Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Because...SHUT UP!

Rob opened the lid to a box that Tom gave him, "I don't get it? It's empty."

"I know." Tom snickered, "I have your present right here." he waved the gift card around, "I would give it to you but then I remembered back when we filmed Vanity Fair you pulled a prank on me when it was my birthday."

" I getting that gift card?"

"No, I'm just gonna rub it in your face."

"I never knew you could be a dick, Tom."

"I know you are but what am I?!" he shouted while running away.

"Asshole! Give me that card!"


The tv is broken...great! Just my luck! The clock strikes nine and this tv says 'No Signal!'. I groaned as I hit the side of it causing Heath to stir in his sleep.

"Nova, why are you throwing a tantrum?"

"Because this stupid idiot box won't work and The Goonies are on!"

"Oh..." he stayed quiet for a bit, "Why don't we go over to Christian's room? I'm sure his tv is working."

Then suddenly there was a knock at the door and Heath pulled himself up to answer it. Unexpectedly, it was Christian standing outside the door, "My tv went fuzzy! Is there a storm out?" he questioned.

But no the sky was crystal clear and bright with the stars and the full moon. Hm...maybe this hotel has a bad connection? No way.

I let out a sigh, "Now what do we do...?"

It was silent until Christian spoke up, "Hey guys! Wanna hang out, tonight?" he looked over to me, "It'll be like and adventure like The Goonies!" he said with a smile trying to cheer me up, "I'll play as Corey Feldman!"

Suddenly we were outside in London's streets and it seemed to get foggier, "Hey is it just me or are we in the bad side of town?" I hugged myself, "My tummy says that this is a bad idea."

I felt a arm go around my neck, "Not to worry, mi'lady! I will protect you!"

I looked around, "Heath, where's Christian?" he stopped as he looked around as well, "Uhh...huh? I don't know? He must've wondered off somewhere else-"


Heath jumped, "Terry?! What is it?!"

"This is just like that one movie with that one actor getting eaten alive by that one werewolf!"

"Terry, don't believe in that movie. Don't be like Jeremy!"

"But what if he's right?!"

Then there was a bone-chilling howl, "What the hell?!" I saw a person coming close to us while crouching.

Christian let out another howl, "Shut up, you vulture!" I shouted as he burst out in laughter, "Sorry! It just fitted the mood!"

He stopped laughing as there was another howl, "Christian!" I gritted my teeth as I narrowed my eyes at him. He shook his head, "Okay, that one wasn't me."

Shivers went up my spine as I grabbed Heath's hand, "That's it! I'm making a break for it!" I started running while dragging Heath along, "Over to the alley!"

"Hey! Wait for me!" Christian shouted.

"I think they got Christian." Heath whispered.

"Good!" I shouted as I leaned against the wall and Christian came in taking in deep breaths, "Now that wasn't nice!"

"Who are you?" this old lady asked who was creeping up next to Heath, who started to lean on me which caused me to lean back to Christian. "What is your name?"

"Tell her your name!" I whispered loudly to Heath.

"Why me?"

"Cause she's talking to you!"

He looked back at her, "Uh...Andrew...Phoenix."

I smacked him, "Ow! What?" he questioned.

"Your FULL and REAL name!" the old lady was starting freak me out as I smacked Heath again.

"Okay, okay!" he sighed, "It's Heath Andrew Rufus Gregory Fitzpatrick Peter Bob Ledger the Third."

"Really Heath?"

"Yes...errr..." then all of a sudden the floor didn't exist! We were falling as the floor just vanished!

"This is all your fault, Chunk!"

I gasped wide awake now, "That was a fucking bizarre dream!" I shouted not even knowing that Heath was sound asleep...well not anymore.

"Terry, are you alright?" he asked turning the lamp on. I hopped out of bed and turned on the tv...which wasn't working. Then there was the knock.

"I'll get it." Heath muttered.

"Don't! Leave him outside!"

The door revealed to be Christian, "Hey is your tv working?" he asked and I screamed.

"Terry, what's going on?"

"This isn't real! This is not happening! It was that dream!" I looked over to Heath, "You killed us!"

