Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

What? Something On My Face?

~Ring, Ring~

"Hello?" I answered as I made my way to the elevator.

"Hey, you hoe, it's me Esther." she said on the other end.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, " did you get this number?" I barely have this new phone for two weeks and people are already discovering my number...I blame Jeremy.

"Yeah...that's for another time, Terr." she chuckled before her voice went to a serious tone, "Okay, listen I have something very important to tell you."

I rubbed my eyes, "Well make it quick cause I'm hunting down someone." I said as the elevator ringed to a stop in a different floor. The doors slid open to reveal...

"Look, mate, I'll call you later." Heath said on the phone as he entered the elevator, "No...right now I have to do something important. Look! Just talked to my manager about it, alright?" and then he hung up. I was still on my phone and gave him a weird look as the elevator closed.

"What?" Heath asked as he rubbed his chin, "Is there something on my face?"

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked and Esther was asking questions to what's going on.

"I told you I was going to be on this floor and have you seen Christian?" he asked as he scratched the back of his head.

"Um no I haven't seen him-"

"What's happening?! A robber? A rapist? Quick Terry! Form the fetal position!"

Heath looked at my phone weirdly, "Who's that?"

"Esther." I answered before going back to the conversation, "Hey Esther, I'll call you back."

"No! I have to tell you something first!" she shouted in my ear.

"Well what is it?" I leaned back.

"Okay well I was-" the elevator ringed again as it stopped to another floor. I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall...Now what?

Christian then came in as he smiled at us, "Oh...hello guys." he went to the right side, "So...both of you going to the seventh floor?" he asked.

Heath who was on the left side, nodded, "Yep, hopefully to find Jeremy there."

I nodded in agreement before Esther shouted at me again, "Terry! Did you hear me?!"

"Oh! Sorry, Esther, I got side-tracked." I chuckled innocently.

She let out an aggravated sigh, "Well don't! Cause I don't like repeating myself! Listen some-"

"Excuse me?" I looked to the couple standing infront of us...I didn't even know the elevator opened again, "Are you guys heading to the main floor?"

"Um no we're going up." Christian said as the girl gasped out loud, "Oh my god! You're Christian Bale!" the boyfriend rolled his eyes as he muttered an 'here we go again.'

"I just so love you in Batman Begins! It's one of my favs!" she said in excitement. Christian smiled and nodded, "Thank you. I'm glad you like the movie." she turned the other way and gasped again, "It's Heath Ledger!" I wonder...does she know me too?!

"I just want to say that Brokeback Mountain was a masterpiece!" she squealed as her boyfriend kept tapping her shoulder, "Er...honey, we're hogging up the elevator. They have to go." he looked at us with an apologetic expression.

"Oh! Sorry! I love you guys!" the boyfriend had to practically pull her out of there to let the sliding doors close.

I put the phone back to my ear, "...Esther?"

"Yes, Terry, I'm. Still. Here."

I chuckled nervously hoping that there won't be anymore interruptions, "So..." I began but then she quickly cut me off.

"Before my minutes run out! Jessica is getting married!" she announced. That didn't seem important news to me. I could care less. I think she hates me?

"And why is that-" she cut me off again.

"She wants you to perform at her wedding." I was puzzled at this request.

"Why is that?"

"Cause she doesn't want to pay for anything and she knows that Jeremy still likes her a lot and maybe you guys can perform without charging her." she's willing to bribe him?!

"But Jeremy doesn't...oh god, everything is so clear now." I'm such an idiot it hurts. Heath had his eyes on me as he tried to figure out what's going on and Christian on the other side was too busy trying to entertain himself without sticking his nose in somewhere else.

But fuck! If Jessica has been talking to him about the wedding...he probably said YES to her! That's why he's so...pmsing? I rubbed my forehead before exclaiming, "He's such a dumbass! Why would he just let her have her own way and then he'll end up seeing her with another man while he's playing his drums! He wouldn't be able to! He'll screw himself up!" I let out a long sigh, "And then I have to hold his hand while he's in pain and Heath has to sign him up for some daily group therapy sessions."

"Well...he hasn't said anything yet and Jessica keeps calling me to tell him to hurry up and choose before May 13 comes up." Esther said.

"Is that the wedding date?" I asked.


