Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Albino Eyes Within The Darkness

The following takes place between six am and seven am....

I rubbed my eyes as I made my way into the kitchen. It was still dark out but I could manage, after all I'm only getting peanut butter. I searched around for the fridge until I heard a little noise. I stopped as my senses sharpened...I'm always paranoid! It's natural when your living with people like Jeremy and an Aussie who TAKES UP THE WHOLE BED! I stopped walking as I heard a small creak. Heath doesn't have wooden floors so it couldn't be me. My eyes looked up to see all the cabinets or anything that can possibly made that sound. I hurried over the fridge as the noise increased. I opened it to let the light brightened the kitchen and to see what was making all those creaky noises, "Ah!" Jeremy yelled. I gasped in surprised but nonetheless suppressed a scream. With a hand over my heart, I began to interrogate, "I'm gonna regret asking this, but WHAT THE HELL?!"

Jeremy's arms were wrapped around a case of vanilla pepsi and peanut butter, "Hey, this is mine."

"This is not even your house!"

"Neither it's yours!....Wait...Fuck!" he groaned before putting the case and peanut butter on the counter, "You win this round, Terry." he admitted.

A smirk came into my lips when his sentence settled in, "Yes...I own half of this house." Jeremy looked at me and his expression shouted out the word: Fear

In a matter of minutes, Jeremy was kicked out from the back door, "GO HOME AND PACK! YOU DORK!"

"Screw you, Terry!" Jeremy looked around, "You could of at least let me out through the front!" he whined, "I have to climb over the stupid fence!"

I sighed as I looked over to the peanut butter. Swiftly I grabbed it, "Mine." a little snack won't hurt. That's unless Heath doesn't--

"Aha! Nova, you little raccoon!"

"Seriously, you make me feel like a little girl when you carry me and snatch the peanut butter away." Like when your mom catches you when you reach into the cookie jar.

"Well I can't let you spoil your breakfast." he chuckled as he sat me up on the counter, "So what's with the screaming?" he asked with a kiss.

"That wasn't me. That was Jeremy. Sometimes his feminine tone of voice just slips out." his brow furrowed in confusion, "What was Jeremy doing here at this hour?"

"Stealing our food." my eyes averted from his and looked over to the case of vanilla pepsi, peanut butter, bananas, and a loaf of bread.

"That's actually his." Heath said. I gave him a look saying, 'I don't want to know.' He chuckled as he put me down, "Let's eat so we can leave."

"Can I make a quick visit to my mom's house?" I asked as I bit my lip, "If were gonna leave for like a month or two, can I go over for a bit?"

"You make it sound like your going to war."

I gave him a look.

"Kidding." he kissed my forehead, "Yes, we can go over for a little while."



The following takes place between 1 pm and 3 pm...

Sid was on the floor with the side of the bed supporting his upper body. He looked through the photographs of Terry's highschool years. He found it in an old shoe box from under the bed. Jack rubbed against his leg as Sid went over to pet him, "Look Jack, I didn't know Terry's band had a bass guitarist."

"That's because he's not in our group anymore." Terry said out of the blue, which made Sid twitched and act like if he saw nothing. She chuckled as she kneeled down beside him, "No need to act paranoid. I don't have anything embarrassing here." she looked at the photos, "Though we look like such immature punks." Sid cracked a smile at the statement as he tried to mess with an old video camera.

"How cute." Heath commented as he entered the room, "Old photos?" he asked.

Terry nodded, "Yep."

A familiar tune was heard as Terry looked at the video camera that Sid had. It was one of their old concerts in a rundown theater with one stage and a big space....for moshing. The band looked young and adolescent, right before they got kicked into the real world. Terry cracked a smirk. Performing a concert was like a getaway from everything else and letting out everything onto the guitar or screaming it out. It was a stress/anxious relief for Terry. Like anger management, cure for depression, heck it was therapy for her!

"You guys played a cover song from The Offspring?" Sid asked.

"Yep, yep." Terry nodded, "The Kid's Aren't Alright is one of Jeremy's favorites."

Heath looked over, "Is that...?" he paused as his lip wilted to a frown.

"Yes, that's Glen from the mall." Terry finished with a sigh.

Sid looked puzzled, "Um...who's Glen?"

"Some optic nerve." Heath grumbled, "Tried to crack onto Terry."

"Is that so?" Sid said.


"No worries, mate, he's got Buckley's chance to get to Terry." Sid stated.

Heath nodded, "Bloody oath they do."

Terry from the side, who is now holding up the camera, shook her head with a sigh, "I understand everyone...except for those two Aussies."

"But you still love us."

"Unfortunately I different ways."

"AND WHAT IS THIS RUMOR GOING AROUND THAT YOU AND JEREMY ARE LEAVING?!?!?!" Esther, Dee, Jeremy, Freebird, and Bane barged into the room. Which made the room smaller with a lot of people crammed in.

Sid pulled in his legs so he can sit criss-crossed, "Don't step on my feet, even though I might not feel them." he muttered.

"It'll be for like two months." Terry answered as she looked at Heath, "Right?" he replied with a shrug, "Maybe."

"That's still too long! Two months without partying and music?!! You guys suck!" Esther shouted.

"Don't you guys have jobs?" Jeremy asked.

"Well Starbucks and Target are getting annoying." Dee mentioned, "And I hate college."

"The family business is getting harsh." Freebird said, "My dad's becoming a total douche bag."

"Yeah and now Bane has no one to 'body guard'." Esther stated as Bane gave her a look, "Hey, unlike you guys...I have a real job and in-training in the music business."

"What? Your starting a band?" Terry asked.

"No...trying to work with a record company." Bane said with his arms crossed.

"LUNCH IS ALMOST READY!" Terry's mom's voice echoed through the hall as Jeremy jumped up.

"Well...that's our cue to leave!" he said excitedly.

"You guys still suck." Esther said with her arms crossed.

"It's okay Esther! Will send you a Batman postcard from Chicago!"

"Your ditching us!" Dee whined.

"Your making me feel bad." Terry said as she put away the shoe box and stood up, "But I can't stay....Jeremy though can."

"Why can't both of you stay?" Freebird asked Terry.

"Because I have second job. And Jeremy is just their for entertainment!" Heath wrapped an arm around her, "Jeremy staying here while we go sounds perfectly fine." Heath agreed.

"Hey! I'm with The Dark Knight family now!" Jeremy said as Heath and Terry continued walking.

"I helped with Joker parts too!!!"


"Come on! Heath stuck a blade into my mouth!"


"You scared me half to hell you psycho Aussie clown!!"

"Jeremy hurry your ass up, before we really leave you!"
♠ ♠ ♠
well I have to retype the whole thing all over again cause my brother clicky the X button!!!!
argh!!!.......okay I'm okay now xDDD

Okay...I got some good news and some bad news...where to start...good news!
Goodnews: I am going to Vegas and Los Angeles (yippeee!)
Badnews: I won't be able to update...well maybe if I'm on the road...I think were driving up there. But if were going on a plane, fuck! guess have to wait x[

I'll be leaving on the 30th...which in about a week, I guess? So I really need to get my ass up and update LIKE HELL! Why?...I like working under pressure xDDD