"What did I do?"

"You didn't say your name!" I ran under the covers, "I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here for the night!"

Christian looked at Heath with a puzzled face as Heath shrugged and sat down besides me, "Okay, we'll stay here." he said as he patted my back, "We won't go anywhere tonight."

I, then, heard another knock and felt myself tense up, "Whoa whoa whoa! No one is going anywhere tonight?! Geez, several weeks I'm gone and you guys are not having fun? Rob's birthday is today!" I heard Jeremy.

"Holy shit! I forgot about his birthday today!!!" Christian shouted.

I jumped up to see him standing outside the door with a smirk and Emily in her pajamas, "Hello! Hello! Terry, long time no talk!" she shouted, "As for you too, Mr. Ledger."

"Jeremy!" I shouted as I ran up to him.

"Terry!" he shouted back with open arms.

I struck his chest, "You mongrel! Next time you leave for some weird ass quest of yours DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take my guitar and then give it to Robert to make it seem like this was all just a suicide mission! You had me worried like a mother on tequila!" he wrapped his arms around me for a huge hug, "I missed you, too! My best best friend in the whole world!"

"Ugh, let me go, you swine!"


No!! I'm too young! Noo! I wanna play the violin!!

"And that's Tom, and Sam, and Marcus, and Bobby, and over there is Donny...who surprisingly came over to the UK." Jeremy muttered the last part.

"Hi Jerry!!!!" Donny shouted in excitment.

Jeremy shuddered before continuing, "Anyways, these are my friends, Emily, Batman, Aussie, and my good friend Terry!"

Tom, the blue-eyed, dark haired guy, smile brightened as he took Terry's hand, "So this is the lovely Terry Nova?"

I gave him a smile before slithering my hand out of his, "Yes, it's me." she chuckled, "And I take it your Rob's friend?"

"His partner in crime!" Tom stated proudly, "And he talks about you a lot." he nodded to himself, "He won't share your guitar, either."

Ilooked over to Jeremy and then at him, "Speaking of my guitar, do you know where it is?"

"Safe at his flat." Tom winked, "Let me go get the birthday boy for you." before I said anything else he was out of my sight. I walked over to Jeremy and nudged him, "'ve been hanging around with these guys?"

He nodded, "Yep, they're quite amusing." his face grimaced for a second as I asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." he leaned over to my ear, "But I think Donny fancies me in a way." he shuddered yet again as I stifled a laugh. Heath who was next to me whispered, "What's so funny?"

"Jeremy's adventures!" I giggled as I felt a smack from Jeremy on the shoulder. I pushed him playfully back, "That ain't nice!"

"Who said I was nice?" he pushed back which made me tumble against someone, who I capture from falling....this is familiar.

"Sorry, Rob, SOMEONE was being a douche."

"Hey! You're the one laughing at me!" Jeremy said with his arms crossed.

Rob straightened himself up, "Oh...and for a second there I thought you just liked to bump into people."

"Ha ha, very funny, birthday boy."

"ROBERT!! HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!!" I jumped at the sound of Christian's voice. Jeremy then let out a toothy grin and jumped Rob, "I reminded them it was your birthday!" Christian then joined in, "I knew it all along! I was busy today!"

Jeremy grabbed the collar of my shirt, "Get in and hug Rob."

"No, it's fine. I'll just stay-" he yanked me into the hug as I fell into the three boys and then along came Emily and then the sound of Tom's voice, "Hey! Why wasn't I invited?! Scooch over!" and then a few others...I'm pratically suffocating. I was squished between Jeremy, Christian's elbow, Rob, Emily's shoulder on my stomach...I think she's falling, and I think one of Rob's friend's is stepping on my foot.

I ducked my way out of the little mob and grabbed Heath's arm for support, "You left me in the groupie hug." he kept chuckling as I tried to regain my composure.

"So how did it feel?" Heath asked in amusement and got a playful glare as an answer.

I went over to one of the stools and sat down next to Jeremy who was with Emily, "So...Jeremy."

"So Terry." he grinned.

"Welcome back, my friend." I said professionally before laughing, "I'm not gonna lie but I'm glad your back and okay!"