I looked over to Heath, "We have to, have to talk to him." and just then the elevator stopped in stopped working. I held onto Heath in shock, "Oh my god...what's happening?!" If I had anxiety problems, I would definitely be having a panic attack. Christian went over to press any button but there was no response! Even the emergency one! Ugh, why have one when it won't work during critical times?! Just then I heard loud thunder from above.

"Well, Terry, got to go! And tell Jeremy that he doesn't have to listen to Jessica! Don't go so hard on him! He may be the most lovable idiot we all know but he has been cheated. Anyways, good luck and see you guys later!" and with that she hung up.

"Well..." Christian began, "My guess, it's raining hardcore and the power went out."

"I couldn't agree more." Heath said as he rubbed my back to calm down my nerves. It worked pleasantly but I had a lot more things in my mind. One...get the hell out of here.

Christian was already dialing phone as Heath brought me to sit down, "Are you okay?" though it was dark, I can still see him giving me a smirk, "You jumped half a mile there." he chuckled.

"It just took me off guard." I muttered.

We both turned our heads to the sound of Christian's sigh, "Well...we have to wait till Nolan gets help or when the power gets back."

...Okay, Terry, let's not get any negative thoughts now. My toes began to twitch as I felt the elevator creaked. Neither panic!

"So..." Christian said as he looked around, "How have you guys been?" he asked.

"Never been better." I groaned as I sat down, "This has been quite a night." Christian chuckled as he sat across me, "Sounds like some adventure."

Heath sighed and sat next to me, "It sure is." he looked over to me, "And by the way, what was up with the whole conversation with Esther?"

"It's a long story." I muttered.

"Well, I think we have time since...well you know." Christian chuckled.

Good point.

"Okay, where do we begin?" I muttered to myself, "Let's start from the beginning...

~A Long Time Ago...
...In a Galaxy Far Far Away~

A year away from graduation, Jeremy finally hooked up with his crush and I gotta say he was so happy he could cry. I was happy for him and everyone too until his neck couldn't take it anymore for being on such a short leash. Jessica had problems with him hanging around with other girls...even me and Esther. I didn't care as long as he can still play in gigs but I can't help her for being so overly jealous. There was this one time that he fell asleep on my couch when he, Esther, and everyone else came back from the movies. My mom told me to let him sleep and that his parents were fine that he'd spend the night as long as we don't have french toast for dinner. But Jessica didn't like that. She started assuming that Jeremy was messing around with me and other girls that he hanged out with. She confronted me the next morning during first period in trigonometry.

"Hey!" she hissed as a paper ball went flying towards me. I looked away from the lesson and at her in question, "What were you and Jeremy doing last night?"

"He fell asleep on my couch and Esther and I tried to do an old prank on him with shaving cream." I chuckled, "That is until my mom came in."

Her eye twitched, "I don't believe you."

"Believe what you want." I shrugged, "I think you're getting a little paranoid about this."

"He has never returned my calls and he keeps going over to your house." she whispered, "There's a very good reason for me to stay suspicious."

I sighed, "Come on, Jess, you know us. We need band practice! Doesn't Glen tell you all this?" I whispered back. She's best friends with our bass player.

"Yes! He tells me everything! And you know what he said last night?" at each sentence she was getting closer to my face, "He told me that you guys..." it was all mumbled as she said it in a very low tone. I couldn't quite catch what she said.


"You guys were ma-" again more mumbles.


"YOU GUYS KEEP MAKING OUT BEHIND OUR BACKS!" she shouted which caused the whole class, including the Mr. Barnes, to stare at us with puzzled looks. Some in the back were snickering while Mr. Barnes didn't look too happy. Jeremy from the corner was staring at us wondering what is going on.

"Terry, Jessica, would you mind telling us the important news?" he asked.

Jessica looked away from all of us, not bothering to answer his question. Which left me to do it, " there's nothing important..." I cleared my throat, "Sorry."

"Please, do not disrupt my class again." he ordered before going back to the board.

