grin as he made his way to me and Jeremy, who jumped onto the sofa. "Terry! That was amazing!" Sid commented.

"Yeah. I try my best." I answered a bit quickly as I looked around for...the other Aussie. "Terry, he's waiting for you in the other room." Sid stated with a smirk, "Your face is like a children's book. Don't get too excited."

"Hush now little brother." I ruffled his hair, "Now go and play with the rest of the children." he playfully pushed my hand away and grumbled, "Most of them are older than you."

I ran over ignoring some people, not that they mind, they were around my brother and Jeremy. I opened the door to the next room to see that it was empty...completely empty with just a used guitar on the couch. The way I left it before I went on stage. I felt arms wrapped around me from behind, "Looking for me?" I felt his breath bellow my ear, which made me quiver a bit. I turned around to see that smirk on his face, "I missed you." I stated in all honesty as I hugged him back and rested my head on his shoulder. The days have been like some planner. Not that it was our fault with work/rehearsals and all. It's only a matter of days where we can spend the whole day together...meaning out of town filming. Meaning hotel rooms just for ourselves. Hoping to God that there are no more distractions. Like Jeremy. I looked up to see him smiling at me. I scanned over his face...from his eyes to his lips. A sudden feeling at the pit of my stomach burst as I went to brush my lips softly against his. My hands traveled up from his waist to his neck as the kiss went more into the fierce stage. This is when I start to worry when interruptions start to surface....that's the thing. The other room was now quiet. It's not supposed to be quiet. Not when the Jeremy, Esther, and the other loud mouths are in there. My train of thought was lost until I was suddenly pushed back on the couch...with guitar being pushed to the floor. My hands went off to massage Heath's head as he bit my bottom lip before kissing my neck to my collarbone. Before I could enjoy anything else...

"AHA! Terry Nova! Never have I thought you would get it on every night with a groupie!" I heard an english accent, the one I haven't heard since last year before I left to New York.

I groaned as I buried my face onto Heath's shoulder as he sat me up on his lap, "Why now? Why does it have to be now?"

"Well for one thing...your in a backstage room. And another thing, Emily here was kind enough to criticize on our performance tonight!" Jeremy stated as he looked at us slyly, "Hey, if we hadn't guys were about to have kinky butt sex!"

"Jeremy! For God sakes!" I yelled at him, "Not infront of the kids!" I remembered my brother around the area and Jeremy's shoutings aren't helping.

"Well excuse me for intruding on Brokeback Mountain's Sequel!"

"Are you asking for a boot to the head, Dangerfield?"

"You tell me Nova dearest!"

"Oi! Enough with the shouts! The tall bodyguard scares me!" Emily intervened as she pointed to Bane, who had his arms crossed as he looked around with a puzzled face and wondering what's with all the ruckus.

"Is there a problem?" Bane asked still puzzled.

"Yes, take Jeremy to the girls room." I commanded.


Emily pushed him off to the side as she grinned, "Well one of the reasons I'm here is..." she reached to her back pocket, "I have come with paychecks from my dearest lovable cousin of mine!" she handed me one as Jeremy snatched the other away, "Yoink! Mine!" he said as he scampered away to the next room.

"Payday!" I laughed as I remembered the first time I got paid was pretty awesome until my mom said 'For the rent, honey!'. I groaned remembering that I still need to help my Terry, don't be selfish. "Sid!"

Jeremy pushed Sid, who had his eyes closed, "Are you decent?" he asked.

"Jeremy, what have you been telling him?"


Sid uncovered his eyes slowly and then grinned, "You called?" I handed him over the check, "It's for you and mom."


"Just take it and don't look back!" I said covering my eyes as I felt a pat in my back. I looked over to see Sid, "If I could, I would hug you." I patted his shoulder as well, "Me too, Sid."

"Aw isn't that cute!" Esther cooed as her sister followed up, "Yes...sibling love."

"Kinda reminds me of one." Freebird mentioned as he looked at Esther and Dee, who glared at him, "Not that I'm saying any names."

"Oh and by the way, Terry how do you know Emily?" Dee asked.

"I ran into her at the mall one time." I answered as I sat next to Heath, who had his arm around me, "Found out her cousin owns this place."

