Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Have You Seen This Person?

~bung, bung, bung, bung....
Mr. Sandman,
Bring me a dream!
bung, bung, bung, bung!
Make him the cutest that I ever seen,
bung, bung, bung, bung!
Give him two lips, like roses and clovers
bung, bung, bung bung!
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over~

I let out an aggravated groan as I rubbed my eyes, "Seriously, we've been listening to that song for the past you have anything else?" The security gave me this angry look and ignored me as he read this magazine. I rolled my eyes as I sat down and just tapped my feet and my hands along with the song...already memorized the whole thing.

We were in this office and apparently the security found me unconcious. The security, I think his name is Jeff, took me to the doctor around here and the doc informed him that I was alright and only sleeping. I woke up in an office which looked like I was going to be in a therapy session (the couch which I was laying in, and the security who interrogated me). I couldn't get out cause the man doesn't believe that I'm with Nolan and I can't get contact with anyone. He won't kick me out either cause I might find my way back in...which I can.

"How long till the scene finishes?" I asked groggily.

"Until the end of the day, pal." he chuckled before flipping a page.

I groaned again before lying back down on the couch, "This feels like detention."


You know what's cool when your on set? You get walkie-talkies! I haven't used these things since...well since I played spies in elementary school and when we tried spray painting the principles car. But anyways, Nolan right now is looking at the cuts and I'm sitting down on the sidewalk watching Heath pass by and do an ollie on his skateboard. My stomach let out a low growl as I craved for something sweet or something cold like icecream. I stood up to see Heath coming in. He still had his Joker attire on, along with scars and make up.

"Hey, Jester, do you think we can go to Dairy Queen?" I eyed at his appearance, "Or will they let us?"

Heath picked up his skateboard, "Nah, wanna go eat some grub?"

"Sure...mate." I grinned as he walked up and wrapped an arm around me to bring me closer to him and caught me off guard with a kiss, "Heath, you'll smear it even more."

"I don't think they would mind." I got out of his way and grabbed his hand, "Come on you wanker." he chuckled as he followed along. His hand slipped out of mine and wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer to him again.

"You smell new."

"It's the clobbers."





~And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain,
Dont carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.

Hey jude, dont let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better~

Another decade of songs later, I'm still here listening to old music...and now were in the 60's. The security smiled cheerfully as he moved with the song. He wasn't reading anything anymore, more like making paper airplanes now. I sighed as I walked around and letting my leg muscles move and stretch. The sun is almost setting but it feels like there's more to go! This is the worst!

I ran a hand through my hair and leaned back on the wall next to the window. The sky is pink and some street lights in dark places are beginning to turn on. I was in deep thought now...since the security is busy doing...whatever the hell he's doing. Should I stay or should I go? Will he notice? Hmm...think Jeremy, your wide awake already. Think...What would Spunk Ransom do?


One of Rob's friends chimed into his apartment and now invading his kitchen. What would Rob do in this kind of situation?

"....I'm gonna watch The Shining."

"Rob! Your out of milk!"

~Back to Security Office~

Son of a bitch...that wasn't helpful at all! I looked over to the security as he mimicked strumming the guitar, "Man, I love this song."

"Cause it's the most common song and everyone knows about it." I muttered as I looked over the outside window. Hm...I guess singing wouldn't be that bad.

In a matter of seconds...I was singing with the security guard:

~Hey jude, dont make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her under your skin,
Then youll begin to make it
Better better better better! Better! Better!...Whoa Yeah!

Na na na na na ,na na na, hey jude!~


Me and Christian shared some tostitos, "And when are you going to put on your flying rodent suit?"

"Hm...if Heath's done with his scene, then tomorrow!" he said excitedly, "The interrogation scene is going to be great."

Heath chuckled, "Wait till I kick your arse."

"Whatever, it's me who's coming out of there in victory."

I rolled my eyes as they continued. Personally, I would go for The Joker because he makes the fun out of every comic and episode that I've read and seen. Wonder if Heath can surprise me throughout the whole movie. After all this has been an interesting day at the whole bankrupt scene. And the day has been quiet too. Well quiet as in....

I gasped as I stood up, "Oh my god...Where's Dangerfield?!"