I looked back down on my scribbled lyrics next to my trigonometry notes. I didn't bother looking at Jessica since she's pretty pissed off to what she told me. I can not believe Glen told her such a lie! What the hell is he thinking? Does he want to make Jeremy's life more miserable? They're already at each others throats from the band and it just got worse when Jeremy started dating Jessica. My guess...Glen's probably jealousand has feelings for Jessica. And two nights later, I wished I take back those words. For I saw them together one night outside the old bar, that we play in with Glen's help, in Glen's car all cuddled up. What would Jeremy think of this?! His heart will shatter and I couldn't bring myself to tell him. Why does Glen have to be such an asshole?!

After the show, I saw Glen leave as he put his bass and amplifier in the trunk. Jessica kept avoiding Jeremy and went home early. Jeremy was so frustrated that he wanted to leave as well. He drove me and Esther home but I stayed in the car for a bit longer thinking:

Should I tell him?

No! He'll be crushed!

Better than finding out for himself!

"Are you sure?" I blurted out loud as Jeremy stared at the steering wheel with his knuckles clenched.

"What did you see?" he asked earnestly.

Fuck...what now?

He sighed as he leaned back to his seat and looked at me, "Please, Terry, what do you want to tell me?"

I trembled as my eyes clenched. I played the previous events in my head, "I didn't want you to get hurt." I said as I bit my knuckle.

"She probably needed comforting..." he muttered as he was in denial, "Glen's her best friend after all."

Friends with benefits.

"Shut up!" he yelled as he buried his face on the steering wheel, "Don't say that! Don't think it!"


He sighed, "I'll go and apologize. Yes." he nodded to himself and turned towards me, "I'll apologize and everything will be fine."

Will everything be fine?

No...that night after he dropped me off. He went to Jessica's house and walked in on them...yeah that whole cheating scene. Jeremy couldn't believe and he just walked out of there without a word as they called them back with the same line 'I can explain everything'. Of course, Glen is out of the band. He didn't care. Jeremy neither. But how are we supposed to cooperate once it's just the two of us? Jeremy said that we'll continue to play without no bass until we find one or not. Yes, he said, "The Next White Stripes."

Jeremy was still pissed off during the next gig and gave me the setlist that's filled with nothing but break-up songs and all that love hurting "Girls make boys cry" songs.

"Do I-"


"Have to sing-"



"No buts just play."

I sighed as I put on my guitar and stepped up to the mic to see the usual crowd with some of our good friends. What I didn't expect to see was Jessica in the crowd with a smile on her face as she saw Jeremy popping out while twisting a drumstick in one hand. He saw Jessica and then shook his head. Also I saw Glen on the other side of the crowd staring at us...maybe trying to mock us? I sighed as I greeted them with a fake smile and began to play.

~Consider this as a gift as you taste him on your lips
And he's making you scream with his hands on your hips
I hope he's leaving you empty baby this is just a fix
For such a simple little whore~

I looked over at Glen who snuck up behind Jessica. They both smiled at each other and laughing. I didn't want t think about it for too much for I might mess up a verse chorus! Shit! Still couldn't help but to look over and saw...oh shit they kissed. That's when I noticed...there was no beat. There was no cymbals. And in a matter of seconds Jeremy had jumped off the stage and started beating Glen and now it became a mess. To where my guitar went flying, to the beer getting spilled on heads, to Jessica crying, to where the nerd kid calls home for someone to pick up, to where they release the hounds and chase us out of the bar.

Yeah, that was the last time we'd stop talking to Glen and Jessica. But Glen still had other plans and found himself a new band.

~Present Time In TDK Land~

By the time I was finished with my story Christian was sitting in the corner next to us and Heath's head leaned on my shoulder as he played with my hands.

"So what kind of problem does this Glen guy have against Jeremy?" Christian asks with a yawn.

"Jeremy's a better man." I shrugged which caused Heath to sit up a bit, "Besides, Glen all cares about is money." I sighed before rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes, "The music business doesn't derserve greedy people like him." Christian nodded in agreement, "It's not about the money. It's about sending a message." I, then, stated as they both looked at me.

"What?" I there something on my face?

Heath smiled at me, "I like that last line."

Christian cleared his throat, "So, Jessica is getting married and Jeremy is still-"

I nodded at Christian, "Yep. Poor guy."

"Poor bloke."

Just then the elevator's lights turned on and the whole thing started moving to the main floor. We jumped up in alert as the elevator opened to reveal Nolan and several firefighters, "Are you guys alright? Any injuries? Chris, Heath, Nova?" Nolan asked frantically.