"Yeah, I know." he grinned mischeviously, "Now come and give King Jeremy some love!" he said with open arms again.

I laughed before ruffling his hair and showing him his drum sticks, "I'm made sure they were out of danger." he took them and smiled, "Thank you, Terr."

Emily cleared her throat, "It seems that everyone is enjoying the slow songs." she stated as I looked over the dance floor that was filled.

"Shall we dance?" I heard Emily asked as I looked at the both. Jeremy looked over at me before grinning, "Yes we may." he said before heading over with Emily...and then I noticed Emily was still in her flannel pajamas. I went back to Heath and Christian who were with Rob's other friends, Sam and Marcus.

"Is Jeremy getting busy?" Heath asked.

"Yeah." I chuckled.

"I guess he likes to explore?" Heath asked as we watched Jeremy from afar.

"Yeah, that's Jeremy. Trying to get lucky in the school dances." I said with a smile as my eyes traveled towards Rob who was by himself at the bar, "Don't know about the birthday boy." I stated, "Looks like he had a bad day."

"I thought the hug was good enough." I heard him chuckle.

We stayed silent for a few minutes while Christian was talking amongst us. I sighed loudly as I stood up, "I'll go talk to him." it bugs me when people aren't happy.

"I'll be waiting." Heath said with a smile as I kissed his cheek before walking towards the limey with my hands tucked in my pockets. I ordered a drink before leaning against the counter next to him.

"Got you something." I said pulling out some sunglasses from my pockets. He smiled before taking them.

"I thought you'd dump them somehwere." he said letting it hang on the collar of his shirt.

"Of course not." I took a sip from my drink, "So, are you enjoying your birthday so far?"

"It's just an ordinary day...only I'm a year older and everyone treats me like if I were special." he chuckled, "People pay extra attention to me today."

I scoffed, "You make it seem like no one cares." I chuckled to myself as I cooled off my throat with an ice.

"My mum cares." he chuckled as he opened a can of Diet Coke and drank from it which made me had a sour look.

"How can you like the taste?" I asked.

"What? Diet Coke? It's good."

"No it's's terrible."

"The best thing you can drink! I love it." he said as he took another gulp, "Why don't you like it?"

"Cause it takes the flavor away and it just leaves you with...uhh...that gas thing." I answered as he shook his head, "You don't know what your missing."

"EXACTLY!" Tom shouted, "You guys are busy blubbering about stuff and you guys missed the epic dance fight thing! Rosy Lee vs Emily! I'm not gonna lie but the blond chick was damn hot!"

I looked over to Rob, "Who's Rosy Lee?"

"Uhh that'd be Donny." he grinned.

"The gay dude that keeps hitting on Jeremy?" I questioned which led the two Brit's into fits of laughter.

I looked over to Jeremy who was running towards me and then attacked me with a hug, "Jeremy, your heavy if you haven't noticed and I'm gonna fall!"

"But Donny wants to dance with me!"

"Then why not stay with Emily or another random chick you would find?!"

"Because...SHUT UP!" Jeremy looked over to Donny, "Why not dance with Rob?!"

Rob ran a hand through his hair, "No, I don't know how to dance....sorry."

"Bullshit, limey! I saw Goblet of Fire ten thousand times!"

"Jeremy, that's different!" I said as I looked over to Donny, "I'll dance with you, Rosy Lee." I grinned.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, "Alrighty!"

"See? He means no harm!" I snickered at Jeremy as I left the group.

"Wait...but Terry, he hits on women too!" Jeremy shouted as Tom and Rob looked shocked, "WHAT?!"

"I was just...kidding."
♠ ♠ ♠
omjc....I cleaned my closet O.O
hahaha xD

xDDDDD Okay, just wanted to get that out of my system from this booooooooooooooooooring state of mind.
Yesterday has been very eventful...other than running outside with a baseball bat xP god it was hot that day and they ran out of coke x[ I had to drink my mom's hot diet coke which I spat out and went hunting for water xP

I jst barely noticed that it's Monday already!...and it's already August! thing I know I would be at school xI