Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?


"Robert, don't be a dick!"

"What? You're the one who's cheating!"

"No! It's a draw!"


"Draw, douche bag!"

"Quit calling me names! You're hurting my feelings!"

"It's fun, limey boy!"

Terry sighed as she shuffled the cards and Jeremy just shook his head, "You guys act like total five year olds." he looked at Rob, "I believe you're worst than me."

"Oi! Nova!" Heath called out.

Terry handed over the cards to Jeremy, "Your turn! Duty calls!" she grinned at him before skipping away.

Jeremy took out some money out of his pocket, "I bet you twenty bucks that I can beat you in Texas Hold 'Em." he challenged.

Rob smirked, "Fifty."

"I'm not rich."

"Fine." Rob took out a twenty.


This week is our last week before we take off to Hong Kong and then come back home around June to finish. But then Heath had to do some photo shoots about his character for Warner's. And once they're done with the movie, I get to finally start recording some demo tracks.

"Terry, remind me to give you the monthly paycheck...I tend to forget." Nolan said as I rolled my eyes, "Well, that explains a lot!" Heath had caught me in a headlock, "Sh! Never shout at the Führer!"

"Heath! Off! Off! Off!" I started to giggle as he kept tickling my sides. I tried to pry him off but he wouldn't budge as he kept me locked in place.

"Uh...excuse me?" a guy cleared his throat and stood awkwardly infront of us.

We both stopped and looked up at the man infront of us. His dark almost medium length hair flowed in the wind as his piercing blue eyes staring at us.

"Hi." I said sheepishly as Heath regained his composure.

"I was wondering if you were Terry Nova." I noticed he didn't have an accent from here. I'm assuming he's from America...huh vacation?

"Um yeah that's me." I said as I gave Heath a puzzled and an unsure look.

"Awesome." he smiled, "I just wanted to say that I think you're great on stage. I recognize you from that club back in LA."

Oh wow...I got a compliment from a complete stranger. Well besides Emily, "Heh, thanks mister. I'm surprised you recognized me."

"Oh! Where are my manners?!" he blushed a bit as he extended his hand, "They call me Jrdeo."


"Jereo?" Heath asked confusedly as I am.

He chuckled, "Yeah it's a long story. It's pronounced Jerr-dee-oh."

"Oh, I see." I shrugged while thinking...I guess?

"Well you know I'm Terry and this is my bondage partner, Heath." I fought back a laugh as I wrapped my arm around Heath.

Jrdeo shook his hand, "Oh, Heath Ledger.” He said as he recognized him, “So who's the dominant one?"

"She is on the weekends." Heath answered with a chuckle,"And we're the kinky couple to use fuzzy handcuffs." I finished the joke with a grin.

Jrdeo kept on chuckling, "That's funny." he uttered out while snickering, "Well I hope I get to see you-"

"You're leaving? Just like that? No number?" I questioned.

"Hey why not eat with us for lunch?" Heath asked, "We just got our lunch break."

"That'd be cool! Can I bring over a friend and my brother?" Jrdeo asked as I nodded, "That's great." his hand took out his phone, "Where are we going to..."

"Oh it's this cool sushi restaurant over there and...and fortune cookies!!!" I shouted excitedly with a huge smile.

"Perfect! I'll see you there in thirty minutes. I need to pick up my brother." he said before he left jogging.

"What a nice guy." I said.

"What a weird name." Heath grinned.

"Technically...they call him that."

"Right. Right."

I walked over to the losers table and see a triumphant Rob and a disappointed Jeremy, "I'm gonna regret asking this but...What the hell?"

"Jeremy lost at Texas Hold 'Em." Rob bluntly said with a smirk.

"It was a lucky win!" Jeremy shouted.

I rolled my eyes, "It doesn't matter, you're not good at the game either way." Jeremy glared at my statement and protested, "Yes I am!"

"Anyways, we met a new friend and we're gonna eat with him and his brother." I told them.

"Am I invited?" Rob asked.

"Of course you are!" I pulled him up, "Before Jeremy starts throwing spitballs at me from across the table!"

"Now that you remind me..." Jeremy smirked, "I'll be glad to do it!"


"Terry, Heath!" Jrdeo said happily as he looked over the two, "And guests!" but then he recognized the drummer, "Oh! It's Jeremy."

"Yep, and this our friend, Rob." I introduced him to Jrdeo.

"Right and this is my older brother, they call him Sanneo." his brother looked at him weirdly and Jrdeo muttered 'play along'. I keep wondering...these guys look familiar.

"I was thinking the same thing." Jeremy whispered in my ear as we all took our seats. I leaned over to his ear, "What do you think?"

"They're papa-spies!"

"What?!" I questioned.

"Terry?" I heard Jrdeo.

"Yes!" I smiled.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I looked at him, then at Heath who kept fighting a grin, then at Rob who wasn't paying much attention, and then at the waitress who was waiting, "Yeah sure," I snapped out of it, "A coke."

"I'll have the same." Jeremy told her.

"Very well then." she smiled and moved over to Rob, "And what would the fine gentleman want?" she asked him moving slightly closer to him.

I'm assuming he was in another world since he didn't respond, so my hand traveled across from Jeremy to pinch his stomach which caused him to jump. Jeremy snickered as I withdrew my hand.

"So you guys from here or...?" Heath asked to start a conversation.

"Well..." Jrdeo thought, "We are in vacation." he finally said with a nod. His brother did the same, "Yeah around Europe."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah we'll be going to Italy after this." Sanneo said.

Jeremy was in deep thought as he kept staring at the two...maybe figuring something out. Heath tapped on my shoulder to get my attention as he whispered, "Hey, do you know this band-"

"Here are your drinks!" I jumped at the sound of the waitress' voice.

Jeremy smiled as he got his and Jrdeo asked, "So...what are you guys doing across seas?"

I looked at Heath to see if we can tell him about The Dark Knight and he seemed to trust the guy for not to leak anything, "Well Heath is filming and I'm there to assist and Jeremy is just a tag-a-long."


"And we found Rob in an orphanage." I finished as the waitress gasped...she's still here?!

"Oh my god! You poor thing!" she told him, "It must be terrible without having any parents."

Rob shifted around his seat awkwardly and put up a frown, "Yes, I was all by myself." he muttered out sadly.

Jeremy snickered silently and he got a glare from the waitress, "Shut up, Jeremy! That's so rude of you!" I snickered as well.

Jrdeo was quite amused as he looked at the waitress, "So can we order?"

She snapped out of it, "Oh right!" and then it seemed that she has fallen in a dreamy state as she looked at him, "Hi." she said helplessly as I rolled my eyes. This may take a while.

After that, Rob wanted to switch places with Jeremy but I don't see the point since the waitress has moved on to Jrdeo. I don't blame her. He is quite attractive but not enough to make your knees quake everytime you speak to him. Jeremy pushed Rob's head to whisper to me, "That's because you love someone else!" he smirked as he let go of Rob.

I grabbed Rob's head and pushed it to the front to whisper back, "Can I at least think to myself for one minute?"

Jeremy did the same, "Fine!"

Rob smacked our hands, "What happened to passing notes?!"

"Got a pen?"

Heath cleared his throat as he leaned onto my ear, "As I was rudely interrupted by the waitress." he began with a chuckle. I felt his breath on my skin which sent chills, "There's a band called 30 Second To Mars that are on tour, do you know them?" he asked as he kissed my temple.

Just then I heard Rob coughing...well more like choking. Jeremy raised a brow as he patted his back, "Maybe you should let the ice melt or chew it before swallowing it."

"Sorry." he muttered.

"Well, well, well!" a new voice shouted out. Almost sounding like...

"Christian?" Jrdeo asked in shock.

"My buddy, Jared!" Christian said having a huge smile, "And Shannon! My god, it's been forever!" he said as he hugged the surprised duo.

Honestly, is it just me or does Christian know everybody?

"Heath! Terry! This is where you've been!" he chuckled, "Mind if I join?" he asked.

"Not a problem, mate!" Heath chuckled.

"Sorry, I've been caught up with Nolan and all and...Jared! How's it going?! How's your band?"

"AHA!" Jeremy shouted, "I so knew it!"

"Surprisingly, I figured it out as well." I told myself as Rob looked at us in confusion, "What are you guys talking about?"

"It's 30 Seconds To Mars."
♠ ♠ ♠
Y'know what got me upset?
This update would've been out if I weren't so stupid and forget to copy and paste the chappy. Cause as soon as I hit the submit button >clicky< it said PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND!!!
So yeah...whoops! I had to start over from scratch xD
Yes, it had to take me almost two weeks for two updates xP plus I was busy with something else >.<
Second update will be up after these messages!
I found JRDEO in a Youtube video sometime ago and it went to Jared Leto. I thought it was cool lol xD