I sighed in relief as I jumped out of the elevator, "Sweet ground! Sweet cement! We're saved!"

Nolan examined us for anything wrong as the owner came in, "The power is up and the rain is subsiding. Let's use the stairs for now while we check and test out the elevator."

Nolan nodded, "Yes. I'm just glad you guys are okay."

"Of course! I took great care of Batman and Joker!" I smiled as I wrapped an arm around both their necks.

Christian chuckled, "With bedtime stories."

Nolan grinned, "Excellent." he turned around and muttered something to the owner who nodded, "Well I guess the stairs wouldn't hurt. You should get some sleep." Nolan said before talking to other people.

I stared up at Heath, "Well...a good excercise wouldn't hurt."

He rolled his eyes with a grin before leading me to the stairs, followed by Christian. With luck we ran into Jeremy who was in pajamas, "I heard you guys were stuck. Are you okay?" he asked us. We didn't answer as we stared at him.

"What?" he rubbed his cheek, "Is there something on my face?"

"We need to talk." I said getting to the point.

He sighed, "I know what you're going to say to me." Well I guess he was looking through our minds while he heard the news that were stuck...heh, "And I know that you don't want to go to her wedding-"

"Damn right I don't!"

"Terry, can I just ask you one thing?"

"Oh no! Please don't tell me you-"

"Can I go back home?"

I looked at him in confusion, "What? What are you talking about?"

"I want to go back home." he muttered as he looked up at me in sad eyes, "Just to think things through."

I didn't know what to think. Does that mean that he really wants to be there at the wedding? Does he still like her? The poor bastard wouldn't make it!

Unexpectedly, his arms went around me as I heard him sniff a little, "I'll keep in touch. Don't tell anyone I'm going back home and if they ask for me just say that I'm not here." he backed up and smiled at me, "I'll be back. Just give me some time."

I let out a long sigh and nodded, "Okay." that was all I said before smiling at him, "Just don't do anything stupid, okay?"

He grinned, "Right." he looked over to Heath, "See you later, bro."

Heath shook his hand, "Clear your head for a while, mate." and then Christian patted his back, "Yeah, what he said. Are you leaving tonight?"

Jeremy shook his head, "Nah, in the morning." he looked over at me and reached into the side of his shirt to reveal two drumsticks supported by the waist band of his pants. He gave them to me, "Do not! I repeat, Do Not! Loose these. They are my favorite autographed ones."

"And why are you giving them to me?"

"To let you know that I'll return and not be some runaway drummer." he chuckled as he gave me another hug, "Take care of them."

"Take care of yourself, dillhole." I chuckled before messing up his hair.

I guess he'll be off for his little getaway vacation. Even though he's good at keeping things inside and turn out worry-free on the outside but I guess this whole thing really came down on him. He needed a break. I hope that knucklhead would be a-okay. I really hope he doesn't say yes at May 13. I really don't want another scene to come up during the wedding...but that's Jessica's fault for CALLING HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE!

I rested my head on the pillow, "Is there a day-off tomorrow?"

"Yes, Chris said that filming will resume on Friday. Which is two more days." Heath said as he wrapped his arms around me, " Jeremy going back to his old house or his uncles?"

I shrugged, "Probably neither."

He chuckled as I grinned,

"Knowing him...he'd end up in Japan tomorrow morning."
♠ ♠ ♠

OMJC! I just realized how much I missed home! Guess I was too preoccupied with everything and my cousin xP

Well anyways, I've talked and negotiated with Melissa Mockery and we called in the peacemaker (hey! hey!) and yeah I feel like a prick and well I overreacted last time so...let's not bring in the letterbombs (hatemail). And I guess the only similarities are only the idea of the main character being Heath's assistant :/ Well...I'm still continuing this story for you guys..and me xD

Whoa! I hit the 60th chapter!? o.O
So unreal but I guess xD
I would've made another update after this but unexpectedly my dog became sick. This morning I saw her all down and out and the moment I went in to see what's up, she stood up and BLEHCK! disgusting...I was nauseas for almost thirty minutes >.< Ugh!

So've you guys been?!
It's been so long!