Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?


To where your dearly limey starts off the chapter...

I nuzzled my head on the pillow half-awake and not wanting to get out of bed. The sun rays poured onto my eyelids as I let out a groan. There was a knock at the door and if it's Tom with his morning routine of wanting my coffee, I'm gonna kick his arse if he knocks again.

"Oi! There's a rejection letter in your mailbox but I guess it's already ripped it to shreads! Also there's your monthly, yearly bill and your insurance isn't covering!"

"For God sakes, Tom! Would you let me sleep in for once?!"

"Well gee! Let me go and bother Sam then! Besides! It's three in the afternoon, you lazy cunt!"

I let out a frustrated groan as I sprint out of the covers to answer the front door. I see Tom with a smirk and his hand full of mail, "Let's eat."

It's been awhile since I went out with a couple of friends or just Tom. I've been busy with two films for the past three months. After all that of diet coke and cereal boxes I need to work more on, I guess, getting healthier food and pay some bills.I guess two movies that I've finished would work right? won't be enough, yet. It can last for a while but it won't help much.

"Just go and look for one more or maybe go back and be a model! Hey...weren't you saying that you wanted to try and be a musician?"

"Yeah, I'm still thinking about that."

"Well life won't wait for ya! I betcha Terry is making it big in America!"

Then it clicked, "Tom! Your a genious!"

"Well it's about time you see my skill level is quite higher than yours!"

"No! I still think I outrank you!"

"Excuse me, Mr. I need more money for diet coke?!"

"Shut up and get back on the subject! Maybe I'll go over to America!"

"And do what?"

"Find something to do there and while I'm at it, visit the two misfits!"

"Whatever you say." he shrugged, "I'll go to the land of opportunity with you!"

"Then it's a deal!"

"Yerrp! We'll find ya a good boost in your career! Here's to diet coke!" he lifted up his drink.

"and golden grahams!"

He chugged his drink and let out a satisfying sigh, "So...what do you think Terry is doing?"


"Lookin' good! Marvelous! Oh! No wait! That is THE sexy pose!"

"Jeremy if you continue with your rambling, then I'll officially call you my gay drummer."

Jeremy stopped and shot glares towards me while I triumphantly smirked and kept watching Heath and his Joker poses.

I couldn't wait to see the movie! They've finished filming and now I want to stand in line for tickets.

"So when's the movie gonna be out?" I asked Heath as he was done with the photoshoot. Though, I don't think he wants to get out of that clown costume...if only it were Halloween.

"Hm...." he pursed his lips, "Till next year."

"What?!" I yelled, "That'll take ages! It's not even December yet!"

"Geez, Terry! Why not call the movie fairy to hurry it's ass up!" Jeremy said with his arms crossed.

"Shut up, Jeremy!"

"Not to worry, my love! The date will show up before you know it and you'll be sitting in the huge theater at the premiere with me right by you!" Heath said with a huge smile and then looked at Jeremy, "And we'll let him stand in line to get the popcorn."

"Hey!" Jeremy shouted.

"That sounds like a great idea!" I grinned then stuck my tongue out at Jeremy.

"You guys suck! What ever happened to only picking on the limey?"

I rolled my eyes, "Now don't be immature, Jeremy. Rob doesn't mean any harm."

"Hah hah...right." he grumbled something inaudible.

"Oh! And you can buy some sour punch as well..." Heath nodded to himself, "I'm starting to like those candy straws."

"Buy your own snacks!" Jeremy shouted.

By the end of the photoshoot we were stuck in traffic with a green-haired Aussie, "I'm thinking of keeping it like this." he said with a smile.

"What if some random director calls unexpectedly and says that they want you for their part?" I asked him as I kept messing with the radio.

"Then I'll make sure the character's hair is green." Heath answered.

"SHREK!" Jeremy shouted from the backseat as he appeared between us, "Jeremy, do you want us to get pulled over?"

"Terry, were stuck in this 5 o'clock traffic line! It's gonna be awhile."Jeremy paused, "I call monopoly!"

"Heath, doesn't have the board game in his car."

"Are you suuuuure?!" I looked at Jeremy as if he were a crazy then sighed and asked Heath, "Do you have a board game to entertain this ADHD kid?"

"I may have checkers on my phone." he suggested.

Jeremy nodded, "Checkers' good."

