Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?


"A gift from me to you. I know it's late but fast shipping
and handling comes with a price. Anyways when I
performed in pubs and stuff with my friend's band,
this came in handy. But now that I'm into the acting
business well I thought this can be useful for you.
And I hope you make it big. I would love to hear your
greatest hits. Oh and I hope that you had a great birthday, Terry.
-Yours Sincerely,
Rob Pattinson

P.S. You still have my sunglasses."

I attached the pickup onto the lower part, below the bridge, of the strings and went to connect it to the amp.

This really feels like Christmas or when the time Jeremy and his uncle gave me my first guitar. And now I have a pickup for my guitar. It's still in good shape...hopefully. But I don't think Rob is the type to go hardcore on a guitar...well I wouldn't know. Heck, I didn't even know he performed in pubs too.

"Da! Da-da da-da da da da!" Jeremy sang The Simpson's theme song from the movie. He calm down for a while and everyone just left except for him cause he wanted some food. Which reminds me..."Do you know when Heath will get back?"

And right then...the door opened to reveal the Tasmanian devil with a grin as he walked over to the living room. "Hey." he said as he looked at the open box and the bubble wrap, which Jeremy had, and me playing with the guitar next to the amp, "Where's Santa with my present?" he asked with one eyebrow raised as he read the box, "Oh it's that fellow." he looked over to me, "What he bring you?"

"A PICKUP!!!!!" I shouted a little too excited. I couldn't help it! Now I don't have to borrow Ashford's...oh my god! I can't wait to try it out when we go! When's are next performance?!


"Next Friday." he replied, must have listened to my rambling.

There was loud knock on the door, which broke the silence, and Heath went over to answer it. We were greeted to an excited Christian.

"Man, it's almost April!" he shouted as I jumped up, "Chris! I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I know! How have you been?!" he gave me a hug.

I laughed as I returned it and replied, "Fantastic!"

"That's great!

"So many exciting shouts!" Jeremy snickered, "What's so special about April?" he asked not wanting to feel left out.

"FILMING!" Chris and Heath said while I said,


"So you guys are going out of town?!" Jeremy pouted, "I'm not invited?"

I rolled my eyes and snickered, "Jeremy you are already in The Dark Knight as second cousin, of course your going!"

"But I want to be the son."

"Can I be the nephew?" Chris chuckled.

"No your Batman."

"And I'm the psychotic one!" Heath shouted from the kitchen....wait a minute, kitchen?! I left the two and ran towards the kitchen where Heath is at, "Heath! I want Chef Boyardee!"

Heath placed me on the counter as he picked up a can, "Nova, I don't know why your complaining. It's not that hard."

"Heath, the little thingy just snapped off!"

"Maybe you pulled it wrong."

"How was I supposed to know?"

"It tells you right here!" he pointed to the cover where the arrow is pointing at, "Just pick the thing up like if your opening a coke."

"I did."

"And did you pull?"

"No I tried cut it open with it."

"Nova who raised you?" he asked with an amused grin.

"Shut up." I looked away as he pulled me closer, "Don't be mad, Terry." he whispered as he placed a kiss near my ear.

"I'm not mad." I said, giggling a little as he continued to kiss down to my neck and up, "Stop that tickles." I tried pushing him off.

He chuckled, "Only for awhile."

I still pushed him, "There are people here."

"They won't mind."

"But I'm hungry."

"Me too." Jeremy said, "Ooh! Are you going to cook us something?" he asked to Heath, "I want food."

Christian looked around, "What's for dinner?"

"Bruce Wayne is staying over The Joker's abadoned ice cream shop?" I asked.

"Some messed up comic issue." Jeremy muttered, "It's a must read."

"You guys make me feel unwanted." Christian said.

I chuckled, "Aw...don't be sad-"

Jeremy shouted,

"Get GLAD!"


Jeremy munched on popcorn as tried to find hot sauce, "Terry, you need to try this on popcorn. It'll be extreme."

There was no answer of reply.


I continued to ignore the rest of the world as I played happily, "Give me novacaine!!!"

"Terry you've been playing with your guitar ever since you opened the gift...which was three hours ago! Don't you think Heath needs some sleep?"

"What are you talking about? Heath's right there." I pointed to the aussie, who was having a cup of coffee.

Heath looked at us in confusion, "What? It's Friday."

"What does that mean?" Jeremy asked.

"Jeremy we can stay up all night." I answered with a grin.

"A slumber party?! Cool!"

"Jeremy don't you mean..."

"EXCELENT!" we both shouted as I did a little solo.
♠ ♠ ♠ Christ xD (aha! I used it!)
The story gots 100 comments.
It's so hard to believe that I made it up to the three digits!
And it's my brother's birthday today! x]

You know what I just noticed (and not be so conceited) hair looks sexy whenever I don't shower (I ran out of shampoo xP) It's not messy, It doesn't look out of place, it's not's actually...perfect! haha! The wonders of hair!

And yes...Sadly Spunk Ransom has to go...for now. You may never know, he might come back...for his suglasses. Why are his sunglasses so special?

watch video!>>>>

gosh gosh! I really want to see that movie!
and hopefully it'll motivate me!