Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Where The Fun Never Ends!

Heath had an unlit cigar hanging from his lip as the dealer passed him his cards. His bow tie hanging off loosely to the side as he bet in almost all of his chips, "Stand." he says with a smirk as his eyes were on me.

He's bluffing

I tell myself that over and over again. I put in almost the same amount, which made him raise a brow, "Stand." I showed my cards: 9/9

He chuckled....HE CHUCKLED!

He showed his cards: 10/King.

I groaned, "Aw...damn it." he let out a laugh as he reached out for all the chips at the center. Christian had an amused smirk as he shook his head, "Keep a careful eye on the enemy. Never jump to conclusions."

"I wasn't jumping to conclusions." I scoffed, "I was only....assuming."

"Don't assume Terry." Jeremy chuckled as he had one of those big buckets filled with popcorn (who gave him one?), "It'll make an ass out of u and me."

"Jeremy, aren't you busy with that blonde with the teal dress?"

"You make me sound like some manwhore, Terry."


Well you guessed it! Were at a casino in Chicago and all dressed up a bit. And I'm running out of options here! God, I shouldn't have made that reckless move! Now, Ledger is eating up all my chips! The dealer began to shuffle as Heath threw me a wink, which made my heart flutter...No! Focus Nova! Don't let the enemy get to you! I stared at my cards and frowned. 16 isn't enough and if I hit, I might go over 21. My narrowed eyes looked up towards Heath who just peeked at his cards and smirked again....I'm screwed.

"Come on, Terry! You can do it!" Jeremy yelled from afar.

Christian chuckled, "Okay this last one, whoever wins pays for all our drinks."

We both looked at him in question, "Why?"

"Cause I'm running out of money." Christian said as he sipped his drink with an innocent smile.

Jeremy came back with a drink at hand and no popcorn, "What's the difference? Heath and Terry share money." he stayed quiet, "This game is rigged!"

"I don't share my money! If we did, Preston would've had a new car!" I said as Heath shook his head, "I don't plant money trees, Nova."

"You own a beach house, you don't have to." and with that Jeremy gasped as he went on Heath's side of the table, "So...a beach house." Jeremy began with a grin.

"If you want it, mate, it's seven million." Heath stated as Jeremy's face dropped and looked at me, "Can I borrow a twenty?"

"What good will that do?!"

Heath then pushed his all of his chips, "Stand." he smiled, "Your move, Nova."

I sighed as I looked at my hand and at the dealer who seemed bored out of his mind but still into the game as he eyed for my decision. Sixteen in my hand....I'll risk it! Destiny has chosen, "Hit me." the dealer gave me the top card. I looked at it and nearly choked on my saliva but kept my expression calm....this is hell.

"Did you went overboard?" Heath asked.

I smiled as I pushed all my chips in, "Not quite." he arched a brow with a smirk, "Really?" I nodded in agreement.

"In that case..." he flipped his cards, "Can you beat a twenty, again?" I looked at his two Jacks.

I flipped mine with confidence, "Yes, with a solid 21." a ten, six, and a five. It made Heath's smirk turned into a suspicious one, "Cheater."

"Won fair and square!" I said as I stuck my tongue out...either way, I would be paying for the drinks, since I got all the money.

Heath ran a hand through his mid-long hair, "Unbelievable, Terry." I laughed in amusement as Jeremy shook his head.

My attention went to Christian, who nudged me from the side, "I want another glass shot on this." he said showing me his drink before chugging the whole thing.


I fought a smile as Heath keep giving me these looks when he passes by the hotel bed, "You knew there was a five! Jeremy told you didn't he!"

"Heath, I thought I was going to lose when I got that hand! It was luck!" I giggled, "Luck indeed!" I laughed at the previous winning scene that I had. Before I knew it, Heath tackled me. Almost rolling us off the bed, "Yes it was quite unbelievable! Me losing to a BlackJack game!" Heath said as he ended on top.

I gave him a look and scoffed, "Your making it sound like I suck at it and never gambled before! Let me tell you something, Heath. I grew up and experienced many things in LA...not include anything thats illegal. My mom would've found out either way." I shuddered, "She has eyes and ears all over the place."

"But you smoke."

"Not as much as you!"

"You still smoke!"

"Only when I'm at the top of my stress level!"

There was a knock at the door, which made Heath let out a groan, "Could you please give us a minute?"

"Well why don't you guys put up a 'Do Not Disturb' sign like old fashioned couples going in hotel rooms to play 'hide and seek' inside!"

I rolled my eyes, "Jeremy you have your own room, what do you need?!"

"They never gave me towels! And I'm soaked! It's freezing and it sucks!" he shouted from the other side of the door.

I looked at Heath, "Let's stay quiet, he'll get the message." I whispered.

"Fine! Let me freeze! I don't want to stop your little game of kinky butt sex, anyways!" I heard his footsteps fade away and smiled with triumph.

"What I tell you? I'm a miracle worker!"

Heath chuckled as he leaned down for a kiss, "Yes, you are." he whispered before going back to the kiss.

"My service goes on until Midnight.....too bad for you, boss." he paused before giving me a smirk.

"I'll give you more hours for tonight."

"Your gonna make my energizer bunny die out."

"Trust me." he pecked at my lips, "It'll be worth it."
♠ ♠ ♠
I read this Green Day interview and my eyes couldn't believe what I saw....

Who would you want to play Christian and Gloria if this were given a big screen adaptation?

Billie Joe: "The girl that played Juno....And Christian, I’m gonna say maybe that kid in ‘Twilight’ [Robert Pattinson]. He’s a good actor. There’s still more to come with that kid."

I don't know about you Green Day or Twilight fans or you other people out there BUT!
In all honesty...I CAN NOT picture that LIMEY FRUITCAKE as some HOTSHOT burning half of some town in rage while SCREAMING out, "I am the ATOM BOMB! I am the CHOSEN ONE!"
nope nope!

So...if you like, you can say your opinion and answer the following question:
What's wrong with this picture?


yeah...and this fan photo is not helping:


Nooo Spunk...No...
**shakes head**
Don't love Green Day for that....LOVE IT FOR REVIVING PUNK ROCK!