The two stopped bickering and thought over when's the last time they heard or saw him. I waited as they got no clue and worried glances. I was getting worried too. His mom told me specifically to take care of his little boy! I looked over to the bouncer passing by, "Hey!" I went over to him, "Have you seen a guy like about..." I put my hand over my head, "like this tall and has dirty blonde wavy hair that's not long enough to pass his ears and...he's a bit jittery often?" I asked him, telling him all the details. The guy looked over his files of memories and shook his head, "Sorry, never seen a guy like that...except for him but he has green hair and it's long."

My hand went to my forehead, "That's the clown..." I groaned as I went to another crew member and asked him about Jeremy. Still no luck. I went back to the table where Heath and Christian were at.

"So...any luck?"

"Without any of you guys help...No." I scratched the back of my head as I replay everything that happened this morning and the last time I saw him.

"Terry, I'm sure he's fine. He's a good boy." Christian then went over to Heath, "Is he?"

"Sometimes I'm not sure." Heath muttered back.

"Guys! This is important! For all we know he could have got kidnapped in an alley and then the next day he wakes up with STD's!" I gasped and then whispered, "We really have to find the douche bag."

"Terry, chillax for a bit. I'm sure nothing like that can happen to him-"

"Heath, do you know what they do to guys like him in prison?!" I asked.

"You really don't want to hear an answer to that." Christian chuckled as he threw his empty coke bottle away.

Heath thought of something, "What if the yobbo is in prison?"

"And what kind of fidelity would he pull?" Christian asked him as Heath shrugged, "I was just suggesting."

Then suddenly...I jumped at the sound of the talkie, "Nova, inform Heath that his break is over!" Nolan said.

"Roger that." I looked over to Heath, "Heath, your break is over."

"I heard." he smirked.

"I'm just doing my job."

He grabbed my hand, "And your doing a good job at it, my little henchmen."


"Baby let me follow you home!" Jeff sang onto the rolled up magazine. Pretending it was a microphone as I sang the lead singers part.

"Let me take a peak dear!" I sucked in a breath, "Do me, do me all night! Turn the other cheek dear, do me do me do me!"

And then we both jumped off of the desk as we air guitar the solo for Aerosmith's song and then we both sang the ending.

"Dude looks like a lady! Dude, dude, dude looks like a lady! Whoa, Dude looks like a lady!"

Jeff stopped singing for some reason and looked if he were caught doing something bad as the door to the office began to open. I, on the other hand, went for the lead singers ending, "Ya Ya Yaow! Yaow! Yaow! Ya ya ya ya ya Yaow!" I paused to see the head security to give me a weirded out look, a pissed off, worried looking Terry, an amused expression from both Heath and Christian...and Nolan.

"Well...I see that we found what were looking for." Nolan began, "Thank you, David." the head security nodded before looking over to Jeff, "I think we need to have a talk about your slacking off and your little concert." Jeff gulped as he walked passed by me before he threw me a thumbs up. I put up both of my thumbs as I grinned while Terry walked right up to me and grabbed me by the ear, "And you, mister, had me worried sick! I thought something bad happened to you! You arsehole!"

I winced, "Terry, I think your inner accent is coming out."

"Either that or she's really pissed off, mate." Heath chuckled but stop as Terry threw him a glare.

I gave her a look, "So...does that mean I'm grounded?"

Terry sighed, "Just tell me where you are next time before your parents sue me!" she crossed her arms, "My hands are already full on Mister Joker over there."

Christian patted Heath's back, "No worries, Terry. He's up for a bruisin' tomorrow...with a smile, of course." he chuckled.

I frowned, "I don't get it."

"Well maybe tomorrow if you stick with us you'll understand!"

"Well maybe I will!"



"Shut up, Jeremy!"

I chuckled as I stuck my hands in my pockets and followed them out of the door and out to the Chicago streets.
♠ ♠ ♠
Long weekend, my shoulder blade and neck is sore, it's late, you get the picture xD
End of a hard day...meaning being nice and no arguements and sarcasm to my dad cause after all it's Father's Day and I went along and sang him, "Hey Jude" with my piano. Never knew he was a Beatle fan.

So yeah...I'm off to catch some Z's, hopefully early, and yeah have a good night!
hope you like this update. I think I made it long but you guys don't mind, right? xD