Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

What The Hell?

Demolition, Self-destruction, What to annialate this age-old condraction!

I stared outside the dark clouded sky as lightning flashed in my eyes. The black suv stopped infront of the stop light as the sound of thunder rang in my ears. The rain poured down fast and pounded the windshield, making it hard for the driver to see ahead. It's been 28 days of filming and the rain has decided to hit in the Chicago streets on and off. It's like the mood swings of Jeremy. He won't spill the beans of what eating him up and if I even tried and asked...well it was harder to talk to him than a hormonal pregnant lady.

I felt a hand taking in mine as Heath's lips twitched to a smile when I met his gaze, "You alright?"

I gave him a reassuring smile when I nodded, "Just thinking." I laid my head on his shoulder as his hand let go and went around my shoulders.

"Strange weather." he said leaning his head on the window. Looking up at the dark sky with him I agreed, "Yes..." I thought about Jeremy, "Very strange indeed."

He kissed my forehead, "This may be long ride."


Jeremy was slumped onto the pillow, trying his hardest not to think about Jessica and her new husband. He wished it wouldn't be that one person he hated the most and was the part of the cause that made Jeremy have a few tears on his pillow when he was seventeen. It felt not so long ago to him cause his memory of the event was still fresh and his heart was soon to be healed.

There was a knock on the door that snapped Jeremy out of his thoughts. Terry barged in with a smile on her face, "Jeremy." she said.

"Terry." he said with the same tone. His face looked tired and indifferent. Terry balanced on her heels, "You and me are going to a bar tonight."

Jeremy cocked a brow, "What about Heath?"

"Heath is already there! Terry answered obviously, "I came here to pick you up." Jeremy looked at her weirdly and wondered, 'Why are they in a bar so early?' as he looked over to the clock which read 1:45 am. A surprised expression was all over his face as he didn't realize how late it was!

Jeremy had second thoughts, "I think I'll just-"

Terry rolled her eyes and grabbed his sleeve, "Oh no you don't!" she tugged on it until he was on his feet, "You are going to have a drink and will enjoy it!" she said with a struggle.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked not wanting to leave the room.

"Because were worried about you!"

"Don't be! I'm fine!"

"Shut up and just have one sip!"

"Leave me alone, Terry!"

"Jeremy, don't make me bring over the rabid Aussie!"

"Terry, do you want me in a body bag?"

"You will be if you continue to piss me off!" And with that Terry took off running and leaving Jeremy in shock outside the hotel room.

He shook his head and ran after her while screaming out, "Terry, give me back my pants!"


"Terry, it's not working and I think he's passed drunk." Heath whispered in my ear as I looked over to Jeremy, who's in his muscle shirt and boxers and singing this Selena song:

Dreaming of you tonight...
I'll be holding you tight!

I shrugged and whispered back to Heath, "He'll be apples, mate." I slurred with an accent. Heath cupped my face, "Don't tell me your on the wobbly foot, too." he muttered to himself.

I giggled as I kissed him sweetly, "Almost there!" I waved over to the bartender, "Can I get two more shots?!"

"Terry, I don't want anymore." Heath shook his head, "I'm filming tomorrow."

I cuddled up against him affectionately, "Oh don't worry, the two shots are for me." I smiled as he lift me up the seat and try to take me away from my stool, "Okay okay! Just one more and I promise that's it!" he didn't budge as he carried me, "Heeeaaath!"

"Terry, I need you sober for now." he said as I remembered our little plan and sighed in defeat.

"Yes sir." I played with one of his curls as he put me down on the stage steps, "Now go and get your looney friend before something bad happens." I saluted him before tapping Jeremy's shoulder who is still singing to very few amused crowd.

"Come on, Jeremy, we have to go." he pushed me a bit while he looked at me with sad eyes, "Wait your turn!" he said before a giggle as he went back to the mic.

"Those magic changes!
My heart arranges...
A melody that's calling your name
and I beg you please come back to me!
O~oh! My darling! Who~oa!

I rolled my eyes as I dragged him now and he was wrapped around the mic not wanting to leave it, "Come on! You bloody yahoo!"

"Terry, stop it! I want to sing!" he whined, "Take over the drums for this one song!"

"Its not that, you idiot! You're drunk and I need to give you back your pants!"

"Fuck off! I'm letting out my feelings!"

If this continues...I may need to tackle him. But I didn't because he then hurled down at my shoes and on stage. I stared down disgustingly as my stomach churned.

...This is gonna be a long night.

Heath created fire as he inhaled the cigar at hand while he leaned against the alley wall. I got distracted as I couldn't take my eyes off of him but Jeremy's cough snapped me out as he threw up again. I rubbed his back while holding in my breath.

Jeremy sniffed as he sat down, "This sucks!" he yelled out as the sound of thunder was heard in the background, "I smell like shit!" he coughed again, "And Terry took away my pants."

I sighed and kneeled down, "Jeremy, what the hell?!" that's all I had to say to him and his little drunk episode.

"Just drop it." he covered his face.

"That's too late for that now, mate." Heath said as he blew out smoke and joined us, "To be honest, your giving us a scare."

Jeremy rubbed his face as he stood up, "Just stop it okay?" he sighed, "I'll handle it on my own."
he said as he stood up and walked away.

I looked at Heath worriedly, "This ends tonight."
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't wait any longer and this sudden feeling is burning up my insides like some disease! So fuck the laptop! I'm doing this on my phone!

And now that I've finished with it...YOU GUYS have to wait till I get back! Haha! There's my cliffhanger! xD luvs you!

You know...when I read my story comments, I got really excited to know that there's another Heath Ledger story out there. But then I was disappointed when I read it...I stopped after chapter two or three and I just said to myself, "I can't continue reading something that Ive already typed on here!" I felt really derived. I don't know if your doing this intentionally or whatever. The funny thing is...I don't know what to do about it! Like hell, I'm gonna start yelling at you cause I don't know your side ofthe story! Plus, Mibba is not a place to start a riot. And maybe people here probably don't give a shit about this (besides two people that i've talked to).

So yeah...I just had to get that out of my system and I miss my dog at home. I'm still on the road xP