Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Wake Up! The House Is On Fire!

~Hush little Heathy, don't say a word.
Terry's gonna sing you a lullaby.
And if Jeremy doesn't leave this room,
I swear I'll hit him with a broom~

"I get it! Don't hurt me, Terry!!" unexpectedly he actually let out a squeal before leaving the room. I giggled before looking down at a tucked in Heath before placing a kiss on his forehead, "Goodnight."

"And where are you going?" he questioned, sitting up a little.

"Oh, I am going to get myself a nice cup of extreme caffeine sugary coffee." I smiled sweetly before laughing at his weird expression.

"And how are you going to sleep with that coffee?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that!" I sat down on my side of the bed, "It's you who should get a healthy good night sleep, Mr. Joker." I winked, "Don't want filming to exhaust, ya."

"Nova, it will either way and I might sleep around two in the morning...then wake up somewhere at four."

"So...does that mean your back on the sleep medication?"

He looked around, "If I answer yes, are you going to stay up late again to help me?"

I let out a chuckle, "Well, why do you think Nolan hired me?" I laid down next to him, "Heath, the second reason why I'm here is because I have to look after you...including your health."

He arched a brow, "And what's the first reason?"

I looked up to his chocolate brown eyes, "Because, I love you." Even though I confessed to him many times, it still made my heart flutter.

And once I answered him, his lips formed into a heart warming smile before pulling me into a sweet kiss. I sighed in content as I cuddled up next to him. I looked over to the clock to see that it was almost midnight. Then looked over to see Heath's eyes glued shut, his breathing almost going in deep. I smiled as my hand caressed the side of his face lightly. Before I knew it the clock hit at 12:00 am. I suppressed a giggle as I lightly planted a soft kiss and whispered,

"Happy Birthday, Heath."


I looked around the hotel hallway as I made my way to Christian's room. I knocked three times before I went inside. I saw Jeremy already there with a cup of coffee...he's had a bunch of those lately.

"Is the boomer asleep?" he asked before he took a sip.

"Yes, want to join him?"

"I don't think I'll sleep within the next few days." I heard an almost pained tone in his voice. Before I could ask him anything Christian came in as he put on a black hoodie.

"Okay, kiddos, the plan is to go to walmart, buy the supplies, get Nolan and everyone else..." he looked over at me, "You go back to your room, check up on Heath and then bring him to the set."

I saluted, "Aye Aye, Captain Bats."

Jeremy chuckled, "It's like were gonna commit robbery or any other group felony."

"Don't worry, Jeremy." I said, "If we do, we blame you."

"Why me? Christian's the one who looks like a rapist in that hoodie."

"And you look as mad as a cut snake!"


"Guys!" Christian hissed, "Enough fighting and let's go before every store closes!" and then Christian was already heading down to the elavator.

I ran towards Christian like some child going after their parents before getting lost, "Don't leave me with the asylum reject!"

"Shut up, Terry!"

"And now he's yelling at me!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this short cause a recent event has messed with my train of thought in this chapter timeline.
I just had like fifty text messages from people saying Michael Jackson has died. Heck, even my brother barged into my room saying the big news and he doesn't even know Michael Jackson!

Oh well...wonder how Jeremy can handle the news...>.>


The following takes place between 5pm and 6pm...

"What in the name of Sex Pistols is this bullcrap?!" I heard the yellings of my drummer as he stomped upstairs from the basement, "Terry! Turn on the fucking tv!" he comanded.


"Just do it!" he yelled but then plopped down on the couch and repeatedly pressed the up arrow of the channels all the way till it was the news.

"King of Pop dies in LA hospital!!"...popped out the headlines. I stared at it wide-eyed. No way! Then suddenly, I felt someone squeezing my hand and upper arm. I turned around to see a Jeremy who was sniffing.

"Jeremy?! Are you...?"

"IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!" he grabbed my collar, "TELL ME IT ISN'T TRUE!!!"

"Jeremy, calm the hell down!"

"I CAN'T TERRY!!!" his hands ran through his was like he's going nuts, "This can't be happening!"...the man is shocked, "This...I can't...It's just..." he was at a loss of words and then...-FLOP-

I stared at him on the floor in wide-eyed before jumping up, "Johnny Christ!!!"

He stepped out of the coat closet, "What?! What happened?!" the bass player looked around frantically.

"Go get me any nearby foreigner!" I commanded and in a matter of seconds there was a knock at the door. The door opened to reveal....

"Looks like this is a job for...LimeyMan!" Spunk yelled before being pushed by an Aussie, "Let the Kiwi pass by first!" Heath said as he helped Sid go through.

"Hey, who you calling a Kiwi?" Sid pouted.

"You, New Zealander." Rob snickered.

"Rob, shut up and wake up Jeremy!"

He looked down at the drummer, who is passed out, with an arched brow, "And how do you suppose I do that?"

"With water?" Heath suggested.

"Why not rub that stuff on his nose?" Sid said, "You know, the one that wakes everyone up once they inhale it."

I nodded, "Your right." and then looked over to Spunk, "Put your hand infront of his face."

"Terry, are you telling me that I smell?"

Jeremy sat up eruptly, "Like a werewolf! You pom-pom!" then his eyes went to Heath and Sid, "Hey, when did the Aussies came in?"

Rob looked at all of us weirdly, "So let me get this straight...Jeremy gets hyped up because a pommy like me is in here. And then gets paranoid because of Heath and Sid?!"

"Terry's half-aussie!" Esther yelled before looking down.

"And Terry is half-aussie!" Rob agreed before finishing his statement, "Seriously, is it just me or is Little Nikki xenophobic?"

Sid cocked his head to the side, "Why are we here again?"

I smiled at him, "Oh cause Jeremy passed out from hearing this huge news about Michael Jackson passing away from a severe cardiac arrest."

"Oh No!!!!!!"


I sat down between Jeremy and Heath. Sid was almost half-asleep in his wheelchair and Rob is at the other side of the room reading something. Then a new thought came to mind, "Hey! Prince is still alive though!" everyone's attention turned to me, "Ever seen Purple Rain?" Jeremy smacked my shoulder.

"Ow...I was just trying to lighten up the mood!"