Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Letterbomb From London

Close to the afternoon...
Heath left in the morning and Nova is barely up....


"MY ASS!" I glared at the can of goodness, that was labeled Chef Boyardee Ravioli, deviously as I couldn't open it! I struggled again but it resulted with the little opener thingy, that comes with it, come off and landed on the floor infront of me.

"Argh! Can this day get any worse?!"

A loud knock was heard, that broke the silence. I looked over at the door and it knocked again. I hesitated to answer as another knock went by. I looked at the man with the UPS uniform as he handed me a package:

"Delivery from Britain." he stated as he gave me a clip board, "Sign here."

I arched an eyebrow in confusion, "I think you have the wrong person cause I don't recall anybody from...England." I stopped as realization hit me, "....Pattinson."

"Yes...that's what it says. Can you please sign here?" I looked at the box and then signed the clipboard, "Thank you, ma'am." I nodded and looked at the box again. A small smile was forming on my lips. Hm...I wonder-

"IT'S A BOMB!!!!" Jeremy swiftly took it away and threw it across the living room, "Clearly he wants us both DEAD! I tell you, man! He's ONE OF THEM! MOTHERFUCKER!"

I covered his mouth, "Jeremy...calm the FUCK down!" I sighed, "Let me remind you there is no such thing as..."


"I told you Terry!" Jeremy said as he turned to Freebird, "What channel? What's going on?"

Freebird relaxed on the couch, "Oh it's on demand and their showing one of those Vamps vs Werewolves...I believe it's called Underworld."

"Ah! I want to see!" Esther yelled out in excitement as she joined Freebird on the couch.

"Where the hell are these people coming from?" I said to myself as I finally retrieved the package.

"Careful Terry! It can go off any minute!" Jeremy said holding his hands out towards it, "God knows that Robert planned it carefully!" Jeremy shuddered as he realized something, "QUICK THROW IT OUT! I DON'T WANT TO DIE A VIRGIN!"

I smirked and decided to mess with him, "Wonder what Spunk send me." I shook the box as I listened closely what's in it, "Hm...what could it be?"

"Terry are you crazy?!"

"Like a squirel." I began to open it but since it's cardboard. I needed a knife.

"Terry! He's a werewolf, just like Emily!"

I laughed at him, "Don't be ridiculous, Jeremy. Your little fantasies on werewolves are taking over your little head."

Esther spoke up for the first time, "He's been up all night. Quivering in fear and yelling out 'werewolves' seriously it's getting annoying."

Well maybe that's why they came over, "So you want me to get rid of his little fear that just went overboard?"

Freebird, who was on his knees infront of me and holding my free hand, begged, "Please...if it's gonna let us sleep good at night, then I suggest you do!" I looked at him weirdly as he began to pout, "I can't take it anymore! Don't make me kiss your knuckles! I'm already on my knees!"

I took my hand away from him, "Okay! I'll do it!" I sighed as I stepped away from Freebird and placed the package on the table.

"Oh Jeremy!" I found him on the side of the couch, looking paranoid as ever. His eyes had a bit dark in him. Hm...I guess there right. He was probably up all night.

"Where's the bomb?"

"You look like shit by the minute."

"Terry! Spunk Ransom wants us dead! As well as Emily!" he grabbed my collar, "There onto us!"

"Jeremy shut up and listen!" he quieted down as he let go and fidgeted more, "Okay, I'm gonna say this once. Werewolves aren't real, there aren't any in London-"

"Terry spare me the excuses!"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine! There all extinct! The fought off vampires, frankenstein midgets, lions and tigers and bears, dinosaurs, penguins, and pacman! They all died in the big bang theory and their all having a blast in hell!" he stayed silent as he took in my words and then looked up.

"What if their laying the vampires!"

"Their extinct too!" I groaned, "This isn't helping!" I, then, came up with an idea. I looked over to Jeremy and smiled, "How would you like to spend a day with me and Emily?"

Jeremy covered his head, "No."

"Come on! It'll prove that she's not a werewolf! We'll bring garlic and holy water!"

"Isn't that for vampires?" Esther asked.

"Shut up!" I told her, "They both smell funky!"

I heard Jeremy's phone ringing, which I left in the kitchen last night. I went over to answer it, "Hello?"

"G'day luv." Heath greeted, "Were you sleeping?"

"No...several complications occured." I answered.


"He's one of them."

I heard him chuckle on the other end, "Well I'll be home in a little while to feed you. I'm sure you probably skipped breakfast."

"I couldn't find a can opener." I admitted.

"Did you try one of the drawers?"


He laughed, "Well in that case I better hurry."

"You don't have to. Jeremy and the rest will keep me preoccupied."

"Terry! Get your ass over here!" I heard Esther, "Your not done yet!"

"Told you." I snickered.

"Well then carry on, Nova."

"Will do, Ledger." I hung up and stared at Jeremy who immediately just smiled when he saw me.

"Hi Terry!"

"Shut up!" I lifted him up and Freebird helped to put him on the sofa, "Okay if your not going to hang out with Emily and I today." I paused to think, "Then I guess you should keep your phone to talk to someone else in London."

"Who?" Esther asked.

I didn't need to say anything since Jeremy knew damn well who I was talking about as he gave me a look, "Please don't do it."

Somewhere in the depths of London...


It was way past midnight and they had just gone to sleep where you start to dream.


"For the love of...someone answer the phone!"

"Why don't you answer it?"

"I'm busy at the moment!"

"With what?"



"Someone is gonna die in the next five minutes if they don't answer the phone!"

"It's not my fault! It's Rob's phone!"

"Why all this bickering?! Can't we just ignore it?!"





"....I'm gonna give him hell in the morning."

"With his hangover."


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some filler
hope it made you laugh