"The hot british man?!" Dee asked shockingly and then noticed everyone looking at her, "Uh I mean, the blonde blue-eyed one?"

Emily giggled, "Yes that one, his name is Brian."

"Brian." Dee sighed and snapped out of it, "Oh that's cool."

Esther rolled her eyes, "Excuse her she has a thing for foreign men."

"Or men in general." Freebird muttered as Dee smacked him,



Heath sighed as he rubbed his eyes tiredly before going to his sleeping attire. I, on the other hand, couldn't stop changing the channels...if this continues I might have a seizure.

"So many colors!" I said as Heath tried to take the remote from me, "Nova, gimme the control." he commanded.

"Wait! I'm still in the 40's!"

"Nova, I want to go to bed!"

"Okay good night!" I shooed him away as I continued going to the 60's but he was still behind me and his hands were still on my wrists still trying to get the control away.



The remote fell on the floor which probably hit the off button since the idiot box turned off. Meaning no more seizure colors. I sighed as I looked at him with narrowed eyes. He chuckled as he leaned in for a kiss. " to bed!"

I groaned, "Can't we have an all nighter?"

"I have to wake up early tomorrow." he said kissing my forehead, "Maybe we can have one on the weekends, you don't have a show then right?"

I shook my head, "Nope."

He smiled, "Then we can have your little all nighter." he smirked at the end of the sentence....probably thinking of something...or planning something on the weekend. Whatever it's big. How do I know? It's Heath.

He pulled me in the covers with him as he turned off the lamp. My head still thinking of this weekend as he wrapped his arms around me. But I wasn't planning on sleeping...not until knowing what's bound to happen. I lifted myself up a bit and looked at him, "What's on your mind?" I asked him.

He yawned, "Hoping that my girlfriend will catch some Z's sooner before me."

"Not that."

"Terry, you'll know when it comes." he said as he pulled me down, "Now gets some shut eye before your little energizer bunny runs out when the weekend comes." I sighed in defeat as I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his waist. Guess I have to wait but my mind still goes on thinking. I try not to. If not I'll take it with me in my dreams.

It was silent for approximate thirty minutes....I was looking at the clock. My fingers tapped lightly on his stomach as my mind still raced.

"On the weekend...." I muttered as I heard him sigh.

"Yes Terry....the weekend."


Jeremy pouted as he laid down on his uncle's couch while everyone that came over (Esther, Dee, Freebird, Bane, and surprisingly little Morgan) slept soundly as the movie still went on. Jeremy's thoughts went over to the wild blonde haired brit girl at the show...Emily. The same girl that kept calling on his cell phone, claiming to be Terry's friend. Jeremy wondered how does Terry run into these people?!

"I swear,Terry is a foreign magnet...especially with limeys...and aussies." Jeremy muttered as Emily's shocking blue eyes were watching him. Flawless almost pale-skinned with bright white teeth. At some points giving him an evil grin. Listening to her charming accent. Then a thought struck his head as he jumped up from his relaxing position and freaked out, "WEREWOLVES!!!!!!"

The couch were he was in fell back, taking him down with it, which made a loud noise to wake even more people up.

Esther groaned as she hit Jeremy with a pillow while Dee shouted,

"Shut up Jeremy!"
♠ ♠ ♠
This has been a very interesting week...end and summer vacation has only begun.
Well anyways that means I can update all the time!
That's if I have something else I have to do xP
Don't worry I'll be sure to make time for you boomers out there xDD
And besides....this story is fun x]

I texted for The Dark Knight 20 million fucking times went around everyone that I know and told them to vote for The Dark Knight even though they wanted to vote for Twilight (wait that's only one person). I don't mind the other awards but why the Best FUCKING Movie?!?! New Moon has already killed my expectations with a small wolf! I was expecting a huge ass mofo bear that had a badass wolf's appearance (more better than Underworld). Heck! I'm pretty sure Bella even described the wolves as huge fucking bears! Am I write? Or did I misread? How the hell is Edward gonna think that a werewolf is a challenge when the wolf's size is probably up to his waist?! -kick! dies- Well anyhow...I'm still gonna be dragged into watching the movie, no doubt, but I'm still mad! :/