Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

You Left Your Dog Outside

There, the plane going to full speed and then taking off. He watched it leave and groaned in frustration, "Awe! Son of a-"

"Shhhh!" Jeremy looked over to the lady, who pushed her daughter away, "Watch your dirty mouth!"

"What's so dirty about it?" the lady just shook her head and led her child somewhere else. Jeremy sighed and grabbed his duffel bag before walking over to the desk.

"Excuse me?" a blond woman looked at Jeremy and smiled at him, "Yes?"

"Is there another flight to go to London?"

"Um..." she looked over to the computer screen, "Not until 12:30, sir." she looked over to his grimaced face. The next flight was another three hours from now, "Did you miss this hour's flight?" she asked.

"Uh...yeah I did." he grinned sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck. She started typing in something and smiled back at him, "Well I can get you another flight for right now but it's gonna cost you more." He nodded in agreement as he took out his wallet.

He sat down and ran a hand through his hair as he waited to be boarded in. There was a little more people sitting and waiting for their late flight. He heard a soft sigh right next to him as he looked to see a her sitting next to him. She took off her headband and ruffled her blond hair. Her black tips in her layered hair seemed to be fading. Her tired blue eyes traveled to Jeremy's as she let out a yawn, "Going to London, are we?" she asked. Jeremy found himself speechless as he kept looking at her 'lazy/I slept in' attire. She wore a black tank top and some blue flannel pajama pants that matched her eyes.

"Aaabb..." he muffled out some words which caused Emily to laugh. Jeremy looked away for a minute before answering, "I take it you overslept?"

She nodded, "Yep." and then sighed, "Tis a shame...more money spent." a bright smile played on her lips, "Oh well!" she shouted cheerfully, "I don't have to spent the flight with these old people." she referred to the couple in the back who heard her. They both turned away and started snickering.

The intercom went off and informed them that their flight is now boarding. Emily stood up and nudged Jeremy for a race and to get the best seats before they're taken.

"What do you do?" he asked letting her take the window seat.

"Pardon?" she tilted her head.

"Do you run the cafe with your cousin/uncle?"

"Oh no no, I don't have a job, yet." she stated, "I used to work for a modeling agency with my mum. It paid me good money for it...real good money. And then just one day I got more into music and I wanted to study it but...I'm more of a business person!"

Jeremy raised his brow, "Modeling?"

"I don't model. I just help out my mum make some deals with pretty people. I was like around 14 when I helped...quite weird. I remembered some boys that cross-dressed." she made a face which led Jeremy snicker silently, "Well it was an 'in' thing, I guess?"

"How weird." he muttered as a lady passed by with a cart.

"Would you like anything to drink?" she asked.

"I'll have a root beer." Emily said with a brightened smile.

The lady handed a cup over and looked at Jeremy, "Would you like an alcoholic beverage?"

"Ugh, no thanks. I'll have the same as her." Jeremy replied with a dull face.

"Alrighty then." she gave him an ice-cold cup and attend to other people.

Jeremy shook his head, "And it's not even passed noon."

"Time is passing either way." Emily shrugged, "We are also to a different time zone, as well."

Jeremy sighed, "Yeah, but I already had too much for the past few days."

She set her cup on the little holder, "Oh? How come?"

"Things." he paused for a minute before looking at her blue eyes, "I was getting over someone."

She grinned and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Did that work out?"

He chuckled, "I guess so! I'm here aren't I?"

"Yeah." she took her hand away and grabbed her drink, "You're feeling better, right?"

He nodded, "Yeah much better and can't wait to see everyone else."

"Do you mind if I can hang out with you guys, too?" she gave him hopeful eyes.

"Of course! If Rob is throwing a party, then he would let you in." he smiled, "If not I'll make him."


"Yeah, you might know him. His name is...I think it's Pattinson?" Jeremy said as he was about to take a large gulp.

"Robert Pattinson." Emily muttered before gasping, "Hey! I know him! He was the little modeling boy!"

Jeremy choked which caused him to cough dramatically and at the same time...laugh?

"Bloody hell! Are you alright?!" Emily patted his back gently. Jeremy couldn't answer her as he tried to find some air, cough out the liquid that went in his lungs, and tried to fight back the laughter...which failed horribly.

"W-what did you say he was?"

Emily looked confused for a second before answering, "Oh um...he used to be a model?"

Jeremy started laughing more while Emily still had a puzzled look, "Why-?"

"Oh my god...that's so...that's so...." he looked up at her, "That's so....QUEER!"


"So, Heath, what are your plans for today?"

"Nolan told me I had to do an interview."

"Oh really?"

"Like two hours ago."

Terry snickered silently, "So, where's everyone else?"

"Filming non-Joker scenes." he yawned, "I wanna catch some Z's."

Terry looked confused for a second before asking, "Hey, weren't we supposed to be doing something today?" Terry gasped at the sudden realization, "Heath!" she woke him up, "Don't you know what today is?"

He looked at her sleepingly, "Uh..."

"Today is the day that...they're showing The Goonies on the idiot box!"

Heath looked spaced out before cracking a smile, "Hey, Terry, is Jeremy supposed to do...I feel like there's something missing."

She leaned on his shoulder, "Yeah, watch The Goonies." she turned on the tv and switched to the channels.

"No, I think it was...something about a guitar."

"Oh my god..." Terry muttered.


"They show The Goonies sometime around nine o'clock at night."
♠ ♠ ♠
lollipop, lollipop!
