Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Gay Cowboy

I poured the fish food into Jack's little plate while Ledger kept giving me strange glances. I arched an eyebrow, "What?"

"Your feeding your cat fish food?"

"Um yeah." I said stating the obvious.

"What kind of a cat eats fish food."

"Apparently mine." I pointed to Jack who was making munching noises. He looked at Jack one more time before shrugging and looking back at the tv screen that was showing the old Batman movie.

I yawned as I crawled onto my bed and watch the rest of the movie with him.

"God, he's as mad as a cut snake." he said...I'm assuming in kangaroo language.

"Are you speaking Aussie again?"

He nodded, "What I meant is...he's a psychopath."

"Of course! It's The Joker, Captain Obvious."

"Quit making an arse out of y'self, Nova."

Did he just say arse? or did he mean ass?

I giggled, "You mean ass, right?" He kept his narrowed eyes at me which made my giggling into laughter.

"Are ya laughing at my Aussie?"

I shook my head, "No, of course not!" I giggled once more until I cuddled with my pillow, "Good night, boss." I said smiling still.

It took him a while to respond, "G'night, Nova." he muttered as he lowered the volume down a bit.


[Third Person]

~scratch scratch~

He stirred in his sleep as he put an arm over his eyes to block the sun.

~scratch scratch~

"...eemngh..." He mumbled in his sleep.

~scratch scratch~

He moved his arms and fluttered his eyes open and squinted at the morning sun.

~scratch scratch~

He rubbed the sleepiness in his eyes before opening them and met face to face with green/grey eyes and....whiskers?


"Ahh!" he yelled as he jumped and fell of the bed while Jack scurried off to his owner for safety.

"eeeck!" Terry jumped out of bed at the yellings and Jacks claws digging under her skin once again.

"Christ! What happened? Boss! Why are you on the floor?" she gasped, "A burglar? A stalker? An obsessive fan?"

"No it was your cat."

"Jack! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Terry started petting Jack as she cradled him in her arms.

Ledger rolled his eyes as he got up, "Boss are you okay?" he told himself. "Yes, I'm quite dandy!" he answered himself and Terry gave him a look.

"Ledger don't talk to yourself. People may wonder." she snickered and got up to stretch.

"Well I hear a shower calling-"

"Shotgun!!" she yelled cutting him off as she ran to grab her things and went inside the restroom.

He chuckled and looked at himself in the mirror and noticed the bags under his eyes. He sighed, "At least it was 4 hours." he yawned and heard a faint humming tune.

He glanced at the restroom door and walked closer to it. And the closer he got the louder the hum.

He put his ear to the door and listened to the song Terry's singing or humming.

"ooonda ooonda oooo! ooonda ooonda oooo! ooonda ooonda ooooo-hmmmm....." he arched an eyebrow at the door.

"Janie's got a gun! Janie Briggs got a gun, Janie's got a gun! Janie Briggs got a gun....So run away ruuun away from the pai-yay-yay-yeah!"

He listened more and muttered something about parody.

"Run away, run away from the pain!"

The shower turned off and Ledger moved away from his position and went back laying down the bed and flipped to a random page of The Killing Joke.

Terry got out of the bathroom fully-clothed and cleared her throat as Heath looked up from his book, "Did ya concert went well?" he asked.

She snickered, "Fantastic!" she gave a thumbs up and he chuckled.

"I think thats too much 'Not Another Teen Movie' for you." he said.

Terry scoffed, "Its a funny movie."

"They did a parody for my part in '10 Things I Hate About You'." he stated as Nova looked around in questioned.

"You've never seen that movie haven't you?" he asked as she shook her head.

"Have you seen any other movies with me in it?"

She examined him for a few minutes getting every detail of his face and hair, "I...I think?" she squinted and then remembered something:


"Jeremy what is so special about this movie anyways?!" Terry questioned as he looked through the trailers or spoilers on the internet.

"I'm just curious!" he scrolled down as Terry looked at the title.

"Brokeback Mountain?"

"Yeah they said something about two cowboys and stuff." he said as she looked at one of the characters.

"Hey look its Jake Gyllenhaal....and oh my god!! Their kissing?? How is that possible?!?!"

~End Flashback~

A mischievous grin played on her face, "Your...your that gay cowboy!"

He groaned and collapsed on the bed, "I'm not gay."

"You killed my image of Jake Gyllenhaal." she rubbed her eyes.

"Jake?" he gave her a questioning look, "You think of him like that?"

"Shut up I can dream!" she chuckled and looked at him, "So...."

He waited.

"Was he a good kisser?"

He rolled his eyes again, "For god sakes." he got up and headed towards the restroom.

"What? I want to know!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Gosh I finally updated!

And I want to see 10 Things I hate about you!!
no I have never seen it, only the clip where he starts singing on Youtube and yeah...

oh and just for setting things straight: I am not making fun of Mr. Heaf Ledger, so no hitting and no smacking. If I ever wanted to make fun of him I would go and find him in the afterlife.

Speaking of afterlife.....Avenged Sevenfold!!!

"I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear.
Escape from this afterlife.
Cause this time I'm right to move on and on,
Far away from here.
Got nothing against you but I surely will miss you..."