Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

Relaxation Is The Key


"Ay! Nova! How have you been?" he said cheerfully as he gave me a hug when I entered the room.

"Good, um whats going on?" I asked looking for Heath but all I found was a familiar face I've seen before.

He had jet black hair which was long, well not longer than Heath's. He also had a bit of mustache growing...someone forgot to shave this morning?

"Oh where gonna take Ledger to do some 3D image scanning, wanna come?" Nolan informed me as I kept my eyes on that other person.

Then it hit me, "Hey! It's Bruce Wayne!" I blurted out as he looked my way and chuckled along with Nolan.

"Oh, let me introduce you guys." he said motioning to...the guy that plays Bruce, "Nova this is Christian Bale." thats his name! "Bale this is Terry Nova."

I shook hands with him, "Hello..Bale." I smiled.

He grinned, "Call me Christian." along with a wink.

I chuckled a bit and turned my attention back to Nolan's question, "Um sure I'll go," I answered seeing that I got nothing to do since I lost Jeremy on the way here.

"Alrighty then. We'll meet you guys outside." he said walking out with Ba- Christian.


I turned to see Heath with a water bottle, "Did'ya get my medication?"

"Oh right!" I handed him the bag that I was holding, "I just met the guy that plays Bruce Wayne." I said with a grin, "Nice."

"I can see that." he chuckled as he chugged the water making an relief sound at the end, "So shall we?" he asked putting the bottle down.

I nodded and followed right after him.


"This looks like a huge version of Knight Rider." I said as Heath came back from the whole scanning thing. The huge Bat truck was across the street from the hotel so we didn't really go anywhere.

"I know, thats what I thought when I was inside. You should see it." he said taking me by the hand, unexpectedly, "Come on, I'll show you," he said as we went inside. It had all these machines and gadgets, it felt like Star Wars in a way.

"I never done one of these high tech stuff before." he said, "Its crazy."

"Well, there's always a first, haha." I looked around, "Do you think we can mess with some stuff?" I asked sounding like a 5 year old.

"Well sure but if you break it you buy it, now I don't think you want to go through that again." Nolan chuckled, "You'd end up with Ledger for a lifetime."

I groaned, remembering Preston's big machine. Heath heard me and took it the wrong way, "Tired of being with me, already?" he asked letting go of my hand...huh forgot he had it.

"No, just the memory of.....the big piece of junk that murdered my guitar." I sneered as Nolan barked in laughter.

"Sorry Nova, I just found the humor in it after our deal." he apologized and patted my back, "I'm sure you'll get a new one! Once you paid for the damage, though." he snickered.

Christian came in, "Oh? It was you that damaged Preston's hummer?" he asked me.

"Yeah that big thing you rich people call." I grinned a bit.

Someone called Nolan saying they have to go and stuff, "Well fellas, you have a good night and we'll see each other..." He thought for a bit, "Soon." he grinned and ruffled my hair before leaving.

"Well it was nice meeting you, Terry." Christian nodded.

"You too, Mr. Wayne."

He laughed before leaving. I turned to Heath who had his eyes closed.


He slowly opened his eyes and smiled down at me, "Sorry, what happened?"

I giggled, "Time for bed, sleepy head."

"hmm, yes. Sleep...sleep is good." he yawned and began to walk towards the hotel or more like almost limping.

"Haven't gotten any sleep?"

"Sometimes." he muttered as I kept following from behind making sure he won't tumble down.


"Yep." he said putting a hand on my shoulder, "Not a friendly fellow."

"Wrong, its your best friend." I muttered as he gave me a look.

"Insomnia shows you a peaceful quiet world," I took in a deep breath, "You just have to sit back and relax."

He didn't say anything else as we headed back to the room.

[2:34 am.]

I hit my head on the bed side table and groaned. The light was on towards the sink area and Heath was awake. I watched him taking in a.....

"What are you doing?!" he jumped and caught the tablet.

"Christ Nova, don't do that." he mumbled as I snatched away the not familiar pill bottle and read it.

"Sleeping pills? Didn't I say to relax?"

"Believe me I tried doing that for the past-" I grabbed his ear and he stopped.

"Take a deep breath."

He did what he was told.

"Now do you hear this ringing sound?"

He nodded as I let go of his ear.

"How about now?"

He shook his head.

"Okay now give me that pill."

"Why are you doing this?" he questioned.

"To prove that people don't need this....this.." I looked at the sleeping aid pills, "to help them sleep."

He gave in and placed the pill down before lying down on his bed and sighed, "Nova what if it doesn't work?"

"Trust me, this works my mom hired this sleep therapist and lets just say I took some mental notes."

"Your mom had insomnia?"

"...No it was me." I looked at the bottle that was next to the sink along with his medication for pneumonia, "I did the same thing you were doing to help me and when my mom found out..she..." this may sound weird...slightly, "she slapped me and called me an idiot."

He arched an eyebrow and I started massaging his neck and collarbone, "Sooo were you going to slap me too?"

"No..I don't know why she did that." I yawned, "Now shush..try to relax." I ordered as he chuckled before taking deep breaths.

"99.....98.....97....96......" he whispered, "ninety...five....ninety..." He shifted his head towards one of my arm.

"Ledger?" I whispered, ".....Heath?"

He gave out a low snore and I grinned triumphantly, "Told ya, boss." I slowly took my arm away from his head that was leaning on it and replaced it with another pillow.

I yawned as I turned off the lights and heard a low meow from Jack who was stretching, "What? Want me to give you a massage too?"

He rubbed against my leg, "Jack...go to sleep."
♠ ♠ ♠

Jesus, I need a massage too! This stress is killing me neck!
Oh well, I'mma go listen to Beckett singing.