I looked at Heath's phone which had about three missed calls. Probably where he was busy with the photoshoot. I made a mental note to let him know later.

"Terry, I want to be red."

"Whatever just play!"


"Rob, why in the hell are you reading a bible?" Tom arched an eyebrow as he sat next to his best friend on a plane.

"Because I don't want to know that I'm on a plane...I am sitting on the couch in my parents house and reading about Job." Rob bit his bottom lip as the plane barely moved, "Have we landed, yet?"

"Rob, we're still here...some lady forgot her bag or something." Tom explained as Rob frowned, "Y'know what? Just wake me up when we get there." he said as he pulled a blanket over him.



"The flight has been delayed for about thirty minutes or so."

"....son of a bitch."


"Snackity snack snack!" Jeremy kept singing this PB&J song in the kitchen while I hear a little ringer going off. No one hears it, though. Am I going crazy?

"Heath, do you hear something?" I asked him as he kept staring at the tv which showed the food channel, " stomach." he muttered as he gazed onto the sizzling stake on a pan, "That looks scrumptious."

"I meant a ringing noise." I stated while listening to the tune again but it was gone.

"Snackity snack snack!" Jeremy walked in with, it looked like, a waffle sandwich filled with peanut and jelly. He handed me Heath's phone, "I think someone was calling but I don't know...I was too busy making myself some food." he said as he took a chomp of that waffle, "This is pretty good!"

I looked down on the phone to see more missed calls. Seriously has Heath checked his phone lately? I went to the recent calls list to see Nolan has been calling along!

"Snackity snack snack!"

"Heath!" I shouted, "Nolan keeps calling you on the phone!!!"

"Oh right! He told me earlier that you have to meet him up!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"


"Ugh! I'll be back!" I said as I got the car keys.

"Dont be late for dinner!"


"Such big houses." I muttered as I drove past Jeremy's uncle's house. I pulled up right next to Nolan's fancy mailbox and walked up towards his front door. I stopped to see a familiar expensive, shiny, clean, looks new Hummer H3. It looked exactly like Preston's car..."Wasn't the windshield broken?"

"Yeah it was but the insurance company accepted the 76,000 dollars that you earned." Nolan stated as he stand infront of his door.

"Wait a minute...does that mean-"

"Yes, you paid your part and I got my new car and hopefully you didn't bring another guitar." Preston grumbled as he stood next to Nolan.

I gasped, my mouth hanging wide open. It seemed like if it were just yesterday I broke his windshield and took Nolan's life changning job to take care of this celebrity who became the most important person in life. I looked at Nolan in surprise and then at Preston, who looked a bit annoyed. At the same time he fought a smirk. I was done. The whole deal was done! I'm done!

I squealed happily as I crushed Nolan with a hug, who in return hugged back. As soon as I released him, I tackled Preston, who was a little taken back but then patted my shoulder. "And here is your bill." Nolan handed me a check, "Now don't go crazy."

I looked at the money and smiled, "Don't worry. I know what to do with this money." I smiled at the two men. Nolan nodded at me, "I'll see you, soon."

I drove back to my old neighborhood to where I used to live, "Mom, I owe you and I'm very sorry for being a lazy ass and not giving a care about helping you so...this is yours." I said as I gave her a check, "It's for you and Sid."

"Oh! Terry! Just look at you! You've matured!" she crushed me with a hug as I couldn't breath, "You're welcome."

Sid came in and stared at us both weirdly, "Can I have an Xbox?" he asked and then looked over to me, "Hey! Have you told Heath?"

I chuckled, "Nooo. Not yet!" I couldn't wait to do that! Oh, wait till I see the look on his-

"Hey, Nova, fetch me some water!" Heath smirked from the couch.

"What are you doing here?!" I questioned and then it was my turn to smile, "You can't tell me what to do anymore!"

"Is that so?"

"This calls for a celebration!" Jeremy, of course, chirped happily, "Oh and your mom picked us up cause Heath already knew that you paid back Preston's car." he informed.

"And for the past day with the photoshoot you've been telling me to get you starbucks?!" I asked.

Heath shrugged, "I wanted to make the moment last."
♠ ♠ ♠
woop woop! No one was bothering me today and my mom gave back this healthy laptop!
I got all these ideas and crunched it up to this update...enjoy!

sorry if it sucks xP
but anyways this story is now "